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Numbered Heads Together

with a


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Number off

In your breakout rooms number off 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Type your name on the sticky note then rename yourself with that number and your name.

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Numbered Heads Together Game

  • On a piece of paper, you will have 2 minutes to try a problem on your own.
  • You will then go into breakout rooms for about 4 minutes. Share your thinking with your group and come to a consensus on your jamboard. Be sure your work is neat and organized.
  • When time ends, you will be forced back to the whole group. We will announce a number and a code word (such as type you favorite barnyard animal). That numbered person will type the code word in the chat as fast as they can.
  • The first person to enter the code word, gets to share their answer (by unmuting or in the chat). If they are right, their team gets a point.
