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Journal #1 2/8/2024

Over the past 2 decades in particular, Americans have become more and more overweight. In a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was found that more than 50 percent of adults are overweight and about 20 percent are obese. Imagine 20 years in the future. Do you think this trend will get worse or will it reverse in 20 years? Will there be more or fewer overweight and obese Americans by then? Explain why you think so.


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EQ: What are the components of fitness

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Who is physically fit?

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What is fitness?

  • Physical Fitness: The ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands

  • Fitness LEVELS vary from person to person

  • Physical activity: any form of movement that causes your body to use energy

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Physical Benefits of Exercise

  • ↑muscle strength
  • ↑heart strength
  • ↑lung strength
  • ↑flexibility
  • ↑energy
  • ↑circulation
  • strengthens bones
  • maintain healthy weight
  • shrinks fat cells
  • relaxes muscles
  • ↓resting heart rate and breathing rate
  • ↓cholesterol
  • ↓blood pressure
  • ↓chance of osteoporosis
  • ↓chance of heart attack and stroke
  • ↓obesity

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Mental and Social Benefits of Exercise

  • Produces endorphins
  • ↑confidence
  • ↑self esteem
  • ↑sleep
  • relieves tension
  • controls mood swings
  • relieves stress
  • ↓anxiety
  • ↓depression

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5 Components of Fitness�

  • Cardiorespiratory endurance / aerobic endurance: The ability of your heart and lungs to work together to supply oxygen to tissues in your body over a long period of time.

Resting Heart Rate

Active Heart Rate


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Determining Your Resting, Maximum and Target Heart Rates

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) = the maximum # of times your heart or pulse should beat in 1 minute. Formula: 220 – your age

What is your MHR? _________________

Target Heart Rate (THR) = The range your pulse should be between during physical activity to receive the most benefit to your body. Your pulse should be working between 60% and 80% of its maximum.


MHR x 60% = ___________

MHR x 80% = ___________

What is your THR range? _______-___________

low - high

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2. Muscular strength:

Muscular strength is a measure of the force generated by your muscle against resistance.

Sit Up

( one min)

Push Ups

(no time/ in a row)

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3. Muscle endurance:

muscle's ability to continue contracting against resistance over a period of time.

Single legged Wall Sits

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4. Flexibility: The ability to move a body part through a full range of motion.

Sit and Reach (Read Column A)

Trunk Lift (Inches - floor to chin)

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5. 5. Body composition: the proportion of body fat compared to lean muscle, bone, organs and other tissues.

  • BMI
  • Fat %
  • Blood Pressure

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  • Measured in % of fat.
    • Too much OR too little body fat can lead to health problems

  • BMI - height & weight

Two people with the same height & weight may look completely different because they have different body comp.

  • Blood Pressure

Body Composition

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The “O” words

  • Overweight, over-fat & obese are DIFFERENT!

  • Overweight: Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 25 or over
    • BMI is a height/weight ratio. Does not account for muscle mass!!
  • Over-fat is based on % body fat or body composition-
    • Males (xy) over 20% are considered over-fat
    • Females (xx)over 30% are considered over-fat
  • Obese: body fat is over 40% and BMI is 30+,
    • waistline measures 40”+ for males (xy), 35”+ female (xx)

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BMI Examples:

  • Frank Gore: 5’9”, 217 lbs
  • LeBron james: 6’8”, 250 lbs
  • Gisele Bundchen: 5’11”, 126 lbs
  • Jennifer Lawerence: 5’6”, 130 lbs

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7 Surprising Benefits of Exercise article

As you read the article:

  • use one color to highlight the benefits discussed.
  • Use a 2nd color to highlight evidence that supports these things claims.

Summary on Note Taking Guide:

  • Two meaningful

connections and why

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Monday Sept. 30, 2019

Due: 4.3

Journal #6

Fitness Testing

Fitness Analysis

Due: 4.5 Due Wednesday

Test Monday Oct. 7 (Reading Guide and Journal Cover)

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Body Mass Index

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Wall Sits

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Tuesday October 1, 2019

Due: Nothing

  • Notes: Sports Injury and Steroids
  • Fitness Analysis
  • Work Time

HW: 4.5 Due Wednesday

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Journal #1 Feb. 5, 2019

  • Who are 2 people you consider to be physically fit? What leads you to determine that these are people who qualify as “fit”?

  • My partner_________ believes _________. I agree/disagree because _________.

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Journal#5 September 27, 2019

One of the goals of PE is to encourage students to be fit for life.

  • Do you think PE does a good job of meeting this goal? Why or why not?

  • Should PE be required class in high school? Explain what you think.

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Journal #6 Feb. 26

  • Think about how physically fit your family is currently.  Analyze the fitness of your family as a whole.

  • CONSIDER: types of physical activities do you participate in with your family (sports, camping…) Other activities would you like to do? Are your family members fit enough to participate with you?  If your family does not do any physical activity, what activities might you be able to get them to participate in? How would you motivate them? 

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Journal # 5 March 21, 2022

  • Is fitness/movement a priority for you? What are the reasons you choose to work on your fitness/movement (or not). What benefits from movement do you find most valuable to you? Explain.

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Journal #5 March 21, 2022

  • Based on your general knowledge of physical fitness, do you consider yourself to be fit? Why or why not? How would you describe your level of fitness?