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On Page 71 of the Connected Educator you will find the detailed directions for co-constructing knowledge here. 

Create and add your slide that answers the following questions:

  • What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?
  • Why do we exist? (educators)
  • What do we want to create?
  • What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

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Connected Learning

  • What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?
    • Our guiding principles consist of putting relationships first and understanding how much they matter. Then, creating trust and fostering collegiality.
  • Why do we exist?
    • We exist to create a connected learning environment for connected learners, networked teachers, and educators.

  • What do we want to create?
    • A collaborative culture made up of intentional relationships, shared vision, trust, and collegiality.
  • What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?
    • I think that providing more opportunities for students to use technology in the classroom is a great place to start. This allows students to use external sources to reach the outside world. To thrive in the increasingly globalized world, students need to be abe to interact with all types of people in both physical and virtual worlds.

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Building Collaboration

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What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

I think that we know one another to be as knowledge as the next. We need to succeed and learn with one another to create a better world to live in. we have already come so far and the more we work together the further we will go

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Our guiding principles for operating and working together as connected learners should include creating personal and professional networks. We should engage in collective and continuous inquiry, participate in thoughtful conversations. We should support reciprocal learning so that the instructor and student are co-learners.

We exist to try to create collaborative learning. We utilize resources that encourage collaboration and collective learning.

We want to create a culture of collaboration and reciprocal learning. We want to create excitement in learning and sharing what we have learned with others using collaborative tools.

Schools need to look outside of traditional teacher/student roles and utilize the myriad of technological tools that are available these days. Students thrive in a culture of using collaborative tools such as blogs, tweets, facebook, Schoology, ipads and other ways of communicating electronically.

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Connected Learners

We should create positive relationships to ensure that we build a collaborative culture

We exist because not one of us is as good as all of us put together.

We can all contribute to improved individual practice.

We want to create a collaborative culture that includes:

  • Trust
  • Collegiality
  • Shared Vision

The continued development of technology has allowed us to have a deeper understanding of the world. We should encourage students to collaborate with people of different cultures to help them prepare for their unknown future.

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Why do we exist?

We exist only to fulfill what we desire most. We have ethics common sense to tell use right and wrong and only the individual can see what will lead them to full belief on their own personal existence

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Connected Learners

What are our guiding principles:

  • Trust first
  • Collaboration
  • Shared vision

Why do we exist?

To enlighten one another.

What do we want to create?

  • A safe space
  • Collaboration opportunities
  • A web of connection & mutual support

What should school look like?

Indoor and outdoor spaces for learning

9 of 207

What do we want to create?

I think if you asked this question to everyone in the world the answer would be a better life for all. But can we really create this? If we succeed what will be created next. I think the answer to this question only raises more question and i know that, that answer is not obtainable..

10 of 207

What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners.

I think that having an extreme amount of external sources for the students to learn on would be a great start. Give them the ability to form and ask questions, but also give them a mean to answer that question. I think having technology be a huge part of learning is a great start. If we can give them the resources and abilities to succeed then they will

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Guiding Principles: We share the belief that none of us is as good as all of us. We are here to learn from each other in a trusting relationship, and everyone’s input is valuable.

We exist to foster an open, innovative, challenging learning environment

We want to create a community with shared vision and values, willing to explore new ways of learning

Today’s learners need schools without pre-determined expectations.

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Our guiding principles are that: We are smarter together. WE should value all opinions and respect each other.

We exist to encourage and grow a positive learning experience

We want to create students that are hungry for knowledge and have the skillset to appease that hunger.

What should schools look like to support the needs of today’s learners? Schools today should be digital in nearly all aspects and allow for un-plugged periods of recreation time.

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Guiding Principles

  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Transparency
  • Collaboration
  • Collegial
  • Global Awareness

16 of 207

We can expand our minds

by connecting and collaborating to solve the world’s problems

17 of 207

Why do I exist as

an educator?

I exist to work with others to create happiness and success for my students and community.

Lisa and Jen

18 of 207

We come from all walks of life:

different languages

different jobs

different life experiences

different goals

different cultures

different abilities

different inabilities :-)

different ideas

different successes

It is not our differences

that divide us. Our

differences UNITE us!

- shared values

- shared experiences

- shared goals

- shared ‘language’

- shared strengths

- shared ideas

- shared our failures

and successes

- share our culture

- share our knowledge

We exist to help others learn! To teach them ….

- to be involved their learning

- to think intensively

- to be a lifelong learner

- love, generosity, patience,

compassion, good manners

- collaboration

- to delight in their differences


the needs.

Having successful moments.

R.Long, Oct. 2014

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Connected Educators have the world in the palms of their hands- M. Gillies

We work, create, exist to make the world smaller and much more connected

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In a relationship each person should support the other; they should lift each other up.

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Building a Collaborative Culture

We Need Positive Relationships, Trust, and Transparency

We exist to inspire learning and creativity

We want to create responsible citizens who realize that education is life itself

School should look like a tree: collaborating roots growing in all directions and learners in blossom

Laura Larson


22 of 207


try new things




respect each other

be passionate about ideas











meet new people

initiate change

be open


ask questions

23 of 207

We are...

  • united
  • built for teaching from learning
  • in this together

24 of 207

Honesty, Affiliation, and Common Interests

We exist to help each other guide our students towards quality in education

I would like to create an organization of educators that help each other with specific content ideas as well as general educational platforms

School should look like life. Each student should have their own plan and teachers should be there to help them along the way.

25 of 207

"Individual commitment to a group effort--that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

Vince Lombardi

A. Levi

26 of 207

No negativity

To become better teachers and make our students better learners

A profession that solves its own problems

Connected, friendly, trustworthy, student’s voices are heard

27 of 207

When we participate, we connect, and from those connections come opportunities to collaborate around shared passions....and improved pedagogy and student success result.

Nussbaum-Beach, Hall, 2012


28 of 207

Shared Vision:

Relationships, Collegiality, Trust,

Congeniality, Collaboration,

Positive relationships, Transparency

29 of 207


Building a collaborative culture


Holly Derrick

col·lab·o·rate (k -l b -r t ). intr.v. col·lab·o·rat·ed, col·lab·o·rat·ing, col·lab·o·rates. 1. To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort. 2. To

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Lynn Greene/FDLRS

31 of 207

Collaborative Culture




Creating Trust and Getting Connected

Patti Beacham

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Guiding Principles






33 of 207

34 of 207

35 of 207

Building a shared vision

We want to create great ideas from great minds that share a common goal (and are excited about it!).

We exist so that we feel successful in our careers. We want to feel supported by others who share our same way of thinking

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Building a Shared Vision

Everyone learning anywhere at any given time!

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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.." - Helen Keller

""In the long history of human kind (and animal kind, too), those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed."- Charles Darwin

Denise Frenz

Our guiding principles should always include the elements of :

  • shared visions
  • shared decision making
  • parity
  • trust
  • affirmation and validation
  • clear understandings and clear goals

Today, our schools have to respond to the very diverse needs of ALL learners. We cannot choose the students who are in front of us. To support this, we must provide every tool possible to allow students to move forward to become lifelong learners.

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  • Establish TRUST
  • Share our visions of learning to move forward
  • Help students feel comfortable collaborating by owning this perspective ourselves
  • Support global collaboration

Kathy Mathis

39 of 207

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

Relationships Matter

    Congeniality & Collegiality



Shared Vision


40 of 207

It is easier to stay on the path walking with others. Continue to learn from others, Gain the knowledge you need, Problem solve with RESPECT.

Google Docs is being used by Florida Inclusion Network (FIN) to share meeting notes, collaborate on documents, and share documents across the state with FIN facilitators. In Google Docs, you can give your collaborative partners various levels of access - some items to edit, others to read. We are finding it a great way to share ideas and to collaborate. Trust is there.

