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Walk for Wenjack

November 1st-3rd

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Day 1: Our Schools Act of Reconciliation…Walk for Wenjack

The true story of Chanie Wenjack - who he is

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Day 1: Our Schools Act of Reconciliation…Walk for Wenjack

The true story of Chanie Wenjack - the truth

What we know: over 150,000 Indigenous children were systematically taken from their families.

They were sent away to

residential schools run by church

organizations and funded by the

Canadian government.

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Day 1: What we still are learning, the impact of residential schools

Our Schools Act of Reconciliation…Walk for Wenjack

150,000 kids were taken from their home. How many people live in Kelowna? Relate the 2 numbers.

Have you ever been so frustrated that you’ve considered leaving a tough situation?

Would you have still been willing to�leave even if it meant you didn’t know�where your next meal would come�from?

Why do we walk for Wenjack?

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Day 1: Why we walk for Wenjack

Everybody has their own reason to Walk for Wenjack. For some, it may be a moment to honour Chanie. For others, it may be an opportunity to raise awareness of the true history of residential schools. Each Walk for Wenjack is unique.

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Day 2: How far would you go?

Tomorrow, we are going to be walking during CREW.

Our goal is to walk the full distance that Chanie could not walk (600km) alone.

Our goal is to bring Chanie home.

The Residential school was in�Kenora, his home was in Ogoki�Post. See if you can find these 2 on the map in�the following video.

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Day 2: How far would you go?

Chanie had to walk 600km. He walked about 60km.

Take a guess… Then look up the distances…

  • How far do you think it is from here to Vernon?
  • How far do you think it is from here to Vancouver?
  • How far do you think it is from here to Terrace?
  • How far do you think it is from here to (pick another location you have been to)?

Here is a more detailed story map of Chanie’s Story


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Day 3: We Walk for Chanie.


Do attendance.

We collectively need near 2,000 laps to match the 600km to bring Chanie home.

How many laps, on average per person is needed if we have 564 people at our school?

Everyone: head outside, walk the laps, how many can you get done?

Did we bring Chanie home together today?