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Growing Marigolds in Your Garden:

Growing Ourselves to Grow Others

Dr. Virginia Duncan & Marie Henderson

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How do you grow yourself?


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Preparing the Ground

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Preparing the Ground

Create/write your own professional learning goals both in line with and separately from your day job.

Questions to Consider:

  • When do you write your own professional learning goals?
  • Do you tie them to the ISTE-C?
  • Are they aligned to district-level or building-level teaching and learning goals?

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Preparing the Ground

Tips for Finding a System:

  • If you don’t know where you’re going, you probably won’t get there.
  • Designate a time (even if it’s 10 min per day or per week) on the calendar. Make it a habit.
  • Decide that your personal PL is a priority - otherwise you stay in a comfort zone and do not grow.
    • “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”
  • Recognize it’s necessary to have your own PL goals.

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Cultivating Your Garden

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Cultivating Your Garden

Never has it been more necessary to connect with other educators who support you. Consider who challenges you as a professional and/or who could hold you accountable for growing. Consider who you challenge and/or who you hold accountable for growing.

Questions to Consider:

  • Who do you go to when you have a new idea to bounce around or you’re wanting to try something new?
  • How does that person build you up?
  • Where do you perceive weaknesses in teaching or learning in your district or building?
  • How much knowledge or information do you have on that topic?
  • Is there appropriate training available (whether it’s local or outside of your district) to assist you in gaining the expertise you need?
  • How do you find that person/those people?

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Cultivating Your Garden

Tips for Cultivating Your Garden:

  • Twitter - connections, chatting, searches.
  • Ask people above you - Who does your job in a different district? Where was my job description modeled from? What motivated the creation of my position?
  • Do the people I interact with align to district-level or building-level teaching and learning goals? Do they challenge me to be professionally better?
  • Be open to talking to and meeting new people at conferences - get out of your box. We’re comfortable hanging out with our “people,” - be open to creating new networks. Look for those connections everywhere.
  • Sometimes connections don’t always develop, and that’s ok. Casual connections vs deeper connections - both are valuable.
  • Revisit and revise your personal PL goals regularly.

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Green-Thumb Coaches

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Green-Thumb Coaches

Consider what you could learn today to impact teaching and learning in your school tomorrow.

Questions to Consider:

  • Are you that person for someone else?
  • Do you build up new ideas or try to get teachers to stay the course?

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Green-Thumb Coaches

Tips for Green Thumb Coaches:

  • Be a model for teachers.
  • Be a Marigold for others.
  • If we want teachers to grow and change, we need to grow and change.
  • Be transparent, authentic, and vulnerable in your own struggle for growth and change.
  • Share your personal PL goals.

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What steps can you take to be a Marigold for someone else?

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Connect With Us!

Dr. Virginia Duncan



Marie Henderson

