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By: AJ Everett, Cole Sinnott, Justin Renninger

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What is Our Project?

We teamed up with the Department of Public Works in the City of Reading to help develop a sustainability and resiliency plan. Our main target audience was a younger audience to help residents in the city of Reading become more environmentally aware. Our research was focused on pollution. Our service was based on the testimonies of residents around our age as to how climate change affects them, as well as what it means to them.

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  • Introduction of harmful materials

or chemicals into the atmosphere/air

  • Can either be natural or man-made
  • Started as early as our earliest ancestors
  • Issue of pollution rose with new industrial advances from the late 1800s to now
  • Smog episodes in NY and London were life-threatening

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Causes of Pollution

  • Majority of it is man-made, but some

events are natural causes

  • Natural causes include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and dust storms
  • Humans cause most of the air/water pollution we see in the world today
  • Plastic is a huge contributor to the rise in pollution
  • Not recycling the plastic is leading to harmful chemicals being found in the air and water

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Consequences of Pollution

  • Smog episodes, which can lead to deaths
  • Human health
  • Global warming
  • Environment degradation

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  • Recycling
  • Renewable sources of energy
  • Limit the amount of smoke put into the air
  • Find new, eco-friendly ways of transportation

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SDG’s Pollution

  • Quadruple (or triple) bottom line
  • Resiliency plan
  • Discovering new ways to limit pollution in the city of Reading

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Our Service

  • A short 3 minute video where we do an interview style video while asking serious questions about climate resiliency here on campus and in the greater area of Reading, Pa.
    • “How do you personally feel you have been affected by climate change?”
    • “What does climate resiliency mean to you?”
    • “How can we create a better climate that is more resilient in the next 5 years?”

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Our Service (cont.)

  • Slideshow for the website- A short slideshow with testimonies from people in the Reading area about how lack of resiliency and effects of climate change have affected Reading or them specifically
  • A short 1 page paper explaining why we chose the project and what it meant to us

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Overall, we enjoyed this project thoroughly. It was very interesting to go around the campus and city of Reading to hear resident’s knowledge about climate change and how they feel they are being personally affected. Everyone had different backgrounds, so there was a lot of differences in how serious they believe it to be, as well as how they are being affected. It proved that the community is not totally aware of the consequences, so helping the department of public works to build awareness and help combat climate change meant a lot to us.

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Boudreau, D., McDaniel, M., Sprout, E., & Turgeon, A. (2011, August 18). Pollution. In J. Evers & K. West (Eds.), National Geographic Society. National Geographic. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/pollution/.

Bullfrog Films. (2014). Plastic Paradise. United States. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from http://docuseek2.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/bf-plpa#.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, & US Department of Commerce. (2013, June 1). Nonpoint source pollution, NOS Education offering. A Brief History: Pollution Tutorial. Retrieved December 5, 2021, from https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_pollution/02history.html.

United Health Foundation. (2021). Explore air pollution in the United States | 2020 annual ... America's Health Rankings. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://www.americashealthrankings.org/explore/annual/measure/air/state/ALL.

WordPress. (2018, April 13). Natural Causes [web log]. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://globalenvchallenges.wordpress.com/non-anthropogenic/.