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Intro to Software Technology




  • Student Chromebook
  • Chromebook charger
  • Headphones (if needed)
  • A quiet workplace

Ms. Price



Projects/Quizzes 40%

Daily Work 40%

Final Exam 20%


Email: hannah.price@henry.k12.ga.us�Phone: 678.310.5169

  • Employability skills
  • Career research
  • Communication skills
  • Appropriate technology usage
  • Adapting in a digital world


  • Emerging & Future Technology
  • Web Design
  • Visual Programming
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Online Safety
  • Future Business Leaders of America

All students must adhere to the rules and expectations outlined in the Henry County Schools student handbook and the Impact Academy student handbook addendum. Behavior detrimental to learning will not be tolerated. This includes outbursts in class, inappropriate comments toward anyone, or any behavior, which the instructor deems as inappropriate. Please review the student handbook.

Introduction to Software Technology is the foundational course for the Programming pathway. This course is designed for high school students to understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world as it impacts their personal life, society, and the business world. Exposure to foundational knowledge in software, programming, web design, IT support, and networks are all taught. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of both the employability skills standards and content standards for this course.




Notice of Equal Opportunity can be found at https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Page/49720

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ABSENCES & MAKE-UP POLICY�Students are allowed to make up work for excused absences only, and it is their responsibility to get make-up work the first day they return. If students know in advance that they will not be in class, they should let me know immediately. Please email excuses to crystal.keets@henry.k12.ga.us. Per the HCS Student handbook, “It is the student’s and parent’s responsibility, not the teachers, to make arrangements for make-up work. Students should ask their teacher for any missed assignments on the first day they return to school. The days allowed to make-up work will not exceed the number of days absent. Students assigned Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) will be allowed to make-up work upon return to school. The number of days to complete make-up work is commensurate with the number of days of OSS (i.e. 3 days of Out-of-school Suspension = 3 days to make up work missed).”

Attendance�In order to be considered “on time” to class, the student must be in the meet by the time each class period starts. Student must not only attend the Google Meet on synchronous days to be marked present, but they must also engage in the class discussions. A student who is in the Google Meet but not engaging in class (along with those not in the Google Meet) will be considered absent and it will reflect in IC.

The cell phone/electronic device policy begins when students enter the Google Meet. During this time, cell phones and devices must be on silent. Students may not be on cell phones or devices during instruction time unless prompted to do so.


It is an expectation for students to have their charged Chromebook with them every day. Failure to do so will be regarded as “not being prepared for class.” Cameras must be on during the entire class period according to the Henry County Policy. Students who do not have their cameras on may be marked absent. Students are expected to follow all Henry County handbook rules concerning technology.


If a student needs extra help on anything, we will set a time to meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. Wednesdays are a great opportunity to get extra help. Students are able to come in the building and I will be able to work with them in person.

Ms. Price


REMOTE LEARNING�Students are expected to actively participate in daily instruction and follow all guidance provided by HCS, IA, the classroom teacher, and this syllabus. This includes, but is not limited to, grading policies, attendance, and preparation for class.

Late/Blank Work

Students will lose 5 points for every day an assignment is late. All work for each individual unit must be turned in by the end of that unit. No missing work will be graded if it is turned in after we start the next unit. If a student ever needs help with an assignment, email me and we can discuss a time that you can come during office hours so we can work on it together so it will not be turned in late. Any assignment submitted blank will be put in IC as a 0 and there will be NO opportunity to make it up.

Notice of Equal Opportunity can be found at https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Page/49720

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INTERNET USAGE�In order to enhance student learning, students will use the Internet daily as a resource tool for this class. While in a Google Meet, students will comply with all Henry County Schools guidelines. Failure to follow county mandated guidelines will result in punishment that ranges from loss of privileges to an administrative referral. Students should not play “games” or watch “videos” online or try to attempt to get on any form of social media site(s). If you attempt this, please be prepared to pay the consequences!


  • Complete daily classwork assignments
  • Participate in class discussions and ask questions
  • Participate constructively as a team member
  • Problem solve and accept challenges
  • Challenge yourself to continuously improve
  • Check your grades on Infinite Campus (daily)
  • Keep on top of work missed from absence


If you have academic or behavior concerns/questions regarding your student, please contact me, Hannah Price, at hannah.price@henry.k12.ga.us. You can also contact me through call or text at 678.310.5169. Please allow me at least 24 hours to respond.

Ms. Price



FBLA is a co-curricular student organization in Business that promotes leadership, career planning, community service, and social networking. Students will learn about the club during the first week and once it is actually up and running for Impact, they will get more information about memberships.

Notice of Equal Opportunity can be found at https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Page/49720