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TRIZ Online Template

This is an evolving tool…

To use, click on “file” → “make a copy”

(please don’t edit this copy)

Brought to you by the global community of Liberating Structures practitioners and Nancy White of http://www.fullcirc.com!

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Liberating Structures introduce tiny shifts in the way we meet, plan, decide and relate to one another. They put the innovative power once reserved for experts only in hands of everyone.

This template is to accompany a blog post explaining how to use TRIZ to figure out what to STOP doing in order to do the things that will really add value, especially in times of uncertainty and rapid change. Read the blog for more context!

TRIZ is one of 33+ Liberating Structures.

Liberating Structures used routinely make it possible to build the kind of organization that everybody wants. They are designed to include everyone in shaping next steps.

A good starting place is to read about TRIZ on the Liberating Structures website. Remember, Liberating Structures are

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TRIZ Online Instructions: Preparation

  • We assume you have an online video meeting tool with breakout capability.
  • Prepare a Google Doc, Slides (one slide per group) or something similar for each breakout group.
  • Set the permissions so everyone can edit. Have the urls handy to paste into the chat room at the appropriate moment.
  • Have the stepwise instructions ready to copy/paste into the chat room. One instruction – they go do it – then the next. Don’t put them all in at once.
  • Refine your invitation. The one below is for specifically stopping bad meeting habits before they go online, but you have many options!

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TRIZ Online Instructions: Invitation

The invitation: In plenary in your online meeting space welcome folks and then dig in.

“First alone, think about how we could reliably design our online meeting so that nothing got done, everyone had a TERRIBLE time and our leadership and credibility is seriously damaged. Make a list of all the things you would have to do to make this happen. Go wild! I’ll post this instruction in the chat to keep it top of mind.”

Paste these first instruction in chat.

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In your group: In a moment tell folks you are going to put them into breakout groups (If you need to, describe how that works on your platform!) In chat paste the next step instruction, and then the urls for each breakout group Google Doc – so doc #1 goes to breakout group #1. Sometimes people get confused. If they all end up in the same google doc, that is ok. They can figure it out!! Here is their task: “In your group, share your ideas and compile a master list in your Google Doc. You have five minutes then I’ll pull you back into the main room for a touch point.

In the next slide you have an example template you can duplicate so people can type their items right into the slide. Make a separate slide for each group. 5 minutes

TRIZ Online Instructions: First Breakout

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TRIZ Online Instructions: Breakout Template (make one per group)

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At this point you can quickly bring everyone back to briefly check in and set up the next step. “Have you created the design for absolute failure? Give me a few examples of the most horrendous things you can do.” This gets people riled up even more! You want them to stretch!

TRIZ Online Instructions: Touch Point

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Tell them you are going to send them back into their groups. “Now run through each element. Which of these elements is currently present in your work practices. Highlight those in your Google doc. Calculate what percentage you are actually DOING? You have five minutes then we’ll come back for a touch point.

Paste in this instruction into chat and then send them on their way!

TRIZ Online Instructions: What is real?

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TRIZ Online Instructions: Breakout Template (make one per group)

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TRIZ Online Instructions: Touch Point & Final Step

Bring people back. Quickly ask what percentage are highlighted. This is where it gets real, my friends!

Next Step: Tell folks you are going to send them to breakouts one more time. “Next pick one or more of those things to STOP doing before you design your online meetings. What is the first step you need to do to STOP it? Make a plan to do that. Be as concrete as you can and identify who has to be involved to make it happen. Be prepared to share your next steps when we return to plenary. You have 10 minutes.

Paste in this instruction then send them on their way!

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TRIZ Online Instructions: Moving to Action

When everyone is back, prioritize your collective next steps to STOP doing. Then reflect on the process. What is liberated when we identify what to STOP doing? What is made possible?

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After TRIZing...

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Resource Tour:

Remember, Liberating Structures are…

  • “Serious Fun”
  • Purpose-full
  • Flexible
  • Familiar?
  • FREE!?
  • Tour the Website http://www.liberatingstructures.com

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Liberating Structures are made available through a Creative Commons Non-Commercial, Attribution, Share-and-Share Alike License

You can use ‘em, you can share ‘em,

but you can’t sell ‘em

Slide content adapted from materials developed by Keith McCandless and others

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App: The development team at Holisticon is happy to offer the Liberating Structures App which is now released and available in the Google Play and Apple App Stores.