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Idea Filmshelf

Jalen Bowman-Whitaker

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The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner is a movie that I feel represents me through the various adventures they go on, the problems they solve and their explorations into the unknown. I’m someone who enjoys all of these things. The cast of this movie goes through lots of challenges that force them to think quickly and critically. The protagonist, Thomas, is someone who’s quick-witted, resourceful and fast on his feet. I feel like I reflect these characteristics as a person who enjoys seeking new challenges and facing them head on with determination. The maze itself serves as a symbol of my admiration and love for problem solving. Overall, I just really enjoyed the suspense, reflection of friendship and intensity that this movie provides.

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Tangled is my absolute favorite movie of all time. When I first watched this film, I couldn’t help but see a reflection of myself in the protagonist, Rapunzel. Like her, I am ambitious and always seeking new adventures and experiences. I have a strong desire to leave the comfort of my familiar surroundings and explore the world around me, as the Disney princess did. Our strong sense of compassion, desire to help others and wish to make a positive impact on the world is what I feel really connects us. The film makes a message to never give up on your dreams and always strive to make a difference in the world, no matter what fears, hesitations or obstacles you may have. It’s a reminder to me that through determination and an unwavering desire to make a positive impact, anything is possible. This combination of ambition and empathy is what makes Tangled such a perfect representation of who I feel I am as a human being.

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The LEGO Movie

The LEGO movie is a film that I’ve watched most recently. It brought me a lot of nostalgia watching it, as well as a warm homey feeling. Emmet embodies many qualities that I hold dear to me. Including my pretty bubbly personality, creative nature and teamwork skills. Like him, I’d say I’m a naturally optimistic person who tries their best to bring positivity around them. I enjoy making my friends laugh and smile when I can. This reflects Emmet’s upbeat and enthusiastic personality, even in the face of adversity. My creative nature is well represented in the LEGO movie. I’ve always been an imaginative soul who tries to see the world through their own unique lens, as I love to create and make new things; whether through art, music or other forms of expression. Emmet’s journey through self discovery and his ability to imagine and build truly amazing things correlates with my own creative spirit. This film highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration. I’ve always been a team player and believed that working together is a key to success. I’m aware that great things can be achieved when people come together with a common goal. This is perfect demonstrated in the LEGO movie as Emmet joins forces with a diverse group of characters to defeat evil.

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The Matrix

When I watched the Matrix, I couldn’t help but feel a deep connection to the film’s central character, Neo. Just like Neo, I have a competitive attitude and a strong drive to do the very best in everything I do. I’m constantly seeking new challenges and ways to push myself to be better both in my personal and school life. This is somewhat reflected in the journey that Neo goes through in the film. He rises to the challenges presented to him and becomes a leader because of it. My personal beliefs are also well represented in the Matrix. I’ve always held a strong sense of morality and justice and I’m willing to stand up for what I believe is morally right. This connects to the character's commitment to the truth and his willingness to fight for what’s right, even if it means putting himself in harm’s way. Finally ,the Matrix highlights the importance of mentality. I’ve always been a calm and composed person who took in the face of adversity. I believe it’s important to maintain a level head even in the most difficult of situations, as Neo did, in order to make the best decisions. This is perfectly demonstrated in the film as Neo faces overwhelming challenges but uses his stoic mindset to navigate the matrix and defeat his enemies.

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Finding Dory

When I watched Finding Dory, one thing I really enjoyed was the animation style. However, like Dory, I have a strong sense of family values and a dep love for my loved ones. My family is one of the most important things to me in my life, and I’d do my best to protect and support them no matter what. This is reflected through Dory’s journey to find her family and her unwavering determination to never give up. I’ve always been a driven and focused person, who sets my sights on a goal and won’t rest until I’ve achieved it. I believe that through hard work and perseverance, anything is possible, as Dory shows through her unbreakable spirit and relentless pursuit of her dreams. The film’s themes of family and determination are things that I hold dear to my heart and are a source of inspiration in my own life.