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The acrostic poem of eTwinning Day

May, 9th

eTwinning project


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Each partner choose a letter, write the name of the team, the name of the school and the country. Together with the students we make a slogan and a drawing that starts with that letter!

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Teachers contributed to this Acrostic Poem:

E - Team Mera Alina, ,,Horea, Closca and Crisan” Secondary School, Turda

T - Team Moț Cornelia Alina Găvojdia Secondary School Romania

W - Team Voicu Corina Technological High School Aiud, Romania,

I - Team Ilona Nedzinskienė, Alytus Dzukija school, Lithuania

N - Team Jolanta Zamoyska, Milenium Primary School, Poland

N - Team Giuseppe Bufano, IC DIAZ, ITALY

I - Team Grecu Cornelia Ana, National College C.D. Caransebes, Romania

N - Team Pilar Garrido. CEIP “Suárez Somonte”, Mérida, Spain

G - Team Lavinia Borcila, Kindergarten Sunflower Resita, Romania

D - Team Assiye Şahin Akbulut İstanbulluoğlu Social Sciences High School -Türkiye

A - Team Dorca Laura, Kindergarten no.25 Baia Mare

Y - Team Leman Kamer Ergene, Araştırma Geliştirme Eğitim ve Uygulama Merkezi Secondary School, İstanbul, Turkey

9 - Team Daniela Vulpes, Kindergarten Sunflower Resita, Romania

M - Team Evangelia Lagopoulou, 33 Primary School, Trikala,Greece

A - Team Valbona Reçi, Rreshen High School, Albania

Y - Team Daniela Grecu, Sf. Dumitru Secondary School, Craiova, Romania

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Teachers contributed to this Acrostic Poem:

C - Team Vantu Ana Luminita Technological High School Trandafir Cocarla Caransebes, Romania

O - Team Isabel Fernández. CEIP. Suárez Somonte. Mérida. Spain

L - Team Laura Blede, Kindergarten no. 30 Timisoara/Romania

L - Team E.Candan Dedehayır Kamut. Kadriye Faik Koparan Primary school-Istanbul/Turkey

A - Team Adina Udrescu, Technological High School of Motor Transport, Baia Sprie, Romania

B - Team Pîslari Claudia Public Institution Liceul Theoretical Varnița Republic of Moldova

O - Team Giovanna Caracciolo-IC L.G.F., Italy

R - Team Duca Ludmila,IP Gimnaziul Pelivan,Moldova

A - Team Dushanka Josheva, OOU Dimkata Angelov Gaberot, North Macedonia

T - Team Dobrin Paula. "Stefan cel Mare" Secondary School Alexandria, Romania

I - Team Elvan YETKİN, Kabaklarlı Primary School, TÜRKİYE

O - Team Dragica Rončević, class 6a Primary school doctor Franjo Tuđman

N - Team Leman Kamer Ergene, Araştırma Geliştirme Eğitim ve Uygulama Merkezi Secondary School, İstanbul, Turkey

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Teachers contributed to this Acrostic Poem:

F - Team Jivulescu Codruța Adelina, Theoretical High School "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj, Romania

R - Team Kadriye BİLEN Bozköy İlkokulu Germencik Aydın Turkey

I - Team Moț Cornelia Alina, Găvojdia Secondary School Romania

E - Team Ayla Akhan/Karacaören Primary School

N - Team Anita Mikulandra, 1.b Primary school Čazma, Croatia

D - Team Katerina Kyriakidou Arsakeio Primary School of Thessaloniki, Greece

S - Team Cl 3e CS No 19 Bydgoszcz Poland A.Bruska

H - Team Zoe Molochidou, 1st Gymnasio Neapolis Thessaloniki, Greece

I - Team I Regina Smolin-Makuch SOSW Nowa Sól, Poland

P - Team Plamadeala Rodica Primary School „Spiridon Vangheli” Chișinău, R Moldova

C - Team, Sadete Balliu -Adem Bedalli school,Albania

O - Team Ana-Sorana Scutelnicu - Secondary School “Axente Sever” from Aiud, Romania

M - Team Elena Mitrescu- Theoretical High School Filipestii de Padure, Romania

M - Team Elena Oprea, Secondary School Raciu, Romania

U - TEAM Sergin Şahinoğullarıgil -İKAL-Nil-Zeynep-Serpil

N - Team Narine Galstyan, Secondary School Vanadzor, Armenia

I - Team Mihaela Elena Duman ,,Traian Lalescu” Theoretical High School, Hunedoara, Romania

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Teachers contributed to this Acrostic Poem:

C - Team Irma Gelashvili, Georgia, lEPl Rustavi №3 Public School

A - Team Enuță-Ștefan Ionica, Secondary School No.17, Galați, Romania

T - Team Murgilă Rita, Theoretical High School "David Voniga" Giroc, Romania

I - Team Beata Kubińska, Primary School Bodzanów Poland

O - Team Maria Prantzou, Damasio Kindergarten. Greece

N - Team Maria Kontou,20o Kindergarten,Larissa,Greece

L - Team Lila Karanfilovska Primary Schools Sv. Naum Ohridski- v. Pestani, Ohrid, North Macedonia

E - Team Magdalena Radek, Primary School no.1, Skierniewice, Poland

A - Team Jalbă Doina Luiza ”G.E.Palade” Secondary School Buzău, Romania

R - Team Socea Mgaelona -Secondary School Borlesti, Neamt , Romania

N - Team Antigoni Gavardina 1st Kindergarten Evosmos

I - Team Helena Camacho, ESFF school Portugal 10º29

N - Laura Palivoniene Lithuania Siauliai „Romuvos“ progymnasium

G - Team Helena Camacho, ESFF school Portugal 10º29

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Team Mera Alina, ,,Horea, Closca and Crisan” Secondary Schoole, Turda

eTwinning means collaboration

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Team Moț Cornelia Alina, Găvojdia Secondary School Romania

Together through our eTwinning projects we make beautiful friendships

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Team Voicu Corina Technological High School Aiud, Romania

We love eTwinning, it has a community of beautiful people!

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Team Ilona Nedzinskienė, Alytus Dzukija school, Lithuania

In eTwinning I am kind to my peers.

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Team Jolanta Zamoyska, Milenium Primary School, Poland

Navigating digital borders, fostering global connections - that’s eTwinning

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Team Giuseppe Bufano - IC DIAZ - ITALY

New virtual friendships were born thanks to this European Program.

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Team Grecu Cornelia Ana, National College C.D. Caransebes, Romania

In eTwinning we all are friends!

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Team Pilar Garrido. CEIP “Suárez Somonte”, Mérida, Spain

New worlds for all in eTwinning

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Team Lavinia Borcila, Kindergarten Sunflower Resita, Romania

Good day is celebrated together!

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Team Assiye Şahin Akbulut İstanbulluoğlu Social Sciences High School -Türkiye

Don’ t harm the environment. be environmentally friendly.

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Team Dorca Laura, Kindergarten no.25 Baia Mare

Accept all children in eTwinning we are

eTwinning Day

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Team Leman Kamer Ergene, Araştırma Geliştirme Eğitim ve Uygulama Merkezi Secondary School, İstanbul, Turkey

Youth of today learns how to be global citizens thanks to etwinning

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Team Daniela Vulpes, Kindergarten Sunflower Resita, Romania

9 is an important day for us in May.

It's eTwinning day!

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Team Evangelia Lagopoulou, 33 Primary School, Trikala,Greece

Mutual respect is one of the most important elements in eTwinning.

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Team Valbona Reçi, Rreshen High School, Albania

All over the Europe we celebrate free.

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Team Daniela Grecu -Sf. Dumitru Secondary School Craiova - Romania

Young minds unite in international projects, shaping tomorrow's world with their collaborative endeavors.

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Team Vantu Ana Luminita Technological High School Trandafir Cocarla Caransebes, Romania

Collaboration through eTwinning connects friends

Delete this sentence and insert the drawing made by your students.

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Team Isabel Fernández. CEIP. Suárez Somonte. Mérida. Spain

Opportunity to collaborate with other countries.

Delete this sentence and insert the drawing made by your students.

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Team Laura Blede - Kindergarten no 30, Timisoara - Romania

Let's learn better with eTwinning!

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Team E.Candan Dedehayır Kamut/Kadriye Faik Koparan primary school -İstanbul/Turkey

Learning with e-Twinning is fun !

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Team Udrescu Adina, Technological High School of Motor Transport, Baia Sprie, Romania

All students and teachers collaborate in the beautiful eTwinning community.

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Team Pîslari Claudia Public Institution Liceul Theoretical Varnița Republic of Moldova

Beautiful, interesting activities have eTwinning

Delete this sentence and insert the drawing made by your students.

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Team Giovanna Caracciolo - IC L.G.F., Italy

Opportunities to meet people, to know cultures and to exchange good practices.

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Team Duca Ludmila, IP Gimnaziul Pelivan

Relational in which two or more individuals or organizations work together to achieve shared goals.