Beth Scanlan

41 of 207

Why do we exist? (educators)

To prepare students for the 21st Century

    to learn

    to teach

    to prepare

    to continually evolve

42 of 207

What do we want to create?

Students who can

create & recreate

their own learning environment.

43 of 207

The Connected Educator

  • What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?
    • Trust, collegiality, transparency, shared visions
  • Why do we exist?
    • We exist to become better learners as well as teachers. Together we can accomplish more through sharing our experiences and encouraging one another.
  • What do we want to create?
    • Communities that make our learning environment better
  • What should schools look like to support the needs of today’s learners?
    • Technology and an environment that allows for collaborative activities and people voicing their own opinions/knowledge/experiences

Shelby BUED 340

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The Connected Educator

-Deanna Price

  • Guiding principles for how we should operate and work together are: Developing collegial and congenial relationships with faculty and students.
  • Educators exist to guide students and assist them in understanding themselves and the world around them.
  • We want to create cultured, well rounded students that move on from the classroom and into the real world, using the skills and knowledge we have taught them.
  • Schools should have a collaborative, connected, and cultured community to support the needs of today's learners.

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The Connected Educator

by Emily Morrill

  • What are our guiding principles? 
    • A mutual respect for each person's professional experience and expertise, and the unique information they bring
  • Why do we exist? 
    •  To encourage each other in engaging change
  • What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?
    •  An ever changing "lab" where all collaborate for the most meaningful learning outcome
  •  What do we want to create?
    • Lifelong learners (in educators and students alike)


    The nature of relationships among the

  adults within a school has a greater 

  influence on the character and quality of 

   that school and on student accomplish-

      ment that anything else.

                            --Roland Barth

46 of 207

Create authentic relationships and true transparency for the ultimate "performance!"

Inspire big ideas and foster the love of learning!

Construct dynamic learning environments that will motivate learners BIG TIME!

A partnership in fluid motion!

A Vision of Extrodinary Size

by Lyndsey Schemm

47 of 207

All can learn...all that is needed is vision.



All I became as a teacher... was as much for me as for them.


All I need is a path...

to a protected haven with branches that guide me to insight and light.

Traci McKinney

48 of 207

The Connected Educator

  • We should communicate regularly, respect one another, and trust that everyone works their hardest to provide input.
  • We exist to help ourselves and to help others with education all over the world.
  • We want to create a new, legitimate learning community for teachers and students.
  • Schools should involve an abundance of technologies to support today's learners.  These technologies should be of the present and of their future (not what was once our future). 

49 of 207

Education: Joining hearts and minds to:

"educare" - to draw forth

...to allow to unfold

...to support the evolution of

...to foster the development of










50 of 207

Shared Vision

51 of 207


Open, trust, respect.

Bold,new world citizenship.

Invisible walls. 


52 of 207


Collaborative Culture

What should

school look








Powerful Learning


Guiding Principles




D. C.

53 of 207

Guiding Principles: 

Do all the good we can; do no harm ~~ (paraphrase of John Wesley)

Use whatever gift you have to serve others.

We exist to encourage, aid, and nurture the quest for knowledge for ourselves and the generations to come

We want to create the intellectual equivalent of a community garden, with as much variety and vitality as possible, which will in turn nourish and replenish the community and the world.

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"In the long history of humankind (and animalkind), those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." - Charles Darwin

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

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We create knowledge!


56 of 207

Got Connections?

Guiding Principles:

1. We all have something to share.

2. We never stop learning.

3. Respect differing opinions.

4. Keep an open mind.

We are trying to create a risk free environment where teachers at all learning stages can come and learn at their own pace and in their own time for topics that matter to them.

We exist because we know that the training we are getting in traditional PD is not enough for the new generation of learners.

Schools should look like:

57 of 207


Always the most important question.

What do we want to create?

What should schools look like?

  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Trust

Happy adults, finding, learning and solving problems.


58 of 207

I will be empathetic and respectful in my collaborations.

I exist to grow more beauty in the world by simply being mindful of the beauty in and around me.

I want to create a life worth living through the joy of discovery and relationships.

Schools are meant to be communities of nurtured growth & acceptance.

Rachel Evans

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Kathryn Allen @KathrynELAllen


 We exist 

to create 

what schools look like 

to support the needs of today's learners.

Today's Learners:

  • connected
  • fast paced
  • overloaded
  • information seekers
  • global
  • networked



 Interesting link on networks


60 of 207

GUIDING PRINCIPLES... Transparency, honesty, open dialogues, everyone contributing

EXIST...To improve, to learn, to refine

CREATE...A better practice by seeking the input of others globally with whom we have established trust to hone our educational views/craft

LOOK LIKE...Time for self-directed learning; time to share what you are learning in self-sought communities; presentation of emerging technology tools and practices; time to utilize these tools.

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Today's Learning


62 of 207

63 of 207

Our Guiding Principles

Our values: Mutual respect; curiosity; ingenuity.

We are here to explore ideas, integrate knowledge and inspire change.

We will create an atmosphere that encourages innovation, supports trial and error, celebrates all outcomes.

School today must be a place of open dialogue lacking judgment, collaborative inquiry, and process-driven product creation that addresses the real needs of all parties.

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65 of 207








We are a group of committed and connected educators who exist to co-create a shared vision of learning & teaching in the 21st century. 



   Our guiding principle is respect for:

      • all co-creators
      • all processes
      • all ideas.


                 We want to create an EVOLUTION!

                                               Sandee Mirell  smirell@caisca.org 2012

66 of 207

The Connected Educator        Nickie McKeever

What are our guiding principles?

To constantly learn, reevaluate, and collaborate.


Why do we exist?

To provide opportunities for students to grow, achieve, and connect in an increasingly shrinking world. This is a fundamental right for all people.


What do we want to create?

Life-long learners who value diverse perspectives and work to improve their lives and the world around them.


What should school look like?

A place of acceptance, innovation, collaboration, and growth.

67 of 207

Why We Exist

Educators exist to help all children grow and learn as fast as their individual abilities allow. To do this we need to create an environment where each child will be motivated to explore, engage, and express themselves. They should feel safe enough to try things and learn from their mistakes. They should pursue their interests and share their learning. We must give timely feedback without negative consequences. @DrDougGreen

68 of 207

  • What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?


Space for group work

Technology available in various formats

Teachers as learners & facilitators



Permission to try new methods without fear


69 of 207

                                                                                 Patti Grayson 


We exist to guide students in their learning...

We should operate as a network of concerned, connected educators who learn & share for the benefit of our students.

We want to create connected, passionate, life-long learners.

Schools should be comfortable, welcoming places, 

equipped with the tools & technology students need to learn.

70 of 207



* Respect

* Transparency

* Respect

* Trust

* Vision


To collaborate and learn from each other. Change the way that students view learning and impact their lives in a meaningful way.


Students who want to discover and learn on their own. Students who develop into lifelong learners.


Schools should be places where students can come and collaborate and share with the teachers and the other students. A place that is equipped with the technologies to make their learning possible.

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Our Connected Global Community

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    Building relationships of trust is essential in social media as well as in our schools and districts.  How do we build that trust?  Transparency is one key.  We need to share enough of ourselves to become an individual with personality on the other end of our comments.

Congenial and Collegial

Roland Barth suggests that the personal and positive relationships that thrive in most schools are a beginning for developing those relationships on line.  That was a new thought for me!

Let's all enjoy our new relationships!  Starlene 

73 of 207

The Connected Educator

by Chris Sherman

  • Guiding Principles
    • Respect each others ideas.
    • Risk taking is good.
  • We exist to improve teaching and learning...to make a difference in the lives of children.
  • We want students to be independent thinkers...to know how to learn...
  • What schools should look like?

