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Righteous and Unrighteous Anger

The Christian and His Emotions Session 5

Missionary Families of Christ

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Anger is a reactions familiar to all

Missionary Families of Christ


a.) Many open and clear manifestation of anger: losing our temper, fighting, violence.

b.) Hidden manifestation of anger: irritability, negativity, resentment, depression.

c.) Endless advice: count to ten; let it out: punch pillow, scream; avoid.

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Common wrong methods of handling anger;


  • Some Christians feel that expressing anger is always sinful. Gal. 5:20, Col. 3:8, Eph. 4:31
  • Wrong because will blow eventually

Missionary Families of Christ


Follow your feelings

  • Express anger openly. Be honest. Confront those who hurt you.

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What is anger?

A natural, God-given human response and it is useful to deal with obstacles more effectively.

Scriptural teaching.

  • The wrath of God

- God himself got angry and expressed it openly and with great forcefulness. Ex.32:7-10, Nm. 11:33, Is. 66:15

- Jesus got angry. Mk. 3:1-5,Jn. 2:13-15, Mt. 23

- Paul got angry. Gal 1:6,3:1,4:21,5:12

  • Thus it is possible to get angry without sinning.
  • But scriptures cautions about anger.

- Eph. 4:26. Paul is not forbidding anger but is giving an admonition: anger is dangerous, handle it with care.

- Prov. 16:32, Jas. 1:19. Govern the use of anger rather than avoid it altogether. A person who easily flares up is a dangerous person and often his anger will not work toward the righteousness of God.

- Mt. 5:21-22. Can lead to hatred, violence and malice.

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When is anger righteous?

Anger is righteous when it is directed against wrongdoing and when it is expressed under control.

It is righteous when its object is unrighteous or injustice or sin.

a.) Most of us get angry because we don’t get our way. Our anger is most often a selfish response.

b.) From the Christian point of view, we don’t get angry enough.

c.) It is ok to discipline children when we are angry provided our anger is directed against what they have done wrong (sin, injustice).

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When is anger righteous?

Anger is righteous when it is directed against wrongdoing and when it is expressed under control.

It is righteous if it is expressed the right way.

a.) Often our anger expresses rejection of another. Mt. 5:21-26. The Lord wants us to get rid of this. Anger is righteous if it is the loving response in a situation.

b.) We must not repress our angry feelings.

- Most of us do repress it because of fear of not being able to handle it or because of guilt.

- Often repression produces cold anger.

Hot anger: shout, throw things, etc.

Cold Anger: withdrawal, cold shoulder treatment, you stop talking to that person, dirty looks.

Cold anger is worse because often the other person does not know how to handle the situation. Often, he does not even know what went wrong.

c.) The right way is to channel anger into constructive ways.

- Anger can strengthen Christian character

- Between repression and explosion there exist in whole range of ways to express anger.

- Constructive channeling of anger is not repression. Repression is purely a matter of willpower, channeling anger involves the Holy Spirit

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Practical Advice

How to handle disorderly anger in our life, especially if it is a longstanding problem where I seemingly can’t get a positive response.

a.) It stems usually from an area that we are keeping from the Lord. It’s holding on to things.

- Need to surrender to the Lord.

- Approach difficulties with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving,

b.) Resentment – holding a grudge against someone or something that we think has hurt us.

- Need to repent of this and put it away. Eph. 4:31-32

- Repair broken relationships by correction, forgiveness, and forbearance.

- Actively guard our thoughts

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Practical Advice

How to handle disorderly anger in our life, especially if it is a longstanding problem where I seemingly can’t get a positive response.

c.) Too much pressure – can cause irritability.

- For the overcommitted Christian who has a problem with anger, need to reorder and reduce his priorities.

- accept lower standards if necessary. Be satisfied with good rather than best.

d.) Fears and inhibitions – prevent one from acting confidently and decisively.

- need to correct the emotional disorder giving rise to anger.

- develop the determination to serve others ahead of ourselves.

- form right Christian personal relationships.

Missionary Families of Christ


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  • Anger is common. It is a God-given emotion. It can be righteous. It can lead to Christian growth.

  • Emotional wellbeing is the fruit of healthy Christian personal relationships. Develop these in MFC.

  • Call upon the power of the Holy Spirit.

Missionary Families of Christ


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Righteous and Unrighteous Anger

The Christian and His Emotions Session 5

Missionary Families of Christ