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Lecture 2.1 – Introduction to the Periodic Table

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Today’s Learning Target

  • 1.3 – I can create a Periodic Table and explain how atomic number, atomic mass, and periodic trends are illustrated on this table.

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The Periodic Table

  • On the Periodic Table, we are told the following about every element:
    • Atomic Number
    • Atomic Mass
    • Element Name
    • Element Symbol

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Atomic Number

  • Atomic Number – The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
  • Atomic number is the same for all atoms of the same element.

Atomic Number

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Atomic Mass

  • Atomic Mass – The mass of an atom
  • Atomic Mass = # Protons + # Neutrons

Atomic Mass

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Element Name and Symbol

  • Every element has a 1 or 2 letter symbol.
  • The first letter is ALWAYS capitalized.

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Periodic Table Arranged By Atomic Number

  • The Periodic Table is arranged by increasing atomic number since this is what makes an element unique from another element.
  • Two elements can have the same atomic mass, but two elements can never have the same atomic number