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Finance 102 - How are schools funded in Illinois

Belvidere CUSD#100

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How are we funded?

School districts in Illinois receive funding from three main sources:

  • Local Revenue (53%)

  • State Revenue (40%)

  • Federal Revenue (7%)

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Local Revenue

  • Property Taxes – stable and dependable
  • CPPRT – replaced old personal property tax
  • Student Fees – registration, athletic, events
  • Cafeteria Receipts – breakfast/lunch
  • Tuition from other districts
  • Interest on Investments
  • County Wide Sales Tax (used for tax abatements)

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State Revenue

Evidence Based Funding Formula (replaces GSA)

  • Establish an Adequacy Target for all Districts in the State using 27 indicators
  • Measure each District’s local resources
  • Add extra dollars depending on classification
  • Base Funding Minimum for FY18 based on prior year payments
  • Uses enrollment vs. attendance
  • Opportunity for local communities to reduce local property tax burden
  • $75 million tax credit pool
  • Districts accountable via spending plan that will now be required
  • Funding sunsets unless reauthorized
  • Still subject to annual appropriation by legislature

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State Revenue continued

Categorical Payments

  • Most special education now lumped in with Base Funding
  • State ELL now lumped in with Base Funding
  • Transportation remained outside Base Funding

Tier Funding possible if new dollars allocated

Technology Grants if dollars are appropriated

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Federal Revenue

Disadvantaged Funding includes : ESSA Programs includes:

Title I programs (Reading and now Math) Improving teachers quality (Title II)

School Improvement Language acquisition (Title III) (Dual Language and


Other funding includes:

Special Education (IDEA) (Blended PK, Instructional/Resource, MLP, Life Skills)

CTE grants (Perkins - administered by CEANCI)

Technology (has not recently been funded)

Homeless (McKinney-Vento - very limited dollars available)

Safe & Drug Free schools (distributed to ROEs)