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Updated 01/01/2024


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  • To create a platform for online applications.
  • Increase participation.
  • Reduce client barriers.
  • To increase automation of LEAP processing.

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PEAK Inbox


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The drop-down menu will help you manage the PEAK inbox.


PEAK Open Applications


  • Lists all PEAK applications that are open, waiting to be closed.

PEAK Emergency Applications


  • Lists all PEAK applications that a client marked as having an emergency.

PEAK Closed Applications


  • Lists all PEAK applications that have closed.

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The PEAK inbox is under the “Applications” menu in Salesforce - it is named “PEAK Applications”


Click on the PEAK App Name to select this app.

Date/Time and Status will help you manage the inbox.

Each application and the documents uploaded at the time of application will have one tracking number

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Application Date


Date Received

PEAK applications can be submitted by clients 24/7, please follow the guidelines for determining application date.

Application Date will be the date the PEAK application was received with the following exceptions:

  • For the following scenarios the Application Date can be changed to the following business day:
    • Application was received after 5pm.
    • Application was received on a Saturday or Sunday.
    • Application was received on a State observed holiday.
      • The holidays are listed on LEAP Payroll and Holiday Calendar in your manual.
  • Counties/Contractors working extended hours/weekends or holidays will not be penalized if the Application Date is prior to the next business day.


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There are 2 options:


  • Print the PEAK PDF and manually enter the application

2. Upload the data from the PEAK Application to a LEAP Application in the system.

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Option 1: Print the PEAK PDF and manually enter the application


  • Print PEAK PDF and all documents from Perceptive.
  • Update status of PEAK Application to “Closed-App Created.”
  • Pend and process case.
    • When pending the case, tracking number from PEAK for that application must be entered into the appropriate field.

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  • Perceptive is what allows us to view the PEAK pdf and verification uploaded by the client.

  • The tracking number is used to identify which documents go with each PEAK pdf.

  • Tracking number must be entered on the LEAP application to ensure that anyone viewing that case can pull up the accompanying documents.


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Perceptive Login Screen


  • To login, you must be added to the CDHS_SalesforceInteract
  • Your username and password are the same as your CDHS portal.
  • If you do not have access to the portal, you would have received an email with your username and password when you submitted your request to be added to CDHS_SalesforceInteract.
  • If it allows you to log in but you do not have permission to view, you were not added to CDHS_SalesforceInteract.

If you are a CBMS user, you may see LEAP docs in EDMS because you have access to both PEAK inboxes. DO NOT process LEAP docs from EDMS.

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Viewing Documents


When you click on a document from the list, it will open in a new tab.

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Use these tools to adjust the document.

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Submit �PEAK



Option 2:

Uploading Data to a LEAP application

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Click on the PEAK App Name from the inbox to bring you to this page. Click on the Search SSN button. Search SSN for every single case.


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    • The search will look through all of the LEAP cases for SSN that matches the applicant’s in the LEAP system and will display results for any cases that have the same SSN.
    • This step will help identify duplicates and pre-pended cases.

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  • For applications that list a pre-pend case with the same SSN, use the pre-pend case.
  • Selecting this status will move over data from the PEAK app to the Pre-Pend app. (See slide 26)
  • There is a field to enter the tracking number on the pre-pended case and the documentation from PEAK will appear on that case.
  • Update the PEAK case as “Closed (Pre-Pend)”


Closed (Pre-Pend)

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Approved Case

  • For applications that show a case that has been approved, send a duplicate letter to the client.
  • Please make a tech note in the approved case with the tracking number.
  • Do not enter the tracking number in the tracking number field.
  • Update the PEAK case as “Closed (Duplicate)”


Closed (Duplicate)

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Denied Case

  • For applications that list a case that has been denied, clone the most recent denied case.
  • You will have to manually update the information on the cloned case using the information from the PEAK pdf.
  • Add the tracking number to the tracking number field.
  • Update the PEAK case as “Closed (App Created)”


Closed (App Created)

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Another PEAK Case

  • For applications that list a case with another PEAK application that has been received but without a “Closed” status, the status of the case received first will determine if the second case will be a duplicate or reapply.
  • “In Progress” status will let other users viewing the same PEAK inbox that someone is working on the case.


In Progress

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No Results -

New Case

  • For cases with no results, you will select the status “In Progress.”
  • Data can either be manually entered from the PEAK pdf or upload the data to a LEAP application.
  • “In Progress” status will let other users viewing the same PEAK inbox that someone is working on the case.


In Progress

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But first, we validate!

To upload the data from the PEAK application (PEK) to a LEAP (APP) application, certain data must be validated.

  • Validation doesn't mean verifying the information on the application or the client. You are validating the data so that the data will match the formatting for those fields in the LEAP application.
  • The data that must be validated are:
    • Emergency Type Drop Down List
    • Living Arrangements Picklist
    • Renter/Own/Mortgage Boxes�


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After updating the case status to “In Progress,” click on the PEK # to get back to this screen. �Click on “Edit”


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Emergency Type�Drop Down List



The type of emergency in the Chosen box must be selected in the Verified Emergency Type.

