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Problem Statement

Mental health problems are on the rise, but current treatments have certain drawbacks...

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Target Audience

Mental health patients who find it a challenge to talk about their problems to medical professionals due to a variety of reasons including:

  • Long delay between event and consultation
  • Lack of comfort/trust
  • Limited/Expensive Psychotherapy sessions


Mood Disorders

Generalized Anxiety



Social Anxiety

Bipolar Disorder

Personality Disorders





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Current Measures


Expensive and infrequent

Social Support

Emotionally draining for friend, and might not always be available.�Societal Stigma.

Self help

Trapped in a negative headspace & unable to self-diagnose symptoms

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Dr Rosalind Siah

-Senior Lecturer at Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies

Prof Kua Ee Heok

-Professor in Psychiatry and Neuroscience at NUS

-Ex-CEO and Medical Director at Institute of Mental Health

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Market Analysis

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Initial Market Sizing (Singapore)

Total Addressable Market (TAM)

According to the 2016 Mental Health Survey, 1 in 7 Singaporeans have had mental disorders at some point in their lives.

TAM = 5,700,000 Singapore Citizens / 7 = 814,000

Serviceable Available Market (SAM)

WHO: 20% of people with mental health issues seek help

SAM = 0.2 x 814,000 = 160,000

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)

Conservative Estimate of 10% Market Capitalisation:

SOM = 0.1 x 160,000 = 16,000

TAM: 814,000

SAM: 160,000

SOM: 6,000

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Potential Market Sizing (Global)

TAM: 792,000,000

SAM: 356,400,000

SOM: 35,640,000

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Market Positioning

Active Feedback

Passive Feedback

Traditional Clinical Mental Health Services

Social Support (friends, family, etc)


Traditional Clinical Mental Health Services

Frequent &


Infrequent &


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Our Inspiration

Articulating internal emotions can be a tremendous form of relief for the patient, and can help boost confidence

Emotional Debugging

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Meet the Litmus Box

A video journaling toy with emotion detecting AI

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Product Description and Features

Computer Vision A.I. that evaluates facial expression to understand user’s emotions

Built-in camera

On-board Raspberry-Pi for emotion detection

Built-in microphone

Evaluates emotions and transcripts to detect strong feelings or outbursts and flag them for medical professionals

Makerthon 2019 1st Runner Up

NHouse Pitch Night 2nd Place

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Value Proposition / USP

Recount their daily events, and express their emotions freely

Helps patients become more aware of their emotions

Evaluates emotions to detect strong feelings or outbursts

Daily �Vlogging

Emotional Debugging

Advanced �Analytics

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Data Provided to Medical Professionals

Helps to zoom in on key issues

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Proposed Business Model


Box will be sold to clinics, where psychiatrists can prescribe it as complementary treatment

Research Institutes


Off the shelf purchases at healthcare retail shops

Potential Revenues

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Market Approach & Strategy

  • Introduce our friends to the product, to test its effectiveness
  • Introduce pilot project with medical institutes to gather data on product’s efficacy
  • Roll out and get more medical professionals on board
  • Pitch idea to relevant agencies and increase awareness of product

Stage 1 (Initial)

Stage 2 (Long-term)

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Our Team

Wei Boon

Zuo Ming

Sing Hui

Y3 Computer Science

NOC New York Batch 14

M1 Scholar

Y3 Chemical Engineering�Global Engineering Programme�Founder, Max’s Computers

Y3 Civil Engineering�President, Kent Ridge Hall�BCA-Industry iBuildSG Scholar

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TAM: 814,000

SAM: 160,000

SOM: 6,000

Market Sizing:


An A.I. video journaling device for mental health patients


Emotional Debugging + Complementing Clinic Visits

Business Model:

B2B: SaaS with clinics

B2C: Retail sales

Future: Anonymised Data Monetisation

Problem Statement:

Mental health problems are on the rise but current treatments have major limitations

Target Audience:

Current patients who are undergoing treatment but find them ineffective due to drawbacks

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.

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Any feedback?

