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Lecture 6

Bitcoin and anonymity

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Lecture 6.1:

Anonymity basics

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Some say Bitcoin provides anonymity

“ Bitcoin is a secure and anonymous digital

currency ”

— WikiLeaks donations page

4 of 81

Others say it doesn’t

“ Bitcoin won't hide you from the NSA's prying


— Wired UK

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What do we mean by anonymity?

Literally: anonymous = without a name

Bitcoin addresses are public key hashes rather than real identities

Computer scientists call this pseudonymity

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Anonymity in computer science

Different interactions of the same user with the system should not be linkable to each other

Anonymity = pseudonymity + unlinkability

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Pseudonymity vs anonymity in forums

Reddit: pick a long-term pseudonym


4Chan: make posts with no attribution at all

8 of 81

Why is unlinkability needed?

  • Many Bitcoin services require real identity

  • Linked profiles can be deanonymized by a variety of side channels

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Defining unlinkability in Bitcoin

Hard to link different addresses of the same user

Hard to link different transactions of the same user

Hard to link sender of a payment to its recipient

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Quantifying anonymity

Complete unlinkability (among all addresses/transactions) is hard

Anonymity set: the crowd that one attempts to blend into

To calculate anonymity set:

  • define adversary model
  • reason carefully about: what the adversary knows, does not know, and cannot know

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Why anonymous cryptocurrencies?

Block chain based currencies are totally, publicly, and permanently traceable

Without anonymity, privacy is much worse than traditional banking!

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What about money laundering?

Legitimate worry

Bottleneck: moving large flows into and out of Bitcoin (“cashing out”)

13 of 81

Can we keep only the good uses?

Common conundrum in computer security and privacy:

uses that are very different morally are pretty much the same technologically

14 of 81

Similar dilemma: Tor

Anonymous communication network

Sender and receiver of message unlinkable

Used by:

  • Normal people
  • Journalists & activists
  • Law enforcement
  • Malware
  • Child pornographers

Funded by (among others):

U.S. State Department

15 of 81

Anonymous e-cash: history

David Chaum, 1982

Blind signature: �two-party protocol to create digital signature without signer knowing the input



16 of 81

Anonymous e-cash via blind signatures

Deposit coin # 317038628684424





Spent coins

Withdraw anonymous coin







Bank cannot link the two users

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Anonymity & decentralization: in conflict

  • Interactive protocols with bank are hard to decentralize

  • Decentralization often achieved via public traceability to enforce security

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Lecture 6.2:

How to de-anonymize Bitcoin

19 of 81

20 of 81

21 of 81

Trivial to create new address

Best practice: always receive at fresh address

So, unlinkable?

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Alice buys a teapot at Big box store







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Linking addresses

Shared spending is evidence of joint control

Addresses can be linked transitively

24 of 81

Clustering of addresses

An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System

F. Reid and M. Harrigan


25 of 81

Change addresses






Which address

is change?

26 of 81

“Idioms of use”

Idiosyncratic features of wallet software

e.g., each address used only once as change

27 of 81

Shared spending + idioms of use

A Fistful of Bitcoins: Characterizing Payments Among Men with No Names

S. Meiklejohn et al.

IMC 2013

28 of 81

To tag service providers: transact!

A Fistful of Bitcoins: Characterizing Payments Among Men with No Names

S. Meiklejohn et al.

344 transactions

  • Mining pools
  • Wallet services
  • Exchanges
  • Vendors
  • Gambling sites

29 of 81

Shared spending + idioms of use

A Fistful of Bitcoins: Characterizing Payments Among Men with No Names

S. Meiklejohn et al.

30 of 81

From services to users

1. High centralization in service providers

Most flows pass through one of these — in a

traceable way

2. Address — identity links in forums �

31 of 81

Network-layer de-anonymization

“The first node to

inform you of a

transaction is probably

the source of it”

Dan Kaminsky

Black Hat 2011 talk

32 of 81

Solution: use Tor

Caveat: Tor is intended for low-latency activities such as web browsing

Mix nets might provide better anonymity

BUT Tor is what’s deployed and works

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Lecture 6.3:


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To protect anonymity, use an intermediary

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To protect anonymity, use an intermediary

Online wallets do this

Do they provide anonymity?!

36 of 81

37 of 81

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Dedicated mixing services

  • Promise not to keep records

  • Don’t ask for your identity

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Back to online wallets

Reputable, often regulated, businesses

  • Typically require identity, keep records ➔ no anonymity w.r.t. wallet service

  • Users trust them with their bitcoins ➔ keep them for longer ➔ bigger anonymity set w.r.t. everyone else

40 of 81

Rest of this lecture:

assume a user for whom the trust requirements and anonymity properties of online wallets are unacceptable

41 of 81

Mixing: terminology

Mix vs. mixer

Another term: laundry

Won’t use in this lecture

42 of 81

Principles for mixing services

1. Use a series of mixes

Mixes should implement a

standard API to make this


Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with accountable mixes

J. Bonneau et al.

Financial Cryptography 2014

43 of 81

Series of mixes

Mix 1

Mix 2

Mix 3

44 of 81

Principles for mixing services

2. Uniform transactions

In particular: all mix

transactions must have the

same value!

Chunk size”

Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with accountable mixes

J. Bonneau et al.

Financial Cryptography 2014

45 of 81

Principles for mixing services

3. Client side must be


Desktop wallet software

Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with accountable mixes

J. Bonneau et al.

Financial Cryptography 2014

46 of 81

Principles for mixing services

4. Fees must be all-or-nothing

Probabilistic fees:

0.1% mixing fee =

mix will swallow chunk

with 0.1% chance

Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with accountable mixes

J. Bonneau et al.

Financial Cryptography 2014

Current mixes follow none of these principles

47 of 81

Remaining problem: trusting mixes

  • Stay in business, build up reputation

  • Users can test for themselves

  • Cryptographic “warranties”

48 of 81

Currently no reputable dedicated mix

Caution: Mixing services may themselves be operating with anonymity. As such, if the mixing output fails to be delivered or access to funds is denied there is no recourse. Use at your own discretion.

