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Status of Software at ANL and Containerization

David Blyth

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Simulation and Reconstruction

Legacy chain: SLIC + LCSim + slicPandora

  • Full simulation and reconstruction with PFA for SiD-based detectors
  • Has allowed us to study the applicability of a SiD-based detector for the EIC
  • Limited to SiD subdetectors and symmetry

Evolution chain: lcgeo + LCSim

  • Drops SLIC in favor of the DD4Hep-based lcgeo simulation
  • Does not currently include PFA

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Legacy Chain

  • Adaptation of the SiD simulation and reconstruction software chain
  • Full simulation + tracking + PFA
  • Event visualization with Jas4pp (S. Chekanov)
  • Thanks to a few efficiency improvements, digitization and tracking time in LCSim has been dramatically reduced
    • E.g. for sqrt(s) = 35 GeV DIS events, time has been reduced by a factor of ~35

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Evolution Chain (DD4Hep)

  • Created in order to evolve away from SiD chain
  • DD4Hep and LCSim made to work together for SiD-based detectors
  • LCSim will soon be replaced with digitization and reconstruction that leverages DD4Hep detector description
  • With LCSim replaced, the chain will be used to simulate and reconstruct detectors that are very different from SiD (e.g. Cherenkov components)
  • See presentation by W. Armstrong tomorrow morning

Image credit: Marko Petrič (CERN)

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  • DD4Hep-based parameterized detector library for nuclear physics experiments (W. Armstrong, S. Johnston)
  • Compatible with the “Evolution Chain”
  • Provides foundations for a number of detector concepts
    • JLEIC
    • SiEIC
  • Excellent place to collaborate right now! Any effort put into developing detector concepts here will not be wasted.

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  • Generic track finding library in its early stages coupled to GenFit
    • Uses Hough transform and conformal mapping
  • Working track finding for JLEIC case thanks to S. Johnston
    • However, still uses “SimTrackerHit” portion of LCIO model as input
  • Near future:
    • Update to use digitized + reconstructed hits
    • Generalize using SiEIC as test case

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  • Language-neutral IO library for storing and transmitting intermediate and reconstructed data
    • Primary motivator: data model evolution and sharing data
  • Based on Protobuf, and inspired by ProMC (S. Chekanov) and EicMC (A. Kiselev)
    • Conceptual merger of LCIO and ProMC/EicMC
  • Implemented in
    • Go (tools mostly written in go: portable and performant)
    • Python
    • C++
    • Java (read-only for now)
  • Will present on this in detail tomorrow

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  • A simple but powerful tool for building a “Repository with MC simulations for particle physics”
    • Consists of a web interface and command-line tools
  • Already contains ~2 Billion events
    • LO+PS, NLO, and NLO+PS
  • Environment to study detector effects with fast and full simulations
  • See next talk by S. Chekanov

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Logical organization of HepSim

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HepSim and Containers

  • Would like to standardize layout of reconstruction container images
    • Standard entry-point script within container that takes input and output directories as arguments?
  • Reconstruction tags in HepSim will specify/correspond to Docker Hub tags
  • Anyone with Singularity or Docker will be able to process arbitrary MC data with the reconstruction software on
    • Desktop
    • OSG
    • HPC
    • etc...

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Container Implementations

  • Docker
    • Developed for IT industry
    • Integrated into cloud services such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure
    • Docker Hub (hub.docker.com)
  • Singularity
    • Developed at LBL
    • Easier to use interactively on desktop
    • Better suited for grid and HPC
    • Can import from Docker Hub
  • Shifter
    • Developed at NERSC
    • Specifically for deployment of images on HPC clusters
    • Imports from Docker Hub

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Experiences with Containerization at ANL

  • Much of our simulation and reconstruction has been moved to containers on both the Open Science Grid (OSG) and HPC clusters.
  • Primary Docker images have been developed and hosted on Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com/u/argonneeic/
  • Singularity and Shifter containers have been run in Grid/HPC environments

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  • Essentially source code for Docker images
  • Can be readily revision controlled
  • Serves as
    • Instructions to building a Docker image
    • Documentation for image
  • Good idea to
    • Import from image tags that are not subject to change
    • Reference specific software releases or commit hashes

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  • Essentially source code for Docker images
  • Can be readily revision controlled
  • Serves as
    • Instructions to building a Docker image
    • Documentation for image
  • Good idea to
    • Import from image tags that are not subject to change
    • Reference specific software releases or commit hashes

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Container Image Development Practices...

  • Can differ significantly from practices of IT industry
    • For IT, there is a strong incentive to have small, single-purpose images
      • IT industry uses containers in cloud
    • On OSG and HPC, it is a different story
      • Images can be large, and it does not affect the amount of IO
      • On OSG, images are fed unpacked over CVMFS, on-demand
      • On HPC, a high-bandwidth connection serves parts of image on-demand
  • For me, all software components meant to work together are packaged together in an image
    • Images are large: ~5 GiB
    • Only storage quotas apply pressure to keep images from being much larger
  • In this usage, container images are less about providing appliances, and more about providing a cohesive simulation/reconstruction environment

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Singularity on OSG

  • OSG scripts generate unpacked singularity images served over CVMFS
    • CVMFS offers aggressive caching
    • Docker import can lose some environment information
      • In this case, it is possible to copy proper image files to nodes, but in this case image size matters!
    • Using Singularity limits jobs to a subset of grid resources
  • Difficulties with OSG image distribution ultimately has discouraged use
    • My work has instead grown to favor local HPC resources (namely Bebop)

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Singularity on Bebop

  • New Cray CS400 cluster at ANL
  • Shockingly easy!
  • Load Singularity module
  • Pull Docker Hub or shub image into local image file
  • Load image file from nodes over high-speed link
  • “Legacy chain” and “Evochain” run out of the box on Broadwell nodes
    • Not so much on KNL nodes: Java apps raise exceptions over insufficient resources
    • J. Taylor Childers discovered that it is max thread limits that prevent Java GC threads from spawning

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  • The power of containers can be summed up in the following fact:
    • Our entire simulation and reconstruction was converted over from running on OSG to a brand new HPC cluster in about 2 hours.
  • This kind of portability can be a very powerful collaboration tool
    • E.g., people with little to no knowledge of particular simulation/reconstruction software could evaluate the performance of a detector design and/or reconstruction procedure for their physics case
  • Other ways to collaborate…
    • Share Dockerfiles
    • Share base images
    • ...