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Inclusive Designing & Specing

Jasmine Rosen

May 2019


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  • Introduction
    • About me
    • Gauge your knowledge
      • Learning Objectives
  • While Designing
    • Why is this important?
    • How do I do it?
    • Time for practice
  • When Specing
    • How to use these Sketch symbols
    • Time to practice
  • Final Check

A checklist ensure you did your part as a designer


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About Me

I am a product designer at SurveyMonkey. I “fell into” accessibility stuff and my work led to the creation of the a11y task force.

    • I work 20% on accessibility

    • Once I “fell in” my passion grew

    • I did a lot of research & a11y work for SurveyMonkey
      • SurveyMonkey is thinking about these things, and taking action.


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Let me hear from you

Finger voting: What is your level of accessibility knowledge?

1. This is my very first encounter with

accessibility and design

2. I’m just starting this journey

3. I know the basics

4. I’d consider myself more advanced

5. I’m an expert!


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Your thoughts

When you hear “Accessibility” what do you think of?

Shout it out!


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Before we get started

This is NOT an empathy workshop

  • I am assuming we don’t need to build empathy

  • We’re diving right in

  • If you have any questions, please free to stop me


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Learning Objectives

You will be able to:

  • Avoid accessibility common errors while designing.

  • Spec designs to cover critical accessibility issues.

  • Check your shipped design work to ensure you (and your developer) did what you could to build inclusive product or feature.

Note: This presentation only covers things that are YOUR responsibility as a designer, not the design system or developer tasks.


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While Designing

What are the top 3 things you are

responsible for checking?


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1. Use multiple sensory inputs to indicate important information


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Why is this important?

While a red border may seem obvious to some people, it may not even register as different to others.

Ask yourself: Is color relied on to display state for any critical information?

Tool: Use Stark Sketch plugin to simulate different types of color blindness


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Best practices

Use more than one of the following to reinforce clear communication of the content:

  • Color
  • Images
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Written word
  • Visual location
  • Orientation
  • Sound


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How do we fix this error message?

Combine color with a symbol and/or text


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How do we fix these card states?

Increase the border thickness/pattern, or add a shadow


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How do we fix these links?

Add an underline to indicate it’s clickable


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2. Consider non-text contrast*

*This should be in your design system, but I’m adding it to this list because it’s new to WCAG 2.1


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Why is this important & what are the best practices?

Low contrast controls are more difficult to perceive, and may be completely missed by people with a visual impairment.

  • Make sure you have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent colors for the following elements:
    • Important graphical information
    • Focus indicators
    • Any interactive components (buttons, form fields)

Tool: Use Color Contrast Analyser Sketch Plugin to check color contrast


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How many need to be fixed?

None, one, two, or more?

Settings Icon Focus Indicator Check in checkbox

Carousel dots Menu arrows







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How many pass the criteria?

None, one, two, or more?






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How do we fix this?

Rearrange colors, put a line between columns

Don’t forget to not rely solely on color - overlay a pattern or use text / a shape


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Before we continue…

We talked a lot about designing for the visually impaired, but...

designing for accessibility is how to give everyone access.


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Let’s take a look at different assistive technology

Some people navigate by using a keyboard due to a temporary or permanent mobility impairment, or they may just prefer the experience.

89.2 % of screen reader users reported using a screen reader due to a disability, leaving 10.8% open to interpretation

-WEBAIM 2017 survey


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3. Make it easy to get to what’s important...with multiple access routes & or shortcuts


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  • Great! I can tab to my destination...in 50 strokes. It may be accessible, but can you really call that usable?”
    • Something I imagine a user might say


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Success example

Costco does a great job at this! When you get to costco.com and click tab, this shortcut comes up! Way to go Costco!

81.6 % report using skip navigation links when available

-WEBAIM 2017 survey


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Best practices

Ask yourself:

  • How many clicks/strokes does it take to get to important info? Can you simplify the user flow, or use a keyboard shortcut?

  • Did I really think through all the possible entrance points to reduce typing and scrolling? Check your task flow and JTBD to make sure a user can get to their destination from all their situations.


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Also consider

Ask yourself:

  • Did I hide anything behind a hover? Do not make a path appear temporarily only when the user’s cursor hovers over a page area.