74 of 207

Connecting Education

by Sally Raff

*What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

          Congeniality and collegiality help us understand how                  we should work together.            

*  Why do we exist?

           We exist to help one another survive.

*  What do we want to create?

            We want to create an environment where teachers help             each other and teachers help students prepare for their             future.

*  What should school look like to support needs of today's learners?             

             School should be a safe, comfortable place where trust             can be found and everyone is trying their best in all they             do.


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The Connected Learner

by Kali Kurdy

  We are all connected to one another because we share the same passion. We allow ourselves to be isolated when it is together that we can make so much greater difference.  We are the Port in the Storm for many of our students. By connecting ourselves, our students, and the rest of the world, we can learn and grow with each other.


76 of 207

Why do we exist? 

To see wonder in the faces of our students.  To connect in ways that bring deep understanding and confidence in skills.

Why do we exist? 

To see wonder in the faces of our students.  To connect in ways that bring deep understanding and confidence in skills.

What should schools look like to support the needs of today's learners?  Hybrid learning environments, flexible schedules, inquiry/project-based instruction, collaborative/social learning, partnered, global.

Guiding Principles:

Trust, shared vision, respect, clear communication

What do we want to create? 

Questioners, reflective thinkers, confident communicators, innovators.

Rachel Thompson

77 of 207

We need to work together as a trusting group of colleagues, willing to share and accept differing opinions and points of view.

We exist to bring about positive change in ourselves and the students whom we teach.

We want to create an environment of trust and a shared vision of the future.

To support the needs of today's learners, school needs to look less like school and more like the outside world.

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Get Connected

Our Guiding Principles: openness, honesty, generosity, and creativity

Why do we exist?

To unlearn, relearn, and make sure every student reaches their highest potential possible!

What do we want to create?

A safe and open learning environment for problem-solving and inclusion

What should it look like?

Fun and friendly environment devoted to collaboration and technologically advanced learners

Kyndra Carlson

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The Connected Educator

Guiding Principles:

  • Shared vision based on respect
  • Honest, transparent communication

Schools that support today's learners: 

  • Student driven learning
  • Collaborative learning/sharing 
  • Technology freedom vs technology ban

Why do we exist: 

  • To guide students to be college and career ready
  • To co-learn along with students

What do we want to create: 

  • Risk-taking innovators
  • Willing problem solvers
  • Open environment for non conventional learning styles

Georgia Omer

80 of 207

Guiding Principles

  • trust
  • transparency
  • shared vision

Why Do We Exist?

  • collaborate
  • influence change
  • learn from each other
  • impact student learning

What do we want to create?

  • creative learners
  • problem-solving learners
  • self-directed learners
  • motivated learners
  • confident learners
  • collaborative learnerspassionate learners

Supporting Today's Learners

  • professional connected educators
  • teachers/students share in learning
  • leaning environment that promotes inquiry learning, collaboration
  •  technology integrated into learning

Annika Grimes

81 of 207

Guiding principles:

  • Vision, 
  • transparency, 
  • trust, 
  • valuing growth


  • To better educate and prepare our students for the world they are a part of now and in the future.


  •  Confident, capable citizens

The future:

  •  Teachers and students learning together
  • Expanding the learning community

Mari Braithwaite

82 of 207

Guiding Principles/Ideas

  • We need to learn from each other and not be afraid to share out what we know. All too often, teachers don't see themselves as "experts" but they are.
  • Tough questions about curriculum goals and assessment practice should be part of the conversations. But respect for others is crucial, too.
  • We want to be creating "living documents" of curriculum that adapt and shift as the world changes. This is not driven by tools and technology, but by the learning.
  • Administrators need to be supportive of teachers as they explore new practices, and understand that not everything will go the way one expects. Teachers need to keep administrators in the loop.

By Kevin Hodgson


83 of 207

The World is our Classroom 

Our Guiding Principles

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Transparency
  • Vision

We Exist 

  • To empower students with confidence and the key knowledge that they can learn and thrive in the 21st century.

We Create

  • Eagerlearners
  • Innovative problem-solvers
  • Self-directed individuals, and  collegial participants
  • Caring, community-oriented citizens

We Support

  • Individual students
  • Inquiry
  • Collaboration
  • 21st Century Skills
  • Web 2.0 tools
  • Connected, relevant, global learning

Elaine Tucker 2012

84 of 207

Known networks will be joined automatically

What are our guiding principles?

Why do we exist?

What do we want to create?

What should school look like?

We all have something of 

    worth to share

To ensure the best future of     


A network of trust and learning

Teachers and students 

    learning together

85 of 207

The Connected Educator

Guiding Principles

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Vision
  • Transparency

Why do we exist?

  • To influence change
  • To enable students to have the educational experience necessary to prepare them for today's world
  • To create people who are critically engaged with the world around them

What do we want to create?

  • Collegial Relationships 
  • Innovative and Motivated Learners
  • "Portfolio People"-people who know how to learn.

What should schools look like today?

  • Connected, reflective teachers and learners
  • Collaborative structures within the classroom (for students) as well as throughout the school (for teachers)
  • Access to technologies for connection and collaboration (Web 2.0)
  • Teachers who are willing to broaden own perspectives of how schools/classrooms in today's world should look.

Timbre Greenwood, 2012

86 of 207

Building a Collaborative Culture

Guiding Principles:

  • Trust
  • Transparency
  • Vision
  • "We" together are better than "me."

Why do we exist?

  • We exist to prepare people to live in a world that does not yet exist.

What do we want to create?

  • Opportunities
  • Communities
  • Joy of learning

What should a school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

  • Students engages in real world challenges.
  • Teachers and students learning together to make a difference.

87 of 207




  • There's no need or time to reinvent the wheel.
  • A combination of ideas usually  results in a better outcome
  • Only by becoming connected can we truly teach our students to be connected. 

...to create lifelong learners.

...to create capable members of society.

Create individuals capable of performing 21st century skills. 

By: Jennifer Rodriguez 2012

88 of 207

Working together creates wonder and awe in what is achieved and what is known

Building community in learning is far reaching and endless in life. Teachers are disguised in many forms

Trust and believe in each other having respect for what others know and what you may not know

We want to create a challenge that never ends and always inspires one to look beyond to see what is out there

Cathy Stephenson

89 of 207

The Connected Educator

Guiding Principles:



Good Will





What We Want To Create:







Why We Exist:


To share our stories, broaden our perspectives, and empathize with other human beings who are trying to survive and prosper on our interconnected, evolving planet...to experience and create opportunities for self-actualization.


Schools should look more like art studios...colorful, encouraging, sometimes chaotic & collaborative... comprised of open spaces oozing with creative juices, varied tools, and inspiring supplies within reach.


90 of 207

The Connected Educator

Lilly Mercer

Guiding principles:

  • Start by building positive relationships with colleagues that

are collaborative, diverse and easily expansive.

 Why do we exist:

  •  To improve practice, to find solutions to complex problems, to help students become critical thinkers and doers. 

What do we want to create:

  • Collaborative learning communities, composed of critical thinkers

What should schools look like to support the needs of todays’ learners?

  • They should be an open network community, where individuals collaborate and foster students’ needs, in an ever changing society.



91 of 207

Why do we exist?  We are the pathleaders, blazing new trails for our colleagues to follow.

Our guiding principles need to include collaboration, shared visioning, and trust.

What do we want to create?  A dynamic network of co-learners, a collective of connected communities of practice.

How should schools look? Not like anything that now passes for what the general public understands as "school." 