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Household Information-�Living Arrangements and Shelter Cost Type


  • Select the Verified Living Arrangements based on the type listed in the Living Arrangements.
  • Select whether they Rent, Own, or Mortgage based on what is listed for Shelter Cost Type.

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After the data has been validated, click on ‘Save’ and then ‘Submit PEAK Application’.

After clicking on ‘Submit PEAK Application,’ the data will transfer to the LEAP application and create a new case. The PEAK app status will auto update to Closed-App Created

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PEAK LEAP�Pre-Pend �Merge

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Step 1.�

Validate Data

Validating doesn’t mean you are verifying information but formatting the data to match the format of a LEAP application.

Fields to validate:

  • Is it an Emergency.
  • Emergency Type.

Information on the left must match the right.


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Step 1. Cont’d�

Validate Data

Validating doesn’t mean you are verifying information but formatting the data to match the format of a LEAP application.

Fields to validate:

  • Living Arrangements.
  • Shelter Costs.

Information on the left must match the right.

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Step 2.�

Applicant SSN will always show first but if you would like to search by a different household member, use the dropdown to select another SSN.

Once data is validated, click on “Search SSN” button.

If there is a pre-pend that matches the applicant, update the status from “new” to �“Closed (Pre-Pend)” to transfer data from the PEAK app to the Pre-Pend LEAP app.

Save the APP # of the pre-pend because it will not auto direct you the that application once its updated.

Then click on “Update Applications”

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Step 3.

Update Pre-Pend Application

Now search for the Pre-pend application.

Finish pending the application and ensure all information is correct.

Fields/records that DO NOT update automatically:

  • Household member records
  • County
  • Vendor and Account Number

If there 2 or more potential pre-pends, this process will not work.

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What comes over vs what does not

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Household members


The picture shows the Household Members from the LEAP application after the data was uploaded.

For household members and applicant, Citizenship, and Alien Number cannot be uploaded.

These must be verified by the technician and entered manually.

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The client answered the income questions on the PEAK pdf but not all of the income data is available to upload.

For earned and unearned income, dollar amounts will have to be manually entered after verifying the correct amount.

Gift/Loan information will be available to upload.

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Heat Bill/Vendor Information


The client provided their account number and their heat vendor on the PEAK pdf but that information is not available to upload.

Heat vendor and account number must be manually entered.

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Ethnicity & Race

  • For the applications you can upload the data, these fields will be uploaded for each household member.
  • For the applications you cannot upload the date and have to manually enter, you will update these fields to the appropriate value based on the answers provided in the PEAK pdf.


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The Basics

  • Only LEAP Salesforce users on the Active County Directory group, CDHS_SalesforceInteract, can view PEAK documents in Salesforce.
  • Clients can apply for other programs and LEAP, but only questions pertaining to LEAP will be listed on the PEAK application viewable in the LEAP system.
  • Pending and Processing timelines remain the same.
  • Clients can only apply from November 1st through April 30th.


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The Basics

  • Not all data from the application will be listed in the system from the PEAK application.
  • Manually enter heat vendor, account number, income, Citizenship/Residency.
  • It is the responsibility of the technician to ensure all information is data entered correctly, regardless if data is uploaded or manually entered.
  • PEAK applications do not change how income, vulnerability, and Citizenship/Residency is verified and entered into the system.


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Process the Case


  • Process the case as you would if it was a paper application.

  • Best practice is to check for emergencies periodically.

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PEAK Tracking Number


  • Unique identifier for each application submitted through PEAK and all of the accompanying documents.
  • The tracking number in the tracking number field is what allows the documents to stay with the LEAP case.



  • The program within Salesforce that allows us to view the PEAK pdf and verification uploaded by the client on the PEAK website.
  • Must be added to CDHS_SalesforceInteract

LEAP Application


  • In reference to PEAK application, LEAP applications are the cases in the Salesforce system. Begins with ‘APP’
  • PEAK Applications can be converted to a LEAP Application



  • The pdf record of the PEAK Application client submitted online.
  • PEAK pdf is only viewable in the Perceptive section.

PEAK Application


  • The application listed in the PEAK inbox
  • PEAK application will convert to a LEAP application when submitted
  • Not to be confused with PEAK PDF

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A client that prints their PEAK application and submits as a reapply….


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A client can print and submit their PEAK application that was submitted previously as a valid Reapply Application as long as the client has updated the signature page.


In this example, the client did sign their full name but the full name is blocked from view for privacy.

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Only for PEAK Applications.


  • Printed names on the PEAK application do qualify as a valid signature.
  • We will not receive a PEAK application if the client refuses to sign.