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Ten Actions for Building a Positive Professional Online Presence

Shelly Walters

EdTech 543

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#1 Build Your Brand

Use a consistent name across social networking tools so you are easily recognizable.

Jill Schiefelbein, communication consultant, uses the handle Impromptu Guru across social networks.





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#2 Control your Settings

Make it a point to occasionally review the privacy settings across social networks to ensure that you are displaying the information you want to display to each audience.

"Remember that everything you post is pretty much public-or at least may be viewed by someone you didn't intend-no matter how diligently you keep up with the ever-changing privacy settings." (Beil, 2011)

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#3 Be Generous

Share great resources that someone in your circle has created by retweeting or posting a link on one of your social networking sites.

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#4 Contribute

Use social networking sites to share projects you create with others.

Slideshare.net is a popular way to share presentations across social networks.

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#5 Help

When you see a call for help, answer if you can!

Mayor of Newark, NJ Cory Booker uses Twitter to communicate city resources to residents.

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#6 Stay positive

Each post does not have to be related to your industry but keep it positive. A prospective employer won't be impressed with tweets about how much you hate your current job.

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#7 Tag

Make your posts easy to find by incorporating relevant tags.

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#8 Monitor

Google and sign up for Google Alerts for your name or the id you use on social networking sites. If you don't like what you see take steps to improve it. You can raise your presence in search by starting a blog or tagging yourself in photos that fit in with your professional image.

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#9 Diversify

Don't post the same status update on every channel. Think about your followers and post relevant information in each place. If someone is connected to you in a number of ways they won't have the same status update in all their feeds.

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#10 Connect

Join the conversation! Comment on blogs or during webinars related to your field. Invite others to comment on your work as well.

Use your full name or social network handle when commenting to add to your digital footprint.

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Pagliaro, J. (2012, March 20). It's time to spring clean your digital footprint. Toronto Star (Canada), E1.

Colfer, K. (2011, February 12). Digital footprint must be actively managed. The Australian, p. 2.

Beil, L. (2011, December). What Your Résumé Can't Hide. Women's Health, 8(10), 108-109.