Madeleine Friedman

92 of 207

Guiding Principles

    The Seven Norms of Collaboration:

        Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry, Pausing, Paraphrasing, Probing,

        Putting Ideas on the Table, Paying Attention to Self and Others, 

        Presuming Positive Intentions   - Center for Adaptive Schools 

Why We Exist

    To ensure all students achieve their highest potential.

What We Want To Create

    Students who have competence, confidence, courage, achieve their dreams, and are life long learners (Osseo Mission Statement)

What our schools should look like

    A place where teachers and students learn together.  A    place for innovation

93 of 207

Our guiding principles are bringing in our unique ideas to add value to the group

We exist to accomplish goals that we set out in order to better our lives and the people around us

We want to create a society that learns off of each other and contributes to others success

Schools should integrate technology and demo tools students can use to connect with each other outside of the classroom

94 of 207

Guiding principles, why we exist, what to create, how schools should look...

Schools should not look like this. They are in the "waiting room" of change. I would love hours to become flexible for students and teachers as well as location. Some work will happen in pajamas and online, others in person. Schools won't be as behind on the newest technological hardware. 

We exist to help kids fall in love: with learning, with their passion, with their independence, with discovery and success. We exist to guide students in content and how to. We exist to find relevance with and for kids. We exist for their success. 

What do we want to create? Adults who travel, who read, who want to see/read different perspectives. Adults who can see multiple points of view and yet discern where the bias exists. Adults who love to learn on their own, who are inquisitive and curious. Adults who can pass on these traits to their children as well as help progress our society into the future...

95 of 207

Jennifer Kiekhoefer, July 2012

The Connected Educator

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Sharing 

Why do we exist?

  • To collaboratively work together with a shared vision to meet the needs of the students we work with
  • To provide the appropriate skills so they may be prepared for the changing world we live in

What do we want to create?

  • independent self directed learners
  • creative problem solvers
  • effective communicators

What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

  • collaborative learning environment where everyone works together
  • shared learning
  •  engaging conversations and activities

96 of 207

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

  •  to grow trust, share ideas, be transparent

Why do we exist?

  • to unlearn, and co-learn so that we can better teach our students and prepare them for an ever-changing society

What do we want to create?

  •  an open relationship between collegues to share ideas
  • communication both with collegues and online
  • collective visions for learning

What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

  •  a place where everyone contributes to the learning and ideas are shared
  • teachers are learning along side students and even from students as well as students learning from the teacher and other peers

Trudy Cohn 2012

97 of 207



Guiding principle: Be kind & seek to find � common ground.

We exist to produce good work.

We want to create active minds.

Our schools should be friendly, engaging centers of inquiry.

Be the learner you want your students to be.

Catherine Trinkle, April 1, 2013

98 of 207

The Connected Learner

1. What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

    **We should all be congenial with each other.  We also must cooperate with each other.  But the most important thing to make sure that we are all "Connected Learners" is that we MUST have collegial relationships.


2. Why do we exist?

    **We exist for the betterment of the students we teach.  The more we colloborate and trust our collegues in our social network, the more we will learn and the better we will be able to teach our students.


3. What do we want to create?

    **We ultimately want to create a social learning network that we feel comfortable sharing with; both giving advice/ideas and getting advice/ideas.


4.  What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

    ** Schools should be open to all possibilities of social learning networks.  There is a time and place for them and they can and should be used as a valuable learning tool.                                                                Kamie Gritt 7-12

99 of 207


  • Genuine collegiality
  • Community is a work in progress
  • Put people first

WE EXIST to support one another in striving to improve our practice as educators; to serve learners in our community, our nation, and our world.


  • a community where we're all learners -- some just beginning the journey, and some further along the path
  • opportunities for each individual to be heard and valued
  • a safe place to question, share, and learn


open and honest people of many ages and backgrounds who are actively sharing, learning, teaching, working, questioning, laughing, discovering;

united in a common purpose . . .



100 of 207

  Building a Shared Vision

If I were in charge of the education world, �I would work toward establishing the �following beliefs:

Guiding Principles

  • Achieve balance by using a variety of �strategies, approaches, and tools
  • There is no single "right way"

Why Exist?

  • To facilitate learning experiences


  • Learning communities in spaces that enhance the learning experience and promote learning rather than compliance


  • Schools? Why have "schools"? 
  • Create learning spaces (f2f and virtual) that complement �or enhance the learning experience.

Nancy Blair


101 of 207


by collegial acceptance and respect 

in a transparent dialogue 

of continual learning, 

we educators discover 

with our students 

how to live, 

always learning. 

Always learning, 

living learning, 

we create 

personalized understandings 

and globally connected collaboratives, 

and through these, we pave the paths 

to personal, productive, and peaceful futures. 

Always learning,

living learning,

schools provide 

a meeting point, 

a guide, 

a way forward 

from a place we are 

to the place we dream 

in face-to-face, 


and virtual spaces,









with access by all 

to the ideas, tools, and conversations 

that are also ongoing 

in the connected points 

of the global school

to live learning.

102 of 207

Guiding principles of collaboration and collegiality through

mutual respect and


Ideal school has  technology for all with excellent teachers who tap into a variety of resources.

Creates a safe and diverse environment that promotes dialogue and problem-solving.

Exists to assist educators in fostering the best learning environment for all students.



   DL Johnson

103 of 207

PatPat Smiley

Click on the picture - it's a movie! Thank you!


Pat Smiley

104 of 207

Encourage curious attitudes         *        Encourage risk-taking and offer support  

 *      Honor integrative thinking     *

*       Splice, borrow, remix…and celebrate/recognize authorship     *

 [illustration: http://etc.usf.edu/presentations/extras/paper_people/index.html]


[slide by Marta, Literacy Education college teacher]  



105 of 207

*We As Educators*

By: Alicia Reed

Guiding Principles: We need to build and sustain a comprehensive and continuous system of school improvement and organizationalgrowth.



We exist b/c: We impact others lives!


 We Create: Quality, Effectiveness! A difference!

Schools Today: Colorful, Imaginative, Fun, Happy, Technical!

106 of 207

Connected Learner, by: Logan Meier

What should a school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

  • Students engages in real world challenges.
  • Teachers and students learning together to make a difference.

Why do we create?

To be able to express ourselves!

Why do we exist?

To make an impact on the world in some way!

The guided principles include: Trust


   Shared Vision


107 of 207

Effective principals....embrace qualities of consistent, technical school goals... maintain coherence to shared norms and values. ...authentically involve school staff in decision making.

Principal-Teacher interactions : How Affective Relationships Shape Principal and Teacher AttitudesHeather E. Price

Summary of distinguishing aspects of leader 

The nature of leadership / John W. Gardner

  • Think longer term
  • grasp relationship to larger realities
  • influence beyond normal
  • emphasize intangibles
  • political skill to cope with conflicting requirements and constituents
  • think in terms of renewal

The leadership of the school MUST be distributed. If we want students to feel a sense of ownership then teachers must also take a sense of ownership. That means they must have an ability to effect change in their school.

108 of 207

Mutual trust is a must!  It has to go further than congenial.

Connecting for 21st Century Change

Let go and unlearn.  It is difficult so take time to grieve!

Take risks!

Shared vision will carry your community to new heights!

Problem solving is often messy. Learn to grow in that difficult time.  If you are taking risks, then even if you take the wrong path, you'll learn something from that experience.  Try a different path the next time.

Learn to be collegial.  It's ok to have differing ideas or opinions.  When you can look past your own  idea and try something new, you grow!

Mandi Logan

Connected Educator

109 of 207

Connected Learners...

What are our guiding principles? 

  • Our guiding principles are sharing our learning with mutual respect and trust.

Why do we exist?

  • Our pursuit of growth and learning produces positive outcomes that related to the greater good of the group.  

What do we want to create?

