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District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Meeting

October 3, 2022


Equity, Access, and Family Engagement

Dr. Oscar Macias, Director

Ms. Sandra Espinoza, Coordinator

Ms. Veronica Rubalcava, Title III Teacher Specialist

DELAC Board Members

Annie Samuelian, President

Maribel Hernando, Secretary

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Meeting Protocols

  • Mute your microphone unless speaking to the group
  • Sign in to meeting by typing your first and last name in the Chat, along with your child’s first and last name and school
  • Type questions in the chat (in English or your preferred language)
  • The DELAC Meeting is being recorded.

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Call To Order

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Elementary Teacher Specialists

Balboa Martha Dreyfus mdreyfus@gusd.net

Cerritos Sylvia Galvez-Grado sgalvez-grado@gusd.net

Columbus Houri Keuroghlian hkeuroghlian@gusd.net

Dunsmore Sara Hanes shanes@gusd.net

Edison Wendy Rios wrios@gusd.net

Franklin Roxanne Ouweleen rouweleen@gusd.net (Assistant Principal)

Fremont Tiffany Hirdler thirdler@gusd.net

Glenoaks Elizabeth Tamez etamez@gusd.net

Jefferson Ben Dionisio bdionisio@gusd.net

Keppel Sara Hanes shanes@gusd.net

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Elementary Teacher Specialists Continued…

La Crescenta Martha Dreyfus mdreyfus@gusd.net

Lincoln Jessica Isco jisco@gusd.net

Mann Chris Burt cburt@gusd.net

Marshall Natalie Yahiayan nyahiayan@gusd.net

Monte Vista Jessica Isco jisco@gusd.net

Mountain Avenue Elizabeth Tamez etamez@gusd.net

Muir Patricia Anderson panderson@gusd.net

Valley View Tiffany Hirdler thirdler@gusd.net

Verdugo Woodlands Monica Hilario mhilario@gusd.net (Assistant Principal)

R.D. White Melineh Hambarsumian mhambarsumian@gusd.net

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Middle School Teacher Specialists

Roosevelt Anita Arjoyan aarjoyan@gusd.net

Rosemont Anne Reinhard areinhard@gusd.net

Toll Anna Yegiyants ayegiyants@gusd.net

Wilson Nare Hakobyan nhakobyan@gusd.net

High School Teacher Specialists

Clark Magnet Estine Shahverdian eshahverdian@gusd.net

Crescenta Valley Anne Reinhard areinhard@gusd.net

College View- Corkie O’Rourke ko'rourke@gusd.net

Daily Marta Kmbikyan mkmbikyan@gusd.net

Glendale Sarah Kleinberg skleinberg@gusd.net

Hoover Naeiri Policky npolicky@gusd.net

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  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Approval of May 2022 Minutes
  • District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Scope & Purposes
  • Nomination of Officers
  • GUSD Career and Technical Education
  • English Learner Services Overview

Purpose, Parent Notifications, Identification, English Language Development (ELD) Instruction, ELPAC Assessment, Reclassification, Monitoring

  • Title III English Learner and Immigrant Student Program Review
  • District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Representative Training
  • Questions and Input from Families
  • Future Meetings- December 13,2021 Via Zoom
  • DELAC Feedback Form

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DELAC Scope and Purpose

The DELAC’s purpose is to advise on the development and implementation of the educational programs and services for English Learner students at the District level.

  • Development of master plan for English learners
  • Conduct a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis
  • Establish a district program, goals and objectives for programs and services for ELs
  • Develop a plan to ensure compliance with teacher and instructional aide requirements
  • Review and comment on GUSD’s reclassification procedures
  • Review and comment on written notifications required to be sent to parents & guardians
  • Review and comment on development or annual update of LCAP
  • Training for DELAC members
  • Consolidated Application developed with review and advice of DELAC

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Please take a moment to complete the nomination form for DELAC members who you would like to nominate for President and Secretary . Remember these are two year terms. All names will be taken into consideration, and we will vote on a new President and Secretary during our next meeting on December 3, 2022.

