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Apollo 11 was the first mission to land people on the moon! The Apollo program lasted from 1962 to 1972, comprised of 17 missions. This program inspired the public to explore our lunar neighbor and taught NASA how to overcome gravity to safely land on and return from the moon. Before sending future human missions to the moon, NASA launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in 2009 to collect information about the moon. Learning more about the moon's surface, atmosphere, and environment can help future astronauts visit the moon again and remain on the moon longer!

Foam shapes

• Foil square

• Googly eyes

• 2 index cards

• 2 pipe cleaners

• Small Box

• Spoon

• Таре

� Power Source

Communication to � NASA team

Light and Images




Diana Benner dbenner.org Special thanks to the Girlstart program. tcea.org

�You have been hired by NASA to join a team of engineers to create a LRO prototype. NASA need your help to explore the moon's surface and environment. Design a compact orbiter to travel in space to record the moon's images, temperature, radiation, and more. Remember, be creative and have fun!

Photo Credit: https://lunar.gsfc.nasa.gov/

What is the name of your LRO?


�What is the favorite part of your design?


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  • The LRO needs "eyes" to see the terrain on the moon and what the surface looks like. �What devices can you add to the LRO to help NASA "see" the moon? �______________________________________________________________________________
  • It is very dark in space! LRO uses radars and lasers to detect the amount of different types �of light shining from the Sun onto the moon's surface, some of which aren't visible to the human eye. �What can you add to the LRO to detect light? �_____________________________________________________________________________

  • Temperature can tell us a lot about an environment. It can help us find things important for survival �like ice or fire. What device could we add to the LRO to measure temperature? �__________________________________________________________________________
  • Earth has layers of gases in our atmosphere to protect humans from high levels of radiation, �but the moon does not have an atmosphere. Radiation is extremely harmful to humans, so �do you think you should measure radiation on the moon?�__________________________________________________________________________

  • NASA sent the last manned mission to the moon in 1972, called Apollo 17. It has been years since someone has walked on the moon!
  • The Apollo 11 mission made Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first men on the moon. They explored the surface for a little over 2 hours. The astronauts on the Apollo 17 mission spent the longest amount of time on the moon - 75 hours (3 days)!
  • The LRO was launched in 2009 to explore the moon for one year NASA has extended the mission and the LRO is still collecting and sending data to NASA with updated technology and processes.
  • The LRO is powered by solar panels that send energy to its lithium battery, and it uses fuel to move around. It communicates to NASA using an antenna with radio waves and stays on course by locating �itself using a star tracker.
  • The LRO houses an array of equipment to take images of the moon and collect data on �temperature, radiation, hydrogen, thermal mapping, and more.

Diana Benner dbenner.org Special thanks to the Girlstart program. tcea.org

  • The LRO needs energy to run. It can use fuel, batteries, or alternative energy sources like �solar power. How will you power your LRO? How will it move around?�_________________________________________________________________________________
  • When the LRO records data, images, and readings, it must communicate the information back to NASA. �How will your LRO send information? �__________________________________________________________________________