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Cardiovascular Craze!

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Which Exercise Activity (Jump Rope,

Running, or Bicycle Riding) Elevates

Your Heart Rate the Most?


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The purpose of this experiment is to determine which exercise activity (jump roping, running, or bicycle riding) elevates your heart rate the most. Heart rate is how many times your heart beats in one minute (bpm). During exercise, your heart pumps faster to send more oxygen to your muscles. In this scientific investigation, I want to know what kind of exercise gives me the most cardiovascular workout possible. I play sports a lot, but never go for a specific muscle. I now want to know what can give me the best cardiovascular workout possible.


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A determining factor of heart rate speed is which activity uses the most muscle power, because the more force in the muscles make them demand more oxygen. When you exercise, your muscles need energy. Your body produces ATP, a chemical energy molecule. In order to produce ATP, your body needs oxygen. That is why you need more oxygen while exercising. Running seems to use more muscle force than jump rope or bicycle riding because you keep pushing your whole body weight every two or three seconds. If I run, then my muscles will demand more oxygen, which will increase my heart rate.


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(1) Machine that measures heart rate

(1) Stopwatch

(1) Comfortable sports short

(1) Comfortable sports shirt

(1) Pair of sports shoes

(1) Bicycle

(1) Jump Rope

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  • Put on appropriate exercise clothes.
  • Put on a machine that measures heart rate (Fitbit, Apple Watch, etc.)
  • Grab a stopwatch and a person to measure how long you do the activity.
  • Go outside and run at a fast speed for 15 minutes.
  • Measure your heart rate every five minutes.
  • Record your results.
  • Repeat steps 1-6 with a bicycle instead of running.
  • Repeat 1-6 with a jump rope instead of running.
  • Repeat steps 1-8 two more times.

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Independent Variable: The type of exercise activity

Dependent Variables: How fast my heart rate is.

Controlled Variables: The same person exercising, the same amount of time doing the activity, and the same terrain.

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Data (Bicycle)


0 min

5 min

10 min

15 min

Bicycle Trial 1

97 bpm

112 bpm

163 bpm

178 bpm

Bicycle Trial 2

99 bpm

134 bpm

140 bpm

147 bpm

Bicycle Trial 3

92 bpm

125 bpm

158 bpm

171 bpm

Avg. Max Increase: 69.33 bpm

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Data (Jump Rope)

Avg. Max Increase: 92.67 bpm

Jump Rope

0 min

5 min

10 min

15 min

Jump Rope Trial 1

97 bpm

180 bpm

189 bpm

190 bpm

Jump Rope Trial 2

96 bpm

175 bpm

183 bpm

188 bpm

Jump Rope Trial 3

93 bpm

180 bpm

180 bpm

186 bpm

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Data (Running)

Avg. Max Increase: 87 bpm


0 min

5 min

10 min

15 min

Running Trial 1

97 bpm

174 bpm

181 bpm

182 bpm

Running Trial 2

98 bpm

174 bpm

180 bpm

184 bpm

Running Trial 3

93 bpm

179 bpm

181 bpm

183 bpm

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After completing the investigation, the data showed that bicycle riding showed an average max increase of 69.33 bpm, jump roping showed an average max increase of 92.67 bpm, and running showed an average max increase of 87 bpm. When I did all the activities, jump roping did increase my heart rate the most. My hypothesis was incorrect. When analyzing the data, I can conclude that jump roping is the better cardiovascular workout. If you want the best cardiovascular workout, then you should jump rope.