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Career Technical Education

Dr. Christin Molano

Coordinator, College and Career Division



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Career and Technical Education

What do we do?

We help to prepare ALL students for college, career & life success with multiple pathways opportunities, to ensure students find their purpose and have a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

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Career & Technical Education Programs Overview



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Career & Technical Education Programs





High School Pathways across 12 industry sectors


Middle School Pathways across 12 industry sectors

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GUSD Innovative Programs

Early College Academy (ECA)

@ Hoover High School

Application open for current 9th grade students

Cloud Computing & Computer Science Academy (CCCS)

@ Glendale High School

Application open for current 9th grade students

Application open for current 9th grade students

GUSD Virtual High School

Online College & Career Academy (OCCA)

Application open for current 8th & 9th grade students

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Dual Enrollment


Dual Enrollment is an early college enrollment opportunity allowing students to take college classes. Student can take free college class online, hybrid or in-person and earn college and high school credit at the same time.


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Student Internships & Work-Based Learning Opportunities


Glendale Unified School District is preparing all students for college, career and life success. Providing students with the opportunity to connect academics to the world of work will increase students' motivation and career readiness.

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  • Collaboration with Verdugo Jobs Center, GCC, and The Glendale Tech Week organizations
  • Learn about various STEAM related internship/job opportunities from a diverse group of company organizations
  • Virtual workshops on resume building and interview tips


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Contact Information:

Dr. Christin Molano


(818)241-3111 X1633

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English Learner Services Overview


  • Support students as they acquire both conversational and academic English language proficiency
  • Honor heritage, language, and culture
    • Dual Immersion
    • World Language Programs
  • Ensure student success in core academic classes
  • Ensure student competitiveness in college admissions and world employment markets

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English Learner Services Overview


  • Home Language Survey
    • To be completed only once in a student’s TK-12 career
  • Welcome Center
  • Initial ELPAC
    • Novice-EL Program
    • Intermediate-EL Program
    • Initially Fluent-No EL Program
  • Students who are identified as EL are administered the Summative ELPAC annually in the Spring
  • Identified EL until all Reclassification Criteria are met

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English Learner Services Overview

Parent Notifications:

  • Initial Parent Notification Letter
    • to inform parents of their child's identification as an English learner or initially fluent-English proficient student

  • Annual Parent Notification Letter
    • to inform parents of their child's continued identification as an English learner

Please connect with the teacher specialist at your school site. He/she will be happy to go over the information with you.

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English Learner Services Overview

English Language Development (ELD) Instruction:

  • Designated ELD Time
    • Based on English Language Development Standards
    • Emphasis on Academic Language
    • Benchmark (K-5)
    • Springboard (6-12)
  • Integrated ELD Time
    • Throughout the day and across all disciplines
    • Teachers use strategies to support language acquisition as well as content knowledge

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English Learner Services Overview

ELPAC Assessment:

  • Initial ELPAC
    • Taken only once in student’s TK-12 career

  • Summative ELPAC
    • Taken annually by all students identified EL
    • Based on English Language Development standards
    • Monitors language acquisition progress of our ELs
    • Computer-based

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English Learner Services Overview

Reclassification (GUSD Board Approved):

Four criteria for reclassification are required by state and federal policy. A student must meet all 4 criteria to be eligible for reclassification.

  • Summative ELPAC

Overall score of 4 (required by State Board of Education)

  • Summative Alternate ELPAC

Overall score of 3 (required by State Board of Education)

  • Comparison of Basic Skills



MAP Growth Assessment


  • Teacher Evaluation


ELD Descriptors

  • Parental Consultation



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Alternate Summative ELPAC Reclassification

Per the 2022–23 English Language Proficiency Assessments for California Information Guide:

For Criterion 1, Assessment of ELP

LEAs must use the Summative Alternate ELPAC results as the primary assessment of ELP. LEAs shall use Overall PL 3 as the determination that a student has met the ELP assessment criterion.

For Criterion 2, Assessment of ELP

LEAs must use the student’s classroom performance information that is based on the student’s IEP goals for academic performance and ELD per EC Section 56345(a)(2) and 34 CFR Section 300.160(a).