  • A culture of congeniality and collegiality. 

What should schools look like to support the needs of today's learners?

  • Genuine relationships 
  • Community norms 
  • Routine collaboration 
  • Building on knowledge

110 of 207

Connected Learners

Guiding Principles



   Shared Vision



We exist to:

    help learners grow

    make learning exciting

We want to create:

    digital knowledge

     shared learning




Our schools should:

    have team players

    be inviting

    be opened to change



111 of 207

Connected Learner

  • Guiding principles include....
    • Collegiality, transparency, and a shared vision
  • We exist to.....
    • Guide learning, inspire, encourage, and motivate
  • We want to create....
    • real-life experiences, life-long learners, community
  •  School should look like...
    • Open, inviting, access to technology


"Teachers open the door, but you must enter it yourself."

                                                      - Chinese Proverb


112 of 207



Collegiality�Online�New Learning�Norming�Establish Trust�Collaboration�Transparency�Encourage TrustDecisions

Long-Distance Collaboration�Engaged�All are experts�Relearning�Networking�Evolving�Relationships�Shared Vision

113 of 207

Connected Learners

Guiding Principles



Openness to learn and share


Shared vision 


What do we want to create?

Experience that help students become life long learners

and provide skills they need for the future.

Why do we exist?

To help students develop their skills to be the best they can be and contribute to society. 


What today's schools should look like?

Places where students learn, unlearn, relearn using technology.

Students working together, presenting, creating, thinking, collaborating.

Kara Chism

114 of 207

The Connected Learner:

Learning By All ~Donna Brumlow



Our guiding                                                                                                                             We exist for

principles are                                                                                                                          our students;

transparency,                                                                                                                         for the future of

shared vision,                                                                                                                        all so that

risk-taking, and                                                                                                                       discovery and

continuous                                                                                                                               learning are                                                      

learning.                                                                                                                                   ongoing.                                   









We want to create                                                                                                                    School should

continuous                                                                                                                             look like a

learners who are                                                                                                                     network of

problem solvers.                                                                                                                  connected

We want to create                                                                                                               learners inside

leaders                                                                                                                                of and outside the

who create new                                                                                                                    school's walls.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             



115 of 207

Building A Shared Vision

CONNECTING: Creating a learning environment--anywhere, anytime for anyone about any subject

What a Wonderful World

Gayle Glenn TCS

116 of 207


Working towards a congenial and collegial professional experience in order to inspire life long learning.

117 of 207

The Connected Learner

We are guided by trust, vision and respect as educators.

We exist to help our students and each other be the best we can be.

We want to create life long learners not only in the classroom but also within our profession.


S. Thomas - Trussville City Schools

Our schools should look like a well oiled machine that is always repairing itself to become better.

118 of 207

Guiding Principles: respect others, encourage all members to contribute to discussions, accept others thoughts and opinions as being as important as your own.

We exist to encourage and support student learning and expand our own ability to assist students in becoming lifelong learners.

We are trying to create a learning environment for ourselves and our students that will encourage learners to make critical connections with other learners.

To support the needs of today's learners, we have to look at utilizing available technology to develop and access critical learner networks.

119 of 207


TRUST in each other, TRANSPARENCY to take a risk in trying new practices, RESPECTING each other's voices and ideas, and SHARING THE VISION for positive learning for our students.

120 of 207

Connected Learning…

Working in unity toward global communication and collaborative learning utilizing technology and sharing a vision based on human relationships, trust, transparency, and collegiality…….

…..so that learning opportunities are not confined to the four walls and the single teacher in a classroom within one community.

Christina Garcia

121 of 207

Communities Facilitating Learning






122 of 207

Connected Learners

  • Shared vision

  • Working together

  • Supportive


  • Communication

  • Problem solving

Jolene Ahlschwede

123 of 207

Connected Learners

Katherine Jimenez

We have been given the key to Wonderland. Through Communication and Collaboration, we will be able to access all the wonders that this land inhabits. We should not be late to learn and support others through this journey.

124 of 207


NELSON MANDELA in his own words . . . ON LIBERATION

"The people are their own liberators."

Roger Harrison UK to the world.

125 of 207




Open Mind







Beth McAulay, FDLRS

126 of 207

127 of 207

Guiding Principles

Why do we exist?

What do we want to create?

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?


An Tran

  • Understanding the Stages of Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Establishing Trust
  • Putting Relationships First
  • We exist in order to help others improve and grow
  • We exist for our students so they can look up to us and we can be their mentors
  • Positive relationships
  • Trust
  • Collegiality in Collaborative Relationships
  • Shared Vision
  • Global Collaboration

  • In order to thrive in the globalized world today, we need to help students feel comfortable collaborating with people from different cultures
  • There isn’t a specific answer to this since schools and the world are changing on a constant basis.

128 of 207

Education exists because someway, sometime, somehow...

This is our guiding principle, our reason for being, and what schools strive to create!

Kari Catanzaro, Maconaquah Middle School, Bunker Hill, Indiana

129 of 207

Connected Learning!

We should foster, nurture, and maintain positive relationships!

We exist to love, to learn, to grow, and to share!

We want to create opportunities for our students to be the best that they can be!

There is no easy answer to what schools should look like to support the needs of today's learners. This changes constantly based on many factors.

By: Sandy Stabenfeldt

130 of 207

Connected learning

* build Meaningful Relationships

* Establish Trust

* Believe in Collegiality

* Create a shared Vision

* Collaborate

-Educators are here to help student reach their peak and potential

. Helping student learn and reach their potential. To help them be able to walk through life confidently and knowing they have all the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.

-Classrooms should look happy, engaged diverse are evolving. Technology should be incorporated, trusted and relationships should also be seen in these classrooms.

131 of 207

The Connected Learner

Through this process of learning I hope to feel the outstretched hand of all those who are far more affluent in technology than I. The love of learning can be shared, built upon and created so that each one, can reach one, to teach one until we are all taught.

Danielle Jamieson @DanielleSteiert

132 of 207

Brooke L. Stahl June 2013

Connect,Collaborate, & Collect Resources

Guiding Principles:

* build Meaningful Relationships

* Establish Trust

* Believe in Collegiality

* Create a shared Vision

* Collaborate

WHy Do We Exist?:

Educators exist to make our students realize and strive for their potentional. "Every child deserves someone who is absolutely crazy about them!" - unknown

What do we want to create?: I want to help shape children to have confidence and motivation to achieve beyond their goals to their dreams, with the background and knowledge to get them there. I want my students to be ready for the 21st century in order to be lifelong learners and achievers. It is important to me to have my students know that I care about them and their needs & futures.

What Should School look like to support Today's Learners?: Classrooms and schools should constantly change and adapt to technology advances as well as student interests and desires to learn. Common core has established the criteria to meet, but it is our duty to present it to students so they stay connected in a world that is ever changing and evolving.

133 of 207

Climb the steps of Machu Picchu to become Connected....

Guiding Principles:

Step Uno-Respect

Step Dos- Trust

Step Tres- Build Relationships

Step Cuatro- Strive for collegiality

Step Cinco- Collaboration

Sara Lariviere

Why do we exist as educators?

What do we want to create?

A Global community that collaborates and uses technology to optimize student learning.

Every School Should... model digital responsibility and allow the children time to create and collaborate using technology.

134 of 207

What are our guiding principles for how we

should operate?

Trust, Transparency, Shared Vision, and Collaboration

Erica Becker June 2013

Building a Collaborative Culture

Why do we exist?

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

- Albert Einstein

What do we want to create?

We want to create a safe space for inquiry, curiosity, experimentation, and reflection where all teachers are learners and all learners are teachers. A place where everyone can grow and succeed.

What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?

