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Online/Hybrid Teaching

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Webinar Agenda

  • Welcome and Introductions (5 mins)
  • Brief Presentation - Online & Remote Teaching (~20 mins)
    • Hosting virtual meetings
    • Resources and Tips
  • A Deeper Dive and Hands-on Demonstrations (~45 mins)
    • CSAwesome and Mobile CSP Breakouts
  • Q & A (~15 mins)

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Pauline Lake


Curriculum & PD Coordinator,

National Center for CS Education

Beryl Hoffman


Assoc. Professor of CS & CSAwesome curriculum developer/researcher

Elms College, MA

Jennifer Rosato


Director, National Center for CS Education & Asst Professor of CIS, College of St. Scholastica (MN)

Lisa Ferran


AP CS A CSAwesome Teacher and PD facilitator

Virginia Beach City Public Schools

John Figliulo


NCCSE Coordinator / Facilitator�CSS Adjunct Instructor

JJC Adjunct Instructor

Kevin Saxton


Kent School (CT)

CSAwesome and Mobile CSP Facilitator

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Hosting Virtual Classroom Sessions

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Zoom Group Norms

Classroom Tips

In class, ask for a helper to read out chat questions to you.

Mute mic

Listen to others

Active Participation

Use chat for questions

and/or Parking Lot

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Polls - Pulse Check

Let’s experience a Zoom poll!

  • Create the poll (tutorial) before the meeting/when you schedule it
  • Control/edit polls during the meeting in Zoom.
  • Launch Poll in Zoom from Polls at bottom.


  • Zoom reactions or type in answer or thumbs up/down emoji in chat
  • Polleverywhere.com, Pear Deck, Google form
  • Your LMS’s forum/questionnaire

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Zoom Annotation Tools for Shared Screen

  • Screen Sharer:
    • Point to the green “You are screen sharing” bar and click on Annotate.

  • Participants:
    • Click on the green bar, click on View Options then Annotate.

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Where are you joining us from?

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Virtual Whiteboards

  • Zoom whiteboard,
  • Share Screen, choose Whiteboard

  • Students can also share their screens or Zoom whiteboards to share their work. You can disable annotations.

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Practice using all of the annotation tools.

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Shared Annotating Alternatives


  • Padlet.com (map)
  • Jamboard
  • Draggable stacked images in a shared document (video)
  • Whiteboard sites: Miro, whiteboard.fi Idroo (allows math equations)

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Remote Control

  • Zoom Remote Control
  • While someone shares their screen, choose Request Remote Control
  • This is helpful for pair programming and for teachers to remotely assist students with coding.


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Closed Captioning

  • Accessibility considerations:
    • Hearing impaired
    • English learners
    • Background noise at home
  • Zoom provides Closed Captioning
  • Automatic transcribing of cloud recordings for Zoom


  • Google Meet
  • Google Slides

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Resources and Tips

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  • NCCSE’s Online and Remote Teaching Resources
    • CSAwesome & Mobile CSP specifics included
    • CSTA’s COVID Resources

  • Maintain an inclusive CS classroom environment online
    • Equity - CS4ALL NYC’s Guide
    • Accessibility - UDL, AccessCSforALL
    • Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)

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Online Engagement Tips

  • Be present: Establish a regular virtual presence to connect and engage students in your class.
  • Design for online first: Design/use materials for synchronous online students and have in-class students use them too.
  • Let students help: Design/use materials that are student-led like breakout rooms. Ask students to monitor chat, help lead breakout groups, etc.

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Tips for Ice Breakers + Taking Attendance

  • A virtual meeting tool such as Zoom records attendance (tutorial)

  • Answer an ice breaker in the chat and save the chat
    • Would you rather questions

  • Google Doc activity that asks students to type their names

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Tips for Reaching All Students

  • Record and post all online sessions*
  • Provide computers, when possible
  • No Internet access?
    • Find a school, library, cafe
  • Weak wifi?
    • Turn off video
    • Low bandwidth collaboration/help (e.g Q/A forums, Slack, Discord, etc.)
  • Don’t want to share surroundings?
    • Turn off video

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Using Video

Infographic by Torrey Trust, Ph.D. (@torreytrust)

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Tips for Creating a Welcoming Environment

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Tips for Doing POGIL Remotely

  • Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
  • POGIL Team Roles
  • Can be asynchronous or synchronous
  • Suggestions:
    • Assign the groups/teams to breakout rooms
    • Assign the roles using an online random generator (e.g. Picker Wheel)
    • Assign 3 roles instead of 4 per team

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A Deeper Dive with

Hands-on Demonstrations

CSAwesome Mobile CSP

Remain Here Breakout Link

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Planning Lessons for Online/Hybrid Teaching

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Online/Hybrid Lessons

Let’s look at CSAwesome Lesson 1.3 Variable on Runestone:

  • Introduce Lesson: synch. online or in person (AP Daily videos start Sept. 1st in AP Classroom). Q/A sessions.
  • Lesson Activities: synch. online in breakout rooms or asynch. individual work (could use Google Classroom/Group for questions)
  • Challenge: synch. online or in-person pair programming
  • Summary and AP-practice: synch online or in person

Mastery: all students should complete the lesson activities with opportunities for collaboration and help from the instructor.

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Online/Hybrid Lesson Plans

Let’s look at a lesson plan (ex. 1.3 variables lesson plan):

  • Introduce Lesson (Hook and Direct Instruction): synch. online or in-person
  • Guided Practice and Collaborative Pair and Group Work: synch. online breakout rooms, shared docs, pair programming in Runestone or repl.it
  • Individual Work: asynchronous online on Runestone
  • Extra Worksheets (example): could be used in breakouts or indiv.work.
  • Summary/AP practice synch. online or in-person
  • Experiment! Take it a day at a time! Plan for the online group..

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AP Classroom : Videos and Assessments

The AP Classroom will provide:

  • Unit guides and topic questions
  • Progress Checks and Progress Dashboard
  • Question bank for summative Assessments
  • AP Daily Videos for each lesson starting on Sept. 1st in AP Classroom (info video)

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Demos of Online Activities:

Hook Activity

Breakouts with Shared Docs

Pair Programming

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Java Zoo Activity with Lisa

  • Go to this Padlet
  • Draw or insert a picture of a pet or animal to create an object of the Animal class with 4 attributes: name, favoriteFood, numberLegs, