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Think about what you saw.

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What questions are you interested in investigating?

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What is a Big Idea we should think about?

What is this science unit all about?

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What do you think?

Question: Do you think it will snow in San Diego again this December?

Think about it for awhile and share your ideas with your classmates.

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What do you think?

Some people think that it will snow in San Diego this December because it snowed there in December before.

Other people think that there is no way it will snow because it doesn’t snow in California.

Which idea do you support? Or do you have any other ideas?

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Idea 1 - It snowed before

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Idea 2 -It doesn’t snow in California

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Talk to your classmates about what you know right now.

Listen to other ideas and think about how they might work or not work.

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Now it is time to write down your thoughts

  • It is fine if you are not sure right now.
  • It will require more work to learn the right answer.
  • Just think about what you know and be open to learning more
  • Write down your ideas in your thinking log.

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It’s time to do some research!

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  • Scientist who study climate have to watch patterns over long periods of time.

  • If strange weather happens (like snow in the summer) scientist don’t change their understanding of climate.

  • Weather is hard to predict, but climate is the study of changes over long periods of time.

*Adapted from National Science Teachers Association (https://www.nsta.org/about/positions/natureofscience.aspx)

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What do you think?

Question: Why isn’t it cold in all places during the winter?

Think about it for awhile and share your ideas with your classmates.

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What do you think?

Some people think that is warm in some places in the winter because it is always sunny in that place.

Other people think that it is warm in the winter because of the location of the place

Which idea do you support? Or do you have any other ideas?

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Idea 1 - It is cold in some places and warm in others during the winter.

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Idea 2 -It is cold everywhere in the winter.

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Talk to your classmates about what you know right now.

Listen to other ideas and think about how they might work or not work.

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Now it is time to write down your thoughts

  • It is fine if you are not sure right now.
  • It will require more work to learn the right answer.
  • Just think about what you know and be open to learning more
  • Write down your ideas in your thinking log.

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It’s time to do some research!

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  • Scientist who want to share their research with the world have to go through a process.

  • Real scientists don’t go on youtube or Facebook and tell everyone they are right and everyone else is wrong.

  • Real scientists share their work with other experts and they decide if they followed all the proper steps and if their conclusions make sense.

*Adapted from National Science Teachers Association (https://www.nsta.org/about/positions/natureofscience.aspx)

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