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Art Challenge

Spring 2020

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About the challenge

To have a bit of a different approach. I wanted to create a variety of art challenges to see what you as students could create. You do not have to do all of them but can if you would like. Each challenge will require a variety of different materials.

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The challenges

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Drawing Challenge

See how many of these drawing ideas you can complete.

  • Draw your family
  • Draw your pets (if no pets draw the ones you would like to have)
  • Draw a picture of where you live
  • Go outside and draw what you see
  • Draw what you want to be when you grow up
  • Arrange a collection of objects with some items from around your house and draw it
  • Draw your favorite place
  • Draw a character from a book
  • Draw an imaginary creature you create
  • Draw an imaginary place

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3d Sculpture challenge

Gather materials in your house that would typically be thrown away and see what type of sculpture you can create.

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Art History Challenge

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Art history challenge


Spend some time looking at famous artwork and find one you like.

Here is a link to the Cincinnati art Museum online collection.



Make your own version of that artwork. It doesn't need to be made with the same materials. Don’t focus on an exact copy just an interpretation of the art.

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Photography challenge

Take Pictures

With permission borrow a camera or a phone. See what kind of photos you can take They can be of people, nature, animals, etc. Your choice!

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Email me your art. I’d love to see it.
