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Conda-forge: the boomerang meme

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conda-forge stats

  • ~7,500 packages
  • ~1,500 contributors
  • Supported platforms:
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • Mac OS X
    • ARMnew
    • PowerPCnew
  • Python, R, C, C++, FORTRAN, Go, Rust, Haskell, etc.

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Complete dependency graph

  • 7,500 nodes (packages)
  • 49.476 edges (dependency relationships)

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Conda-forge goals over the past year

  • One stop shop for packages (including for science)
  • Easier maintenance for package authors*
  • Interoperability with packages provided by other channels*
  • Streamline continuous integration (CI) services*

* These are part of the ESIP Lab incubator.

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Easier maintenance with auto-tick bot

  • Scans several sources for new releases
  • Opens pull request to update
    • Package version
    • Update feedstock boilerplate
    • Does not update metadata (yet)

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Towards interoperability

  • Adopt conda-build 3
    • Python “noarch” packages: one package for all the Pythons and platforms
    • Multiple outputs from one build recipe
    • Better abstraction of toolchain and requirements
  • Upgraded compiler toolchain to more modern compilers: rebuild almost everything, in the right order
  • Solution: improved auto-tick bot that
    • Determines which packages need rebuilding
    • Determines build order
    • Opens pull requests in proper order

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Towards streamlined CI usage

  • Lag from opening or merging pull request to completed build and tests
  • Potential cost for large rebuilds
  • Limited build capacity
  • Maintenance burden for three CI services��
  • Solution: Azure pipelines

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  • Additional optimization of conda
  • Package size reduction
    • 1.8G current total pangeo env size
    • ~295 MB (16%) is due to static libraries that are not used!
  • GPU packages
  • More packages for Aarch64/PPC64LE
  • + Python 3.8
  • - Python2.7
    • No packages will be removed
    • New conda-forge builds for Python 2.7 will end
  • More automation to update package metadata