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Our ancestors’ immigration stories

סיפורי ההגירה של המשפחות שלנו

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Click on the + sign in the upper right hand corner to add a new slide.

Create a title and write your name!

You will be writing about one of your great grandparents origins in 2-3 sentences. You will need to include where they originated from, and how they arrived at the country in which you currently reside.

You will need to include at least 1 picture of them with or without your family, and a flag/map of the country of origin.

Please include a cool anecdote about their origins as well.

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הסיפור של משפחת שטיין

סבא שלי(יוסי) מצד אמא הגיע מלוב שהיה בן חמש.

סבתא שלי(דינה) הגיעה ממרוקו שהייתה בת ארבע.

סבתא רבתא שלי נולדה במרוקו והולידה את סבתא שלי בגיל 15!!!!

סבא שלי (שמואל) נולד בישראל שנתיים לפניי הקמת ישראל.

לי קוראים ליאור ואני נולדתי בישראל לפני 11 שנים בעיר רחובות ועכשיו אני גרה במושב בדרום בשם ניר עקיבא .

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Morah Melissa’s Story

Am I North African,

Russian or Polish? YES!

My family has been in America on both my father’s and mother’s side since the late 1800s. For years, I was told that we were Russian. But recently before my trip to Poland, I discovered I am actually Polish! At least when my family came here in the late 1800s their towns were Polish.

Mielic, in Poland, where my father’s paternal family came from. But they arrived here from Tunisia in North Africa and areas that are now Israel -making us Sephardic, not Ashkenazic. Mielic was the site of an airplane factory and thus was one of first town liquidated and taken over by the Nazis

Boryslav in the Ukraine, once Poland and Russia, where my great grandmother Sara Wolf Koenig came from. She came from there in 1886 and settled in Brooklyn. She was only 16, came alone with 40 dollars.

When my family came in the late 1880s to America, they settled in Brooklyn. Here is a picture of Brooklyn, NY around that time. My family became clothing traders.

From Tunisia, to Poland to America

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Justins story

on my grandmothers side my great grandmother came from Russia and my great grandfather came from Austria. They both came by boat. My great grandfathers name is Max and my great Great Grandmothers name was Dora.

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My great-great grandfather Rubin & Frieda Fuchs and their family decided to come to America in the 1900’s. They came from Eastern Hungary and Galicia. (My mom's side)

My great-great grandfather Hyman Hochman came to America by boat. He was from Poland. My great-great grandparents Elsa & Arthur Blumhof came to America from Germany. (My dad's side)

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Isaiah’s Story

On my mother's side they arrived through Spain and my family arrived before the civil war.

Fun Fact:

I thought my family was from russia

Fun Fact:

My family fought in the civil war just after they moved here

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סיפור משפחתי:משפחת קייזר.

סבתא שלי (רחל) מצד האבא הגיעה מהודו בגיל 12 היא עלתה לארץ ישראל עם אחותה,אמא שלה הייתה בינתיים בהודו בגלל שפעם לא היו יכולים ללכת כל המשפחה יחד אז אמא שלה עלתה אחרי כמה שנים אחריהם.ועכשיו היא גרה איתנו בניר עקיבא וגם אני גרה בניר עקיבא

סבא שלי מצד האבא(צביקה, בנרי) עלה מרומניה בעקבות השואה.

מצד האלא שלי סבא שלי(ג'וקי ז"ל) עלה ממרוקו.

סבתא שלי מצד האמא(רותי)היא עלתה גם ממרוקו.

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Family Story- Kaiser family

My grandmother (Rachel) on my father's side arrived from India at 12 years old. She moved to Israel with her sister. Her mother stayed in India because it was forbidden for them to move all together as a family. Her mother joined them a couple of years later.

My grandfather from my father's side (Tzvika/Henry) moved from Romania to escape the Holocaust.

On my mom’s side both my grandparents moved from Morroco.

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סיפור משפחת:בן אדיבה

סבא שלי(רפי)מצד אבא הגיע לארץ ישראל ממרוקו בשליטת ספרד.

סבתא שלי(זקלין)מצד אבא הגיעה לארץ ישראל ממרוקו.

סבא שלי(ניסן)מצד אמא נולד בארץ והוריו נולדו בכורדיסטן ופרס.

סבתא שלי(תמר)מצד אמא נולדה בארץ והוריה נולדו במרוקו.

אמא שלי(כרמית)נולדה בישראל בשנת 1979.

אבא שלי(יניב)נולד בישראל בשנת 1979.

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Ben Adiva's family story

My grandfather (Rafi) from my father's side arrived

from Morocco during the Spanish rule.

My grandmother (Jackline) from my father’s side was born in

Israel and her parents were from Kurdistan and Morocco.

My grandfather on my mom's side (Nissan) was born in Israel.

His parents were from Kurdistan and Persia.

My grandmother from my mom's side (Tamar) was born in Israel. Her parents were born in Morocco.

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Scott’s Story

At Ellis Island their name was changed from Nosebleed to “ Brief” to make it easier. My great great- grandfather Joseph

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Zach’s Story

my dads dad from polind but my

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Ellie’s story

My great grand father simcha subotnick that lived in in moskow,Russia with my great grandmother Yetta and their young son, Joe. Later Simcha deserted the army, went to london, saved money, and then immigrated to America by boat to Ellis island. The officers could not understand him and he was singing at the time so they called him Singer Sam singer.

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Jared’s Story

My paternal grandmother, Anita Bradshaw was born in Austria and lived there until she was about 9 years old when she was forced to leave due to World War II. She and her family, and including my and her sister left Austria and sailed to South America to escape Hitler. They lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil for about 1 year and then sailed to the United States and settled in New York when she was 11 years old.

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Lizard’s Story

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on my nana's side my great-great grandfather came from germany and my great-great grandmother 1902. my. On my papa’s side they came from poland in 1901. On my nanas mothers side came to the united states much earlier. My great great great great grandfather is Edward S. Salomon. He was a german jew that who immigrated to the united states of america. He served as a union general in the american civil war.