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While Specing

What are the top 3 things you are responsible

for including?


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What is it?

  • Documentation for developers to accurately implement your vision

What does it look like?

  • It comes in whatever form works best for your team. This is my offering to you. Tweak as needed.

Why is it important?

  • Don’t leave it open to interpretation. Good documentation is powerful.

  • Spec doc


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Here’s what we’ll use:


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1. Label and the specify order of the page layout


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Why is this important?

Scenario 1:

Imagine you are trying to purchase a book on your preferred e-commerce site. Once on the book’s landing page you don’t even realize it because the screen reader starts reading at the bottom of the page---Eek!

Reading order matters!


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“It is really not just the fact that reading the content, it is also about navigation. We have to discover the page and that is the most time - consuming problem. Once you know where you are, what you are reading, then it’s usually fine.”

-Hadi Rangin, expert user of screen reader software


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Why is this important?

Scenario 2:


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Step 1:

Group the page into areas called “landmarks”.

Assign, order, and name.

The general structure is pretty straight forward...

Banner (Global Nav)

Content Info (Footer)




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Landmark structure

Next to or nested inside can be:

Banner (Global Nav)

Content Info (Footer)



  • Section

  • Header

  • Navigation (breadcrumb or pagination)

  • Form

  • Search


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Let’s practice

Banner (Global nav)




Content info (Footer)

First we group and assign the landmarks





Side navigation


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Let’s practice










After assigning the landmarks, we order them

Side navigation


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Let’s practice

Once ordered, we assign a label

  • Avoid using the landmark role as part of the label
  • No two landmark:label combo should be the same










: side navigation

: global navigation

: footer .

: content

: image carousel

: video player .

: subscribe

: resources

Side navigation


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How this works:

Allows for quick navigation...and

manipulation of the order the page

80.6% report using landmark to navigate a site

-WEBAIM 2017 survey


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How to use Sketch symbol stamps and spec doc template


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Exercise #1

Work with your partner for this one.

Banner (Global Nav)

Content Info (Footer)



  • Section

  • Header

  • Navigation

  • Form

  • Search


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How’d you do?



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Step 2: Assign hierarchy and label text for headings

Each page has structure to it:

Note: WDS heading numbers are associated with the look of the text. Use this sketch symbol to indicate hierarchy for screen readers.


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How this works:

Skimming using Headings



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How this works:

Headings Menu

67.5 % of screen reader users’ primary way to navigate on a lengthy site is through headings

-WEBAIM 2017 survey


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Exercise #2

Work with your partner for this one.

Assign label text and hierarchy

  • If an area begins with a text, use it as the label
  • If an area does not have a heading element, make one
  • Having two H1’s (Site page and main content) is common


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How’d you do?



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Check it

Ask yourself

    • Do you specify which content goes in which landmark?

    • Do you specify the content order for landmarks?

    • Do you specify the name for the landmarks?

    • Do you specify headings and heading levels?


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  • Headers:
    • Allows “jump to” sections, but the read benefit is the hierarchy it provides.

  • Landmarks:
    • Allows “jump to section”, but the real benefit is how it guides your developers to correctly order the page


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2. Specify focus order


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Why is this important?

Users often navigate a site by tabbing through interactive content.

...Let’s not leave it up to chance.


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Exercise #3

Use your keyboard to navigate a webpage page, any webpage

Tool: Use Chromelens to trace your tabbing sequence


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What was your experience like?

  • Did anything surprise you?

  • Was it easy to understand which element was in focus?

  • Were you able to access everything on the page?

  • Are you able to perform all the commands a person using a mouse might be able to?


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How to fix it

You can define the order with numbers...


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Another Example


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And another one...


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And more...


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Or with flow lines…

...but they should not be left open to interpretation.


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Exercise #4

Work with your partner for this one.

With the same sketch file from Exercise #1, use stamps to define the order of interactive elements.


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How’d you do?


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What to check for?

Ask yourself:

  • Does your flow follow natural reading order (left to right, top to bottom)?
  • Do you specify where the focus should go after the final screen interaction?
  • Do you specify where focus moves when the element in focus disappears?
  • Do you show where the focus returns after cancel/close/destructive action?
  • Do you show how shortcuts skip and/or return to main navigation?
  • Did you specify any unique keyboard controls (arrow keys rather than tab, shortcuts, etc.)


