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Skill: Communicating Honestly

Telling the Truth

Today, we'll learn about why it's important to always tell the truth.

Grades: PreK


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What do you think will happen next?

Instead of hiding the broken toy or running away, Maria went to her friend and said, "I accidentally broke your toy car." Her friend was upset but appreciated Maria's honesty. They worked together to fix the toy and Maria promised to be more careful next time.

Maria was playing with her friend's toy car when it slipped from her hands and broke.

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Why is it important to tell the truth?

⭐ People will know they can trust you.

⭐ You won't have to feel bad because you told a lie.

⭐ You won't have to worry about people finding out that you lied.

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Telling the truth means saying what really happened, even if it might be hard or if you made a mistake.

When you tell the truth, you're being honest and showing people that they can trust you.

Step 1: Tell the truth.


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Sometimes, when we're scared or worried about getting in trouble, we might be tempted to tell a lie instead of telling the truth.

But telling lies can make things worse and hurt other people's feelings.

If you catch yourself about to tell a lie, stop and think. Remember that it's better to tell the truth, even if it's hard.

Step 2: If you're about to tell a lie, stop.

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Try to tell the whole story as best as you can.

That way, everyone can understand what happened and work together to fix any problems.

Tell the whole story even if you're embarrassed or worried about what might happen.

Step 3: Tell the whole story.

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  • Tell the truth.
  • If you're about to tell a lie, stop.
  • Tell the whole story.

During snack time, Aisha accidentally knocks over her cup of juice, causing a spill on the table.

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During free time, Max is trying to build a tall block tower. When he goes to the bathroom, Noah bumps into the tower and knocks it over. Noah thinks about telling Max that someone else knocked it over.

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  • Tell the truth.
  • If you're about to tell a lie, stop.
  • Tell the whole story.


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During a game of tag, Arya pushes Josh on the playground. Josh falls down and starts to cry. The teacher asks Arya what happened.

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  • Tell the truth.
  • If you're about to tell a lie, stop.
  • Tell the whole story.


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During a class party, Mateo takes more cookies from the snack table than he was allowed. The teacher notices the missing cookies and asks the class who took them.

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  • Tell the truth.
  • If you're about to tell a lie, stop.
  • Tell the whole story.


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During art time, Jake doesn't finish his painting because he gets distracted by chatting with his friends. The teacher asks Jake why he didn't finish his painting.

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  • Tell the truth.
  • If you're about to tell a lie, stop.
  • Tell the whole story.


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