
VAWG Report Lauch

Together we can call out crime

and protect women and girls from harassment and abuse.

January 2023


A major new survey and report, commissioned by the charity Crimestoppers, has shed light on general attitudes to sexual harassment and the age at which victims are targeted.


Of those that responded, around one in six people who answered said their first experience of sexual harassment in a public place happened when they were aged just 10 or even younger.

The report, by the University of Suffolk, follows the impact of the #MeToo movement against sexual abuse and harassment. Crimestoppers has also launched a national campaign today to challenge attitudes and encourage reporting on those responsible.


Crimestoppers is working to raise awareness of what violence against women and girls is, and how we all have the power to stop it.

Our response is to offer individuals a way to speak up

with information on the criminals behind the harassment and abuse,

100% anonymously.


Tackling violence against women and girls.

What is VAWG?

Violence against women and girls is behaviours which are committed primarily, although not exclusively, by men against women. It includes incidents related to domestic abuse including controlling or coercive behaviour, rape and other sexual offences, stalking, harassment, so called ‘honour’ based abuse, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, child sexual abuse, modern slavery and human trafficking focusing on sexual exploitation, prostitution, pornography and obscenity.

Who is most at risk?

Around one in six participants’ (16.8%) first experience of sexual harassment occurred when they were aged 10 or younger (3.7% aged 0-5, 13.1% aged 6-10). The report does detail how sexual violence impacts all genders and age groups – however it disproportionately affects younger women and girls.

Our new campaign aims to inform and educate through the results of the survey, and to drive people to report what they know about the criminals behind sexual harassment by using our unique anonymous reporting service.


Educate. Solve.

Support. Prevent.

Our campaign is taking a comprehensive approach to raise awareness and drive reporting on crimes associated with violence against women and girls, as well as working with our partners to signpost to support avenues available for victims.

Educate the public on what VAWG is and the impact it has on our communities.

Messaging will seek to help solve VAWG by targeting audiences who may have information on suspected individuals and behind it.

By targeting awareness messaging and highlighting the warning signs at potential victims and those close to them, as well as professionals in industries that may be able witness the harassment, we seek to help prevent future victims from falling victim to criminals.


How you can support us.

We’ve developed a suite of social media assets which you can download, print or share with your network, Click below to download the following:

  • Set of square format social posts (1080px x 1080px)
  • Set social posts (1200px x 628px)
  • Social schedule and template messages.
  • Two videos to share across social media.

Click to view and download

Alternatively, follow us and share our campaign posts on: LinkedInFacebookTwitterInstagram to help us amplify our campaign messaging to new audiences.

The campaign landing page sits here: �crimestoppers-uk.org/VAWG-Report-Launch

To learn more about our campaign, please contact:



We believe everyone has the right to feel safe from crime, wherever they live, wherever they work, for ourselves and all those we care about.

But sometimes people might be worried about a crime, or something that’s wrong, and want to pass on information. Which is why it’s good to know they can always trust Crimestoppers.

We’re an independent charity that gives people the power to speak up and stop crime, 100% anonymously. By phone and online, 24/7, 365 days a year.

No police contact. No witness statements. No courts.

Every year we help stop thousands of crimes.

Support us to help make communities and work places safer together.


Breaking the wall of silence since 1988.