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A Guidance System to warn drivers against Rollover in Caterpillars’ UTV


Chang Yan

Fuzail Misarwala

Kavi Pandya

Kunal Kulkarni

Lin Zhu

Sai Krishna Panakanti

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Basic User Interface

Outside condition dynamic display

  • Speed
  • Weight
  • Slope
  • Road
  • Weather

Internal/car parameters

  • Seatbelt
  • Tire Pressure Uniformity
  • Car Initial Load weight
  • Fuel Status

Safety Gauge - Dynamically changing safe speed ranges based on parameters


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Scenario 1: Here’s a normal scenario

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Choose a weather

Speed up

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The driver speeds up...

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Slow Down

Do nothing

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Scenario 2:

Everything is fine, but the speed isn’t!

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Slow Down

Do nothing

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The driver slows down...

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Scenario 3:

Heavy rain

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Slow Down

Do nothing

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The driver slows down...

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Scenario 4: Muddy roads

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Slow Down

Do nothing

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Guess what the driver does?

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Scenario 5:

Winter has come!

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Slow Down

Do nothing

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Yup, that’s right.

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Scenario 5:

Steep slopes

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Slow Down

Do nothing

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Too much adrenaline, again!

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Thank you!