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Writer’s Workshop


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Writer’s workshop expectations


Golden silence


Everybody writes


When you think you’re done, you’ve only just begun!


What do these expectations mean to you?

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The Writing Workshop Process



If you have time leftover, review your work. Make any spelling fixes or content changes you want. Be sure to add a matching picture!


Each day, you have a prompt. It might be specific, or it might be a free-choice write! Stay on topic, and get started right away.


Begin with an introduction. Talk about the characters & setting! Then explain what events happen in the story.

This will take up most of your Writer’s Workshop time & it’s the most important step!

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Writer’s Workshop is all about practicing your skills to become a better writer.

No matter where your writing skills are now, we can always use our workshop time to grow!


Place your screenshot here

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What are some ways we can use our time wisely during Writer’s Workshop?


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One topic

Focus on one story a day. Choose the characters, setting, and plot to match!

If my prompt today is about superheroes, should I write sentences about what I did this weekend?


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Add Details

Use most of your time during Writer’s Workshop to tell as much as you can about what is happening!

What’s better: “I’d fly.” or “I would fly so that I can visit all my friends no matter where they live & carry them into the clouds!”


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Use your senses to write more about what it’s like to be a character in your story.

What do you see?

What do you hear?

What do you smell?

What do you taste?

What do you feel?


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Draw a Picture

When you think you’re all out of ideas and details…..try drawing a picture!

Sometimes, what you imagine doesn’t come out in words like it does in drawings.

So draw your story, and reflect on what you drew! Perhaps there are more details from your picture that you haven’t written about yet.


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Let’s write!

Use the next 15 minutes of Workshop time to meet these expectations and work wisely! Follow today’s prompt:

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?