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Team Dushanka Josheva, OOU Dimkata Angelov Gaberot, North Macedonia

An open window to world education

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Team Dobrin Paula, "Stefan cel Mare" Secondary School Alexandria, Romania

Thanks to eTwinning, we can create and implement outstanding projects which bring together students and teachers from all over Europe.

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Team Elvan YETKİN, Kabaklarlı Primary School, TÜRKİYE

Is the best learning method

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Team Dragica Rončević, class 6a Primary school doctor Franjo Tuđman Knin, Croatia

One site, many people!

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Team Leman Kamer Ergene, Araştırma Geliştirme Eğitim ve Uygulama Merkezi Secondary School, İstanbul, Turkey

Not only students but also teachers improve themselves.

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Team Jivulescu Codruța Adelina, Theoretical High School "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj, Romania

Friendship and collaboration through eTwinning Projects

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Team Kadriye BİLEN Bozköy İlkokulu Germencik Aydın

Realistic life experiences

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Team Borș Adi Luminița, „Ștefan cel Mare”Vaslui Secondary School, Romania

I collaborate, learn and grow together with eTwinning

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Team Ayla Akhan/Karacaören Primary School

eTwinning is the gateway to the world

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Team Anita Mikulandra, 1.b Primary school Čazma, Croatia

New knowledge, new skills, new friends

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Team Katerina Kyriakidou- Arsakeio Primary School, Thessaloniki - GREECE

Don’ t hesitate! Be a part of the best educational community in Europe!

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Team Cl 3e CS No 19 Bydgoszcz Poland A.Bruska

Strong in mutual cooperation

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Team H Zoe Molochidou, 1st Gymnasio Neapolis Thessaloniki, Greece

Harnessing ideas, eTwinning transforms education.

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Team I Regina Smolin-Makuch SOSW Nowa Sól, Poland

Innovative and inspiring eTwinning project

ignite passion for learning!

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Prosperity and progress of teamwork are offered to us by eTwinning projects.

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Team C Sadete Balliu- Adem Bedalli school,Albania





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On this day we celebrate unity in diversity, we celebrate a chorus of voices that creates a beautiful symphony dedicated to nature.

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M ore friends, More learning, More fun, More joy- that's what eTwinning is all about


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Team Elena Oprea - SECONDARY SCHOOL RACIU - Romania

Make your dreams come true!

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Team Sergin Şahinoğullarıgil-İsmail Kulak.A.H.S-Zeynep-Nil-Adana-Turkey

Unspoken feelings of e-twinning are unforgettable.


Delete th

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Team Narine Galstyan, Secondary School Vanadzor, Armenia

Nice, interesting and educational eTwinning Projects

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Team Mihaela Elena Duman ,,Traian Lalescu” Theoretical High School, Hunedoara, Romania

Imagination, involvement, innovation

by eTwinning projects

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Team Irma Gelashvili -IEPI Rustavi №3 Public School - Georgia

Complete dedication imagination, energy and time.

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Team Enuță-Ștefan Ionica, Secondary School No.17,


All children are happy in the eTwinning community.

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Team Murgilă Rita, Theoretical High School "David Voniga" Giroc, Romania

Through eTwinning Projects, they develop digital skills

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Team Beata Kubińska- Primary School Bodzanów - Poland

International cooperation means development and satisfaction.

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Team Maria Prantzou, Damasio Kindergarten. Greece

On the e-Twinning platform, we happily create and collaborate together!

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Team Maria Kontou ,20o Kindergarten,Larissa,Greece

National support is part of the e-Twinning platform’s success.

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Team Lila Karanfilovska Primary Schools Sv. Naum Ohridski- v. Pestani, Ohrid, North Macedonia

Learning on the e Twinning platform, Live webinars,

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Team Magdalena Radek, Primary School no.1, Skierniewice, Poland

eTwinning means professional development of teachers.

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Team Jalbă Doina Luiza ”G.E.Palade” Secondary School Buzău, Romania

Active framework for learning, collaboration, development opportunities

Delete this sentence and insert the drawing made by your students.

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Team Socea Magelona- Secondary School Borlesti, Neamt, Romania

Relations between students and teachers

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Antigoni Gavardina- 1st Kindergarten Evosmos

No one alone!

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Team Helena Camacho, ESFF school Portugal 10º29

Improve digital web tools (ICT tools)

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TEAM Laura Palivoniene Lithuania Siauliai „Romuvos“ progymnasium

Nobody can’t hurt you

TEAM Laura Palivoniene Lithuania Siauliai „Romuvos“ progymnasium

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Team Helena Camacho, ESFF school Portugal 10º29

Generate collaborative work