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What did we do?

What did we ask?

What did �we learn?

July-Oct 2023 Phase 1

Oct-Dec 2023 Phase 2

  • Wait Pool survey (284 participants)
  • Stakeholder interviews to understand experiences with Enrollment Rounds (5 families)
  • Enrollment Fair Exit Survey (584 participants)
  • Presentations to families (with surveys) at schools, CBOs and Parent Advisory Groups, virtual and in-person, in English, Spanish and Chinese (15 presentations, with 200+ participants)
  • Engagement of Principals and other site leaders-asynchronous presentation and survey and Virtual presentation (26 surveys)

Community Feedback

1. Eliminate the multiple application rounds, and only have one Main Round application deadline, after which applicants get automatically placed onto waitlists for their top choice schools without having to re-apply. �How much should SFUSD prioritize this change?

2. Allow applicants to wait on several schools’ wait lists at the same time, rather than having to pick just 1 wait list choice.�How much should SFUSD prioritize this change?


The proposed changes are very popular across the board


Even among subgroups that are seeing an inherent advantage from the current process*, the proposed changes are even more popular


Site leaders also support this

*These are families that make up a higher percentage of the ones who participate in �multiple enrollment rounds than the ones who participate in the Main Round

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How popular are the changes?

Across the board

Among sub-groups

With Site Leaders

Community Feedback

avg. supported: 73.5%

avg. supported: 78.4%

avg. supported: 73.5%

avg. supported: 78.4%