— Bitcoin Wiki

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Lecture 6.4:

Decentralized mixing

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Why decentralized mixing?

  • No bootstrapping problem

  • Theft impossible

  • Possibly better anonymity

  • More philosophically aligned with Bitcoin

51 of 81


Each signature is entirely separate

This is 1 mixing round

Mixing principles from before apply on top of basic protocol



Proposed by Greg Maxwell, Bitcoin core developer

52 of 81

Coinjoin algorithm

  • Find peers who want to mix
  • Exchange input/output addresses
  • Construct transaction
  • Send it around, collect signatures�(Before signing, each peer checks if her output is present)
  • Broadcast the transaction

53 of 81

Coinjoin: remaining problems

  • How to find peers
  • Peers know your input-output mapping�(This is a worse problem than for centralized mixes)
  • Denial of service

54 of 81

Finding peers

Use an untrusted server

55 of 81

Peer anonymity

Strawman solution:

  • exchange inputs
  • disconnect and reconnect over Tor
  • exchange outputs

Better solution: �special-purpose anonymous routing mechanism

56 of 81

Denial of service

Proposed solutions:

  • Proof of work
  • Proof of burn
  • Server kicks out malicious participant
  • Cryptographic “blame” protocol�(CoinShuffle: Practical Decentralized Coin Mixing for Bitcoin�T. Ruffing et al., PETS 2014)

57 of 81

High-level flows could be identifying


Alice receives 43.12312 BTC / week as income �Always immediately transfers 5% to retirement account

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Heuristic: merge avoidance

Instead of a single payment transaction

receiver provides multiple output addresses

sender avoids combining different inputs

(Proposed by Mike Hearn)

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Lecture 6.5:

Zerocoin and Zerocash

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Zerocoin: protocol-level mixing

Mixing capability baked into protocol

Advantage: cryptographic guarantee of mixing

Disadvantage: not currently compatible with Bitcoin

Zerocoin: Anonymous Distributed E-Cash from Bitcoin

I. Miers et al.

IEEE S&P 2013

61 of 81

Basecoin and Zerocoin

Basecoin: Bitcoin-like Altcoin

Zerocoin: Extension of Basecoin

Basecoins can be converted into zerocoins and back

Breaks link between original and new basecoin

62 of 81


A Zerocoin is a cryptographic proof that you owned a Basecoin and made it unspendable

Miners can verify these proofs

Gives you the right to redeem a new Basecoin

(Somewhat like poker chips)

63 of 81

Two challenges

How to construct these proofs?

How to make sure each proof can only be “spent” once?

64 of 81

Zero-knowledge proofs

A way to prove a statement

without revealing any other



  • “I know an input that hashes to da39a3ee5e
  • “I know an input that hashes to some hash in the following set: … ”



65 of 81

Minting zerocoins

Zerocoins come in standard denominations

(Let’s assume 1 basecoin)

Anyone can make one!

They have value once put on the block chain

That costs 1 basecoin

66 of 81

Minting a zerocoin: “commitment”

Generate serial number S

(eventually made public)

and random secret r

(never public, ensures


Compute H(S, r)

Serial number:



67 of 81

Minting a zerocoin

To put H(S, r) on block chain

Create Mint Tx with 1 basecoin as input


signed by A

H(S, r) H( )

68 of 81

To spend a zerocoin S:

  • Reveal S �(miners will verify S hasn’t been spent before)

  • Create zero-knowledge proof that:�“I know a number r such that H(S, r) is one of the zerocoins in the block chain”

  • Pick arbitrary zerocoin in block chain & use as input to your new transaction�

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Zerocoin is anonymous

Since r is secret, no one can figure out which zerocoin corresponds to serial number S

H(S, r)




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Zerocoin is “efficient”

The proof is a giant disjunction over all zerocoins

Yet the proof is relatively small!

I know r such that

H(S, r) = h1


H(S, r) = h2



H(S, r) = hN

71 of 81

Zerocash: Zerocoin without Basecoin

Two differences

  • Different crypto for proofs�(More efficient)
  • Proposal to run system without Basecoin

Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin

E. Ben-Sasson et al.

Usenix Security 2014

72 of 81

Zerocash: untraceable e-cash

All transactions are zerocoins

Splitting and merging supported

Put transaction value inside the envelope

Ledger merely records existence of transactions

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Zerocash: the catch

Random, secret inputs are required to generate public parameters

These secret inputs must then be securely destroyed

No one can know them (anyone who does can break the system)

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5 levels of anonymity



Anonymity attacks




Tx graph analysis


Single mix


Tx graph analysis, bad mix

Usable today

Mix chain


Side channels, bad mixes/peers



Cryptographic mix

Side channels (possibly)





Altcoin, tricky setup

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Lecture 6.6:

Tor and the Silk Road

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�Anonymous communication

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Threat model

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How Tor works

Safe(ish) if at least one router honest

Key challenge: hiding routing information

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Solution: layered encryption

Side effect: contents encrypted from �Alice to exit node

BUT: Unencrypted from exit node to Bob

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Hidden services

What if the server wants to hide its address?


  • Connect to “rendezvous point” through Tor
  • Publish name → rendezvous point mapping
  • Client connects to rendezvous point

Onion address looks like http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/

81 of 81

Silk Road

  • Communication: Tor hidden service

  • Payment: Bitcoin

  • Security?

  • Anonymous shipping?