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3. Labels: Consider non-visible screen reader text*

*If you have a UX/UI copy writer, you’d want to partner with them on this


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Why is this important?

Imagine trying to go down a list, not knowing there are 308 items. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that before heading down that path?

75.6 % reported they exclusively rely on screen reader audio.

-WEBAIM 2017 survey


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Exercise #5

Work with your partner for this one.

  • Plug in headphones

  • On one computer, turn on your screen reader by opening system preference → Accessibility → Enable VoiceOver.

  • Person 1: You are in the driver’s seat. Load up the first ecommerce site that pops into your head. Try to navigate through the webpage using “Tab.”

Pay close attention to what the screen reader says, and what additional context would be helpful to know along the way.

Person 2: You’ll have your turn next so just observe until I tell you it’s time.


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What is the experience like? �

  • First of all, was the page in a logical order?

  • What are some things screen readers tell you?

  • Anyone have examples of insufficient context needed to understand the actions you could take?

  • Did you get any unnecessary context-like decorative images?


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Best practices

Labels provide additional context for a user to properly interact with the content.

If you think something could use a little more context than what a screen reader would read, add it!

If you think it shouldn’t include screen-reader text, indicate that.


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Exercise #6

Work with your partner for this one.

Screenshot a page you listened to. Use the Sketch symbol stamps and spec doc to write in any text that can provide helpful context to your user.

Tool: Use Awesome Screenshot plugin to easily screenshot an entire webpage


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Exercise #6

Things to consider:

  • Do all these elements have alternative text?
    • Captions and a text transcript for embedded videos
    • Loading states
    • Charts and graphs
    • Icons (should be in WDS)
    • Valuable images
  • Which decorative images should not have alt text? Specify images that may be disruptive to a user using a screen reader.
  • What other information could be helpful for the user to gain context? (For example, knowing the size of a list before tabbing through it could be helpful before going through a massive list.)


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Final Check

Did you and your engineer do your part

to build an inclusive product?


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Basically, the tools to check a shipped product are different from tools you use in Sketch...


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Download checklist here

Includes the necessary tools & questions to conduct the following tests:

  • Color contrast test
  • Keyboard tabbing test
  • Screen-reader test

  • If you are designing responsively: Screen magnification test & orientation test
  • If you are designing for mobile: Gesture check


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Thank you!

I would LOVE to hear your feedback so I improve this talk!


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Downloadable resources in this folder!


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While Designing


What are the top 5 things you are

responsible for checking?


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4. If you are designing responsively, think about responsiveness & orientation


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Why is this important?

  • Some users have their electronic devices fixed in a specific orientation

  • Users with low vision will often change display settings within a browser to increase text size, override the font, adjust line spacing, paragraph spacing, and the color scheme for all pages.

→ Responsive design is necessary to allow for reflow—that is, the reflowing of content to fit the width of the window.


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Success example

Go to https://www.dta.gov.au/ and try it yourself!

  • Hold down “Cmd” and Press “+” to zoom in and “-” to zoom out
  • Change the size of your browser by dragging


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Best practices

Ask yourself:

    • Does your design force your user to rely on a specific screen orientation?
    • Can you limit the amount of horizontal scrolling? If you require users to scroll vertically and horizontally—scrolling controls might not be visible if someone is zoomed in on the page.
    • Can your designs support up to 400% zoom?
    • If a user is using a screen magnifier, can they increase text spacing without truncating, overmapping, or overrunning text?


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5. If you are designing for mobile, make sure you have simple, not complex gestures


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Why is it important?

Why not keep it simple and easy to use?

  • Simple gestures are easier than complex ones

  • Hiding important content and functionality behind complex gestures just seems silly, doesn’t it?


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What’s the difference between simple and complex?


    • One finger tap
    • Double tap
    • Long press


    • Swipe
    • Tap and drag
    • Tracing a path
    • Pinch to zoom
    • One finger hold and second finger tap.


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Success example

Google does a good job of this in Maps!


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Best practices

Ask yourself:

    • If the gesture is complex, can you provide an alternative, simple gesture to access the same content or controls?
    • Is there a cancel or undo function for a drag and drop?


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Note: Cognitive Success Criteria is now included in WCAG 2.1

Learn more here