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5th Grade

Mrs. Chatmon, Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Lacy, Mrs. McCall, Ms. Slinn,

Mrs. Vest-Rader

Support Teachers: Mrs. McClelland, Ms. Whitaker

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Contact Information

Mrs. Chatmon - Math


Mrs. Lacy - ELA


Mrs. Glass - Social Studies


Mrs. Rader - ELA


Ms. Slinn - AART & Math


Mrs. McCall - Science


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Important School Information

-MTES website:




- Powerschool

Contact office for login information.

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Students are given 5-10 minutes during their second period class to enjoy a snack. Please refrain from food that will leave a residue on their hands and/or will be difficult to clean up.

For safety reasons, students can not share snacks.

Each student should have a refillable water bottle. Please refrain from glass containers, juice or soda. Juice is fine for lunch but water bottles should contain water only.


Please help your child to manage their own learning environment by removing distractions from their backpacks.

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Homework Expectations

Math/Science/Social Studies – as needed

  • Reading/English Language Arts– choice reading, 20 minutes every night

  • PAWPAD –
    • Students responsibility write down any assigned homework
    • Students will have time to write down assignments at the beginning or end of class

  • Forgot it? –
    • No going back to class for items forgotten
    • No late work accepted w/o excused absence

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  • Make up work

-Student’s Responsibility to ask for it

upon returning to school

    • -Teachers will get work together only if the absence is more than 3 days
    • -A zero or a blank will be entered the day of their absence and modified upon completion of assignment per MCS Code of Conduct

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MTES School-Wide Rules

  • Midtown Wildcats ROAR
    • Respectful
    • Open-Minded
    • Always be safe
    • Responsible


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5th Grade Discipline System

  • We will be using the school wide system Class Dojo.
  • This is a behavior management system.
  • -6 points on Friday morning- no Fun Friday (extra recess, biweekly)
  • It is your job to be connected to your child’s homeroom teacher on Class Dojo.

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Curriculum –

English Language Arts

  • 5th Grade ELA Standards

  • Wonders, novels, and non-fiction texts
  • Instruction: whole group and small group
  • Textbooks/novels will not come home.
  • Check PowerSchool regularly to monitor your child’s progress.

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5th Grade Math

  • Math Textbook
  • Big Ideas
  • Focus: Collaboration, critical thinking and word problems
  • Performance Tasks assess students’ ability to apply math skills and require them to justify their answer
  • Homework will usually consist of finishing up classwork
  • Students will also be assessed on multiplication and division fluency
  • Practice sheets include online video tutorials, which they can access by scanning the QR code on the practice sheet.

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  • Math Curriculum
  • Mentoring Mathematical Minds (M3)
  • Focus: Collaboration, critical thinking and word problems
  • Each M3 Unit shows students the real world application for the Math skills they are learning
  • Emphasis on writing helps students organize thoughts and defend their reasoning
  • Conceptual exploration shows students the WHY as well as the HOW
  • Students will also be assessed on multiplication and division fluency

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5th Grade Science/Social Studies

  • History
    • United States History
    • We will be using Social Studies Weekly
  • Science
    • STEMscopes, BrainPop, Flocabulary
  • Homework
    • As assigned

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5th Grade Grading Scales

  • Your child will receive grades for categories in each subject.

  • Each category is weighted differently in each subject.

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Midtown House System

The Midtown Elementary House System is a dynamic, exciting, and proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff. Using methods inspired by the Ron Clark Academy, we are implementing processes that build character, relationships, and school spirit. Midtown’s house system features 5 houses — the learning and leadership communities for students. Each house has unique properties such as its own color, symbols, chants, and more. Over time, each House also starts to take on its own values and personality driven by the culture of the students and staff within it. To motivate and celebrate student success, while building our school community, Houses will be competing all school year for House Points. Houses can earn points by fundraising, as well as students being awarded points for displaying good character, high academic achievement, giving a hard effort, positive school spirit, and more through our online system via ClassDojo. Students of the same House will get together once every 9 weeks as a small group (called their Midtown House Family) during the school year to continue to build and strengthen bonds within our school community.

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Intellectually gifted children and youth are those who perform or who have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. These children and youth require services not ordinarily provided by the regular school program. Children and youth possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students may be found within any race, ethnicity, gender, economic class, or nationality. In addition, some students with disabilities may be gifted. Madison City Schools shall prohibit discrimination against any students on the above basis with respect to his/her participation in the gifted program.

Definition of Gifted

Gifted Services in Madison City Schools

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Consultation services offered for K-2.

Collaboration services for general education teachers across grade levels concerning meeting the needs of high-end learners in the general education classroom.

Second Grade Child Find: All second graders are observed throughout their second grade year using state mandated protocol.

Pull out services for grades 3-5:

Students can be referred for screening at any time from 3rd-5th grade by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities. These pullout services provide curriculum that is concept and problem based as well as provide the social and emotional support gifted learners often need.

6th grade Innovative Explorations course offered for gifted qualified students.

Advanced courses offered for grades 7-12.

Midtown Elementary Gifted Specialists:

Wendy Tibbs - wtibbs@madisoncity.k12.al.us Ashley Herron - adlangherron@madisoncity.k12.al.us

Provided Gifted Services

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English Learning Instructional lessons include support in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

The ESL Program in MCS is a Supplemental Support Program for those who qualify as English Learners.

Mrs. Whitaker is the EL Teacher for Midtown 5th graders. She Works with the English Learners who Qualify for Supplemental Services.

Annual Testing is conducted for the ELL students through the ACCESS for ELLs Assessment which determines qualifying status into and exiting the EL Program in MCS.

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Volunteering with your PTA

ALL visitors and volunteers must SIGN IN at the front desk. Be prepared to show a form of identification if needed. Collect a sticker to be worn while you are on campus.

When your volunteer time slot is over, you must also SIGN OUT at the front desk. We understand it is fun to see your kids during the school day, however, you may NOT go to your child’s classroom or wander the halls to find them.

Only background checked adults may be allowed to CHAPERONE children - this includes Field Trips and escorting students down the halls. Complete your BIB application @ https://bib.com/secure-volunteer/Madison-City-Schools/home

Interested in getting involved? Fill out our survey!


You may only eat lunch with your student if you have already signed up via Mrs. Demeester’s weekly Midtown Update emails. If you have done so and there is time between your volunteering and child’s lunchtime, you must return to the front office to wait.

Thank you for


Follow our district and school Rules of Conduct. Remember, you’re around children, BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL - dress appropriately, act kindly, speak nicely.