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Pleuni Pennings:

The SCIP Coding Program

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PINC summer



& part-time

SFSU Coding Programs Ecosystem

Minor in computing

20 - 40 students / year

Certificate in Data Science and Machine Learning for Biotech

Data Science Certificate

30 grad students

Part time coding and research

30 students / year

Part time coding

130-160 students

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4-min video about SCIP

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1. Part-time

2. Flexible (4 time options)

3. Not graded = not scary

4. Immersion style (you never code alone)

Why (I think) SCIP works

“Initially, I thought it is going to be unproductive but it turns out to be one of the best programming experience[s] I had. �The immersion REALLY helps.”

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1. Part-time

2. Flexible (4 time options)

3. Not graded = not scary

4. Immersion style

5. Structured meetings

Why (I think) SCIP works

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1. Part-time

2. Flexible (4 time options)

3. Not graded = not scary

4. Structured meetings

5. Immersion style

6. Build community

Why (I think) SCIP works

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1. Part-time

2. Flexible (4 time options)

3. Not graded = not scary

4. Structured meetings

5. Immersion style

6. Build community

7. Trust our volunteer team leaders

Why (I think) SCIP works

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About team leader Himanshi Jaswal

Undergrad in Cell Molecular Biology

Coding experience: none

Leadership experience:

teach in an after school program and

sales team leader at Macy’s.

This Python team met from 7-9 PM M-Th

6 students on the team

Daw Moua

Emma Taylor

Ariane Dayco

Salma Mendez

Himanshi Jaswal

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Most participants feel supported

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1. Part-time

2. Flexible (4 time options)

3. Not graded = not scary

4. Structured meetings

5. Immersion style

6. Build community

7. Trust our volunteer team leaders

8. Relevant content (e.g., bio/public health)

Why (I think) SCIP works

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1. Part-time

2. Flexible (4 time options)

3. Not graded = not scary

4. Structured meetings

5. Immersion style

6. Build community

7. Trust our volunteer team leaders

8. Relevant content (e.g., bio/public health)

9. It is scalable – � We plan to expand to include more non-SFSU students in the future

Let me know if you want to talk!

Why (I think) SCIP works

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Dr Bin He in Iowa is using our materials to run a SCIP-like program

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Thank you!


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Future plans

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How far did SCIP participants get in the online classes?

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Who joins SCIP?