For Criterion 3, Assessment of ELP

LEA staff, inclusive of IEP team members, will initiate consultation with parents or guardians regarding their child’s ELP status, present the data that indicates the student is ready for reclassification, and encourage them to participate in the decisions during the reclassification process. Every effort should be made to provide opportunities to consult with parents or guardians. These opportunities should include, but are not limited to, in-person, phone, or virtual meetings.

For Criterion 4, Assessment of ELP

LEA staff, inclusive of the IEP team, identify local or state alternate assessments to determine whether the student has reached the level of proficiency to meet alternate academic achievement goals that demonstrates the student has recouped any deficit while learning English.

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English Learner Services Overview


  • RFEP Monitor Progress for 4 years
  • Recent data analysis (i-Ready) shows reclassified students demonstrate higher growth performance in Reading and Math than their non-EL peers

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Title III English Learner and Immigrant Student Program

Title III- is a federal fund to supplement services for the core ELD curriculum instruction that takes place in the classroom.

The purpose of Title III is to help ensure that ELs attain English language proficiency and meet state academic standards. (extra academic support for our ELs)

Funds must be used for supplemental services/programs as part of the language instruction program for English learners and immigrant children and youth.

Examples of Title III (Authorized Uses of Funds):

  • Educational programs (supplemental)
  • Use of Effective Instructional strategies
  • Pull-Out Intervention and/or After School Intervention
  • Intervention Teachers and PDs
  • Community/Family/Parent Programs Title III is like the icing on a cupcake!

CDE Link (Title III Authorized Costs) CDE Link (Title III Student Program Review)

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DELAC Representative Training

What is a DELAC?

  • It stands for District English Learner Advisory Committee.
  • It is an advisory group of parents/guardians of English learners in a district with 51 or more English Learners.
  • The DELAC representatives from each school’s ELAC.

DELAC Responsibilities

The committee advises the governing board on:

  • Revision of the district’s master plan for English Learners.
  • Conduct or review district-wide needs assessment.
  • Establishment of district programs, goals, and objectives.
  • Developments of a plan to ensure compliance with any teacher and instructional aide requirements.

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DELAC Representative Training Continued

Essential DELAC Criteria

  • Parent/Guardians of English Learners not employed by the district must constitute a majority of the membership.
  • Each school ELAC must have the opportunity to elect at least one parent member to DELAC.

DELAC Officer Duties

The President shall: Preside over meetings, Represent DELAC at district parent meetings,Sign communications from DELAC to the local boards

The Secretary shall: Represent Chairperson, Substitute for the president in their absence

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DELAC Representative Training Continued

DELAC Requirements

California ED Code/Section 35147:

1. Meeting must be open to allow for public input.

2. Meeting notice must be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting.

3. Notice and agenda must be posted at an appropriate place accessible to the public.

4. Notice of meeting and agenda must include date, time, and location of meeting.

5. Actions cannot be taken on items NOT posted on the agenda.

6. The public must be provided access to all materials discussed and/or distributed at the meeting.

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Questions * Input* Feedback

*Next DELAC Meeting*

December 12,2022 Via Zoom

5:30-7:00 PM

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GUSD DELAC Meeting Feedback

To ensure that all members have an opportunity to provide input on all DELAC matters, we invite you to share your feedback following each meeting.

Որպեսզի ապահովենք, որ բոլոր անդամները հնարավորություն ունենան իրենց ներդրումն ունենալ DELAC-ի հետ կապված հարցերում, մենք հրավիրում ենք ձեզ կիսվել ձեր կարծիքներով յուրաքանչյուր ժողովից հետո:

모든 멤버가 모든 DELAC 문제에 대한 의견을 제공할 수 있도록 각 회의 후에 귀하의 의견을 공유해 주시기 바랍니다.

/Para asegurar que todos los miembros tengan la oportunidad de proporcionar aporte sobre todos los asuntos del DELAC, los invitamos a compartir sus opiniones después de cada reunión.


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