Schools should be flexible both structurally and in terms of content. Nowhere in the world are there concrete walls separating math skills from written or oral skills. Art, music, and sport do not exist without proportion and vocabulary. Students and teachers should be active, self-directed learners exploring larger themes and the interconnectedness of disciplines through appropriate materials and resources.

135 of 207

136 of 207

"The art of teaching is

the art of assisting discovery."

Mark van Doren

What should a school look like?

What do we want to create?

Why do educators exist?

Guiding Principles

to Working Together

Sandy Risk

137 of 207

"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers." -- Richard Bach

For my word cloud I chose a tree. In Collegial Relationships I envision the teachers as being the roots. They may be spread out in different directions but they come together at the trunk. The trunk is their common goal/purpose. If the teachers are fed with support, trust, openness, and respect then their goals /purpose will grow shown in the branches, leaves and fruit. Like fruit, the results of the collegial relationships have seeds. Hopefully when these seeds fall upon the minds of others, fellow teachers, administrator, community members, students ... growth will continue.

MaryRose Carlow

138 of 207

"We seek not rest but transformation...

We are dancing through each other as doorways.."

Marge Piercy

Guiding Principles:

  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Transparency
  • Collaboration

Why do we exist?

  • We exist for our students.
  • We exist for the future of all so that discovery and learning can be ongoing.

What do we want to create?

  • We want to create experiences that help students become lifelong learners.
  • Motivated learners
  • Confident learners
  • Self-directed learners

What should school look like?

  • A place where everybody contributes to learning and sharing of ideas
  • A place where teachers learn alongside students

The Connected Educator

Traci Ferguson 2013

139 of 207

Together We Stand

A culture of collaboration exists only when

individuals believe that they are an important

part of the whole..


J.TAN, 2013

140 of 207


"...it is crucial that critical thinkers who want to change our teaching practice talk to one another, collaborate in a discussion that crosses boundaries..." bell hooks

We must always remember to work together with the consciousness that our differences are far less significant than our human likenesses.

We want to liberate our youth by giving them the keys to the kingdom of learning---curiosity, initiative, sensitivity, self-regulation, expressiveness, ability to pose the right questions and the ability to discriminate (Donald Graves, "Testing is Not Teaching")

Schools must look like nothing we are familiar with, and yet be comopletely familiar to our senses.

Melanie Stultz-Backus

141 of 207

Work together to teach how to learn, not what to learn.

Creating lifelong learners who want to learn and who know how to find new information (Dad, Grandma, grads should all be still learning!)

What should school look like? An ascending spiral, re-viewing with a new perspective while moving up

to new

levels of


Educators exist to help learners find their best path, to help them want to learn; to guide, rather than to bludgeon them with standardized assessments.

We should find a

way to help learners

navigate the way

to knowledge and

maybe even


142 of 207

Guiding Principles:



Shared Vision


We exist to prepare our students for their future in the 21st Century..

We want to create lifelong learners that can problem solve, work well with others and are self-motivated.

Schools should be transformed to meet the needs of today's learners. They should be fluid and varied as the individual students. Learning can take place anywhere and anytime. Schools should reflect this.

Danette Bohman

143 of 207

What are our guiding principles

for how we should operate and work together?

True and exhibited respect for one another, the craft of teaching, our students and their parents. With that foundation, we can overcome any obstacles.

Why do we exist?

To encourage and guide our students towards learning.

What do we want to create?

Citizens who have a love for learning and can effectively work with others to accomplish the unknown.

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

A media and technology rich environment that is stimulating and challenging. Students working in teams to solve real world problems. Celebrations of success a part of every day.

by Bob Ryner

144 of 207

Guiding Principles

We collaborate with collegiality in our global community of learners to ensure that our students have the very best education possible, rooted in our world-wide gathering of knowledge.

Why Do We Exist?

We must exist, for if we don’t we are isolated in a narrow room made up of nothing but our own individual knowledge…….

If we stay isolated, we imply we have all the knowledge necessary and dismiss the contributions that others might make to expand our knowledge…….

Isolated from the world, we are lonely and lost in a profession of mediocrity………

We cannot grow without

each other.

We will create life-long learners like ourselves who will show others the value of learning in collaboration with the people of the world and make strides toward ultimate peace!

What should school look like?

It certainly won’t look like a building with four walls with desks in rows! Look on the next slide for a hint of my vision!

Marie Brancato

145 of 207





seeking knowledge

asking questions

global collaboration


Personal Learning Communities

Global Networks

Marie Brancato

146 of 207

To help our students collaborate with other individuals outside of the classroom and then share the knowledge gained with other students and the teacher inside the classroom.

147 of 207

Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The troublemakers. The ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.


148 of 207

Learning should be active and collaborative.

Our goal: passionate, productive world citizens

We are learners, collaborators, coaches, and connected teachers.

School is not 4 walls and 6 hours. School is anyplace, anytime. Students should be engaged learners.

149 of 207

Building Positive Relationships






Shared Vision













Shauna Lasbury

We exist in order to guide and teach our learners

Guiding Principles: Trust, Transparency,

Collaboration and Shared Visions

What schools

should look like:

-Students feel


-Learning is fun


We want to �create:

Life Long


150 of 207

We are...

  • united
  • in this together
  • a force that guides
  • built for teaching from learning
  • supported by each other
  • better through our own numbers
  • Connected Educators

151 of 207

We, the connected educators of students everywhere...

Are guided by the desire to learn from each other

Exist as change agents to redefine the norms of learning and education

Want to create long, lasting connections that foster growth, both professionally and personally

152 of 207

Guiding Principles:

  • Foster personal & positive relationships
  • Encourag hard work
  • Understand risk are involved
  • Provide an opportunity to share
  • Build trust through transparency

Why do we exist:

  • to create a genuine collegiate relationships
  • to nurture & support collegial dialogue that celebrate with each other

What we want to create:

  • a shared vision created collectively and revisited regularly

The School

  • promote commitment, engagement, & diversity of thought that accepts conflict
  • challenge the status quo
  • engage in mutual accountability
  • address rather than ignore individual issues
  • offer authentic learning
  • respect & appreciate cultures and people

JoBeth Marano

153 of 207


  • Our principles: Trust, transparency, collegiality, and collaboration.
  • We exist to make a difference.
  • Lets create a world free of bad judgments and full of encouragement.

  • Schools should look more like a caring and loving home

154 of 207

It’s time to connect!

Attention educators-We are here to foster versatile, CREATIVE minds! Let go of your FEARS and start making CONNECTIONS with your peers for the good of your students!

155 of 207

Building a Shared Vision

Guiding principles that we should use to learn and work together is to:

  • collaborate,
  • always be fair and trustworthy,
  • treat everyone with respect,
  • support and assist each other

to help our students become the best that they can be. We exist t to provide a quality educational system that promotes a community of learners. We want to create a learning environment where everyone wants to reach organizational goals using processes and procedures that help students attain academic knowledge. Schools will need to work with communities and other services to analyze what students need. In order, to build a shared vision schools will need to put the continued needs of the students first, they will need to provide instructors with resources for continued professional growth. Educational systems will need to work with parents and surrounding communities to provide students with an education that will allow them to be effective and efficient professionals.

156 of 207

Building a Shared Vision

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

  • establish trust
  • foster collegiality and congeniality relationships
  • be a transparent learner

Why do we exist as educators?

  • to encourage and guide our students towards learning

What do we want to create?

  • life-long learners

What should schools look like to support the needs to today’s learners?

  • inquiry
  • creativity
  • imagination
  • global collaboration and awareness
  • collective learning

157 of 207

Our PLC Commitments

Angie and Navaz

  • Commitment to professional growth and development.
  • Commitment to making a difference in the academic and social/emotional development of our students.
  • Commitment to creating life-long learners.
  • Commitment to collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity.

158 of 207

We ...

  • Believe our guiding principles are trustworthiness, kindness, and goodwill.

  • Believe our existence is to make a difference that promotes positive change in the world.

4. Want schools to be a conduit that allows students to move freely through various and diverse learning environments that allow them to express themselves and to discover who they are and who they want to be.

3. Want to create a world filled with knowledgeable and positive citizens, that have diversity and cultural awareness.

159 of 207

Craig and Casper

Put Relationships first!

Collegial not just congenial

Trust based on sharing


Shared visions & values for student learning. Its all about the students!

Recognize that process will not always go smoothly :-(

160 of 207

Guiding Principles

Shared Vision





Model Collaboration



161 of 207

I think, therefore, I am curious!

Teachers nurture How do I get there!

my curiosity.

162 of 207

The Connected Learner

We fight for the common good of students everywhere.

We exist for students to live and prosper.

We create futures and imaginations.

We foster environments that encourage students to pursue their passions and dreams.

163 of 207

“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do.”

-Steve Jobs

We believe in

fostering and maintaining relationships

We are here because

we want to create change

We strive to create

a community of life-long learners


should be filled with reflective educators who believe each child has the ability to feel success.

Rachel Scott

164 of 207

165 of 207

Building a Collaborative Culture

Guiding Principles:

  • Building relationships through trust
  • Fostering collegiality
  • shared vision
  • modeling collaboration in practice

We exist…

To be co-learners with our students and guide them towards taking control of their learning.

We want to…

To foster an environment of life-long learning

To support today’s learners schools need to…

be connected and foster an online presence as well as being a learner centered environment.

166 of 207

Collaborative Culture

Guiding principles:*honesty *respect �*trust *collaboration�

We exist:to encourage each student to do and be their best

We want to create:life-long learners who are productive citizens in society

Schools need:reflective educators who learn alongside their students

167 of 207

The Connected Educators: Who are we?

What guides us?

  • collegiality with congeniality
  • building trust through transparency
  • believing in the work we do
  • recognizing it will be hard, but worth it

Why do we exist?

  • to learn and unlearn, even when it’s uncomfortable

What do we want to create?

  • kids who are empowered to think for themselves, and know how to find answers when they haven’t been given them

What do schools need to look like to support our learners?

  • Faculty and staff have to be invested in their school culture and in building classrooms that are learner-centered
  • Technology has to be readily available

168 of 207

Building a Collaborative Culture

Guiding Principles:

  • Trust
  • Relationships
  • Collegiality
  • Collaboration

We exist to help students grow.

We want to create a place where students grow to be life-long learners.

School should have educators willing to provide any support available for their student. School should be learner-centered.

Kristin Lara

169 of 207

170 of 207

Culture of Collaboration

Facilitate with integrity

Design learning experiences

Encourage creativity & individual thinking

Listen, learn & create

Anxley Miles

171 of 207

Guiding principles:

trust and transparency, congeniality and collegiality, curiosity and courage

We exist to:

build one another up and encourage life-long learning

We want to create:

relationships that encourage growth and empathy

Schools should look like:

a place where students reach out to others to learn and share what they’ve learned

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Guiding Principles:

  • Trust
  • Collegiality
  • Transparency

Why do we exist?

To help each other become better educators and our students to become better learners.

What do we want to create?

An atmosphere and ideas that helps students and teachers grow.

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

All faculty should share the same vision and focus on students. Students and faculty should work to make everyone feel welcome and included.

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Guiding Principles:

  • Congeniality
  • Collegiality
  • Trust
  • Transparency

We exist so that we can work together and create the transformation we want to see.

We want to create an environment where students can learn from the model we create and demonstrate regularly.

Schools should have a safe, trusting, transparent culture where students are not afraid to ask questions, deepen their knowledge, reflect, share, and collaborate. Schools should give opportunities for students to use technology to help them be prepared to succeed in our globalized world.

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Connected Learning

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

Trust, transparency, relationships, collegiality, leadership, collaboration

Why do we exist?

We exist to create an environment to allow ourselves to learn, collaborate, and teach the next generation to take our place.

What do we want to create?

Positive learning environments that reinforce inclusive and diverse learning so everyone has a vast perception of the world

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

School should include modern technology that enables the students to utilize to the fullest extent.

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Guiding Principles:

  • Collaboration
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Shared Vision

We exist to encourage a collaborative environment for others to create a shared vision

We want to create a community of learners

Schools should create a shared vision to help encourage students to build collaborative environments

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What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

Trust, transparency, relationships, collegiality, leadership, collaboration.

Why do we exist?

To create a positive learning structure for today’s society.

What do we want to create?

Positive learning environments, resources, and relationships in education systems.

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

Modern learning techniques and applications.

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Guiding Principles:

  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Transparency
  • Collaboratively

Exist to: Share educational ideas, collaborate, and create a more positive, beneficial educational future

Work to create:Positive relationships that work to better education and learning for all

Schools should: Be congenial and collegial; work to foster positive educational relationships

179 of 207

Guiding Principles:

  • Trust
  • Collaboration
  • Creating a Shared Vision
  • Fostering Collegiality

Why We Exist:

  • To collaborate ideas to create a better learning environment

What We Want to Create:

  • A connected learning experience where everyone has the same opportunity to learn and grow

How School Should Look:

  • A place with trust that encourages collaboration to foster collegiality
  • Includes connected learning to create a shared vision

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What our are guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

  • Respectful
  • Trustworthy
  • Transparent
  • Create collegiality

Why do we exist?

  • We exist to show one another what’s right and what’s wrong, to learn from one another and not make the same mistakes.

We want to create an area where everyone is no more or less than one another and that we can all benefit from one another and that we all end up a little smarter than what we were before

What should school look like?

  • An open environment where students are open to learning and willing to ask questions
  • Schools where we teach to teach rather teach to prepare for exams.

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What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

- Collaboration, Congeniality, Collegiality, Trust, Transparency

Why do we exist?

To invent, innovate, learn, teach. To create a better world

What do we want to create?

A world where everyone has the ability to learn and succeed

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

A collaborative group of learners that use technology to help further learning and become connected learners

By Austin Teaman

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Making a difference!

  • Guiding principles include collaboration, relationships, trust, empathy, transparency.
  • We exist to make a difference in the lives of others around us.
  • We want to create an environment where everyone wants to work together to be the best they can be.
  • School should look updated, friendly and welcoming for all types of learners.

183 of 207

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together? collaboration, relationships, trust, empathy, transparency

Why do we exist? We exist to help our students grow.

What do we want to create? life-long learners who are productive citizens in society

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners? a place where students reach out to others to learn and share what they’ve learned

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The Connected Educator

  • It is important for us to develop relationships, create feelings of belonging, share on learning, and develop community norms.

2) We are here to accomplish our

goals and visions through

collaboration, collegiality, and congeniality.

3) We want to create a safe and effective learning environment in order for individuals to learn and connect.

4) School’s need to have a safe and creative environment to encourage learning for all.

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Connected Learners by Paul Theirl

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

  • Develop relationships
  • Identify with the mission of the community and with the other members
  • Generate feelings of belonging and mutual respect
  • Openly share learning while building on knowledge about the practice, co-contributing to build content
  • Develop community norms that encourage truthfulness, openness, routine collaboration, and the ability to address difficult issues or conflict

What do we want to create? Students capable of improving and thriving in this global world.

Why do we exist? To accomplish a shared vision through collaboration, collegiality and congeniality.

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners? It should look like this background photo.

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Learning and connecting with people

  • What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

These would include, collaboration, trust, relationships, collegiality, empathy, and transparently

  • Why do we exist?

We exist so that we can help people and ourselves to learn and collaborate with each other to discover bigger ideas and solutions.

  • What do we want to create?

We want to create a safe and friendly environment for people to learn and to connect with one another.

  • What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

An open and safe environment welcoming and encouraging connected learners. A place that stresses collaboration and relationships.

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The Connected Learner

  • The guiding principles for how we should exist are through sharing ideas, encouraging discussions and learning from each other.

2. We exist be because of of the new ways of learning. The digital age has shifted the way we learn and has increased our access to relevant information.

3. We want to create a community of connected learners.

4. Schools should incorporate the use of technology tools to collaborate with other learner to solve a problem.

By: Nana A.

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-Problem Solvers


Guiding Principles:

-Establishing Trust

-Fostering Collegiality

-Create a Shared Vision



-Make a Difference

-Motivate to Explore

-Grow & Achieve

-Embrace Change

Support of Schools:

-Connected Educators

-Passionate Educators

-Driven Learners

Haley, WSU, 1.31.18

189 of 207

The Connected Learner

What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

We want to create an environment that allows everyone to to feel that their voice matter and to encourage people to share their ideas.

Why do we exist?

We exist to collaborate and share ideas to help and guide people to have the right educational goals.

What do we want to create?

We want to create an effective learning environment.

What should school look like to support the needs of today’s learners?

Schools should allow technology and collaborate with one another to learn effectively.

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What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?

A connected learner needs to collaborate among others and foster a culture that supports connected learning and relationships that are collegiality.

Why do we exist?

Our world of learning has incorporated technology and broaden its visions and expectations for teachers and students.

What do we want to create?

We want to create connected, enriched, life long learners that trust, respect and build and share knowledge together.

What should school look like to support the needs to today’s learners?

Schools should incorporate technology that collaborates learners globally, online, and face to face. Providing resources that enrich education.

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Connected Learners

  • Connected Learners need to be able to work and collaborate on topics that interest one another.

  • We exist to create a resource for people far and wide to enable a resource that we all can learn from.

  • We want to create a system that allows people to learn wherever they are with whoever they want and about whatever they want.

  • School today should have a mixed environment consisting of connected learners that are talking with people all over the world to hear and consider others ideas to go along with their own. As well as some face to face traditional learning as well.

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Guiding principles: operating and working together

Kelsey Ewing

  • Creating a collaborative culture entails:
  • Creating relationships
  • Forming trust and respect
  • Building skills and a shared vision
  • Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing through group efforts

194 of 207

Our guiding principles should always include the elements of :

  • shared visions
  • shared decision making
  • trust
  • affirmation and validation
  • clear understandings and clear goals

We do we exist?

To collaborate and continue the path for others to learn.

What do we want to create?

A safe place for learners and a growing population of critical thinkers

What should school look like?

Mindful and safe environment with several ways to learn, consisting of face to face, collaborations, and individual learning.

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Why Do We Exist?

  • To change the world
  • To learn from one another
  • To share our cultures and passions
  • To create and accomplish shared visions and goals

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What Do We Want to Create

  • Trust
  • Relationships
  • Ideas
  • Visions
  • Leadership

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What Should School Look Like to Support the needs of Today's Learner

  • Technological integrated
  • Collaboratively inspiring
  • Equipped with collaborative tools and assignments
  • Trustful respectful environment

198 of 207

  • What are our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together?
    • In my opinion, trust, empathy, awareness, and collaboration are crucial ingredients for any healthy, positive, and long-lasting relationship.

  • Why do we exist?
    • We exist to come together, create and live in a society, as is the rule of nature. We exist to learn together, to develop ourselves into better people, to make this world a better place. Together, we unlock our potential, seek the unknown, and achieve the impossible.

  • What do we want to create?
    • We create trust and empathy to and bond us together and foster our precious relationship. We seek and create new knowledge so that together, we can make this world

  • What should school look like to support the needs of today's learners?
    • Schools should encourage students to have meaningful and productive collaboration by giving them opportunities to engage in learning and solving problem together. Schools should also promote the importance of forming a constructive learning network and how it will do wonders with students’ personal and professional development in the future.

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Answers to questions on page 27

  • The guiding principles for how we should work together are, honesty, openness, trust and reliability. If we can’t meet these requirements it is not possible for us to become connected educators.
  • We exist to improve the learning system and availability of resources to students of all ages, in all types of schools
  • We want to create an inclusive environment where learners can work together to learn more and to challenge others to learn more.
  • Schools of today will need to look differently depending on the needs of the students. Those needs may change based on the age of the students, the location of the schools ,the involvement of parents and the students availibility of resources.

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Get Connected

  • The principles we should operate under are trust, collaboration, and participation
  • Your existence is to help students learn and prepare them for the world to come
  • Create a system that is customized to your own teaching style. Everyone is different, including teachers.
  • This depends on the class. Classes that focus a lot on group work and collaboration should have desks or tables that face one another. Classes that have largely powerpoints and instructions from the teachers should have the desks facing the front. In every classroom, desks should be moveable. In the case of collaboration, it made it easier when the students can move the desks to work together.

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Get Connected Activity

Our guiding principles for how we operate and work together should be honesty, integrity, respect, and work ethic.

We exist to improve and help the lives of others.

We want to create the best environment for learning to take place.

Schools should have a variety of different ways to learn because not every one learns the same way and to have the tools available to help everyone succeed whether thats technology, tutoring, a gym, etc.

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Get Connected Activity

Our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together should be trust, honesty, and respect.

We exist to help others learn, work as a team, and to increase the well-being of the world around us.

We want to create a learning environment that is inviting to all learners and a place that brings people together as equals.

School needs to be welcoming and willing to adjust to the needs of all students. There needs to be mutual respect and kindness in order for everything to flow in a positive manner.

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Get Connected

Mackenzie R.

  • Our guiding principles for how we should operate and work together are honesty, openness, trust, and reliability. All of these need to be accomplished in order for us to become fully connected educators.
  • We exist for the purpose of guiding and preparing students for the real world.
  • We want to create the best learning environment possible for all types of learners.
  • For today’s learners, schools should look different around each corner. There needs to be enough variety that we can reach different learning styles.

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Eric Gajdostik

The principles we should operate under: �Credibility, collaboration, growth

We exist to create a connected learning space that is relevant to our learners. ��We want to create a connected learning space relevant to our learners, and that meets their needs.

A school should look like to meet these needs would be highly accessible with technology, teachers who are trained and successfully integrate tech into the classroom, and also students and staff who collaborate to create the learning that will be happening, and reflect.

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Get Connected by Eric Applen

What are our guiding principles for which we should operate and work together?

Passionate, Risk Taker, Connected, Flexible, and Willing

Why do we exist? We exist to inspire, empower, and motivate students to become lifelong learners as they contribute to the communities they are in.

What do we want to create? As a connected school we want to create a place that students feel welcome and free to make mistakes while learning.

What should schools look like to support the needs of today’s learners? Schools should look like a place that students can be free to explore learning opportunities that inspire them by having choice and relevance to their lives. It should be free from criticism as students will make mistakes. It is part of the learning process.

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Connected, Collegial, collaborative

  • We strive for a collective vision through open, honest, and supportive sharing of resources and information in an environment where the teacher is as much the learner as the students.

  • We exist as conduit for learning, providing opportunities for students to explore who they are and how they are connected and contribute to the world around them. where both the educator and students both as educators and models for our own learners.

  • We want to create a shared vision of learning that drives and supports all learners in the classroom through supported professional connections.

  • All schools should be a safe and open environment that provides diverse academic offerings, supports personal / social competency growth and exposes learners to real life connections and career opportunities.

Shared by T. Lizotte - 3-18-19

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The “WE” in Team by Clara Arant