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Understanding keywords

Search databases using keywords, such as concepts or subject phrases, that are linked together by and, or, not. Once you have identified your topic, selecting your keywords is pretty simple. Stay away from entering sentences or questions.

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Divide your topic into concepts/segments/pieces

In the question, "What is the relationship between women's fashion magazines and anorexia?," the concepts are: women, fashion magazines, and anorexia.

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Brainstorm for synonyms and related terms

You will need to translate these terms to keywords later when you are searching databases for articles and sources.



fashion magazines


Related terms:


fashion models



modeling industry

eating disorders

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Create your search by combining your keywords using and, or, not.

And is used to narrow your search. Results returned will contain both sets of keywords.

Or is used to expand your search. Results returned will return either keyword. A lot of results here. The most.

Not will limit your search, and will exclude a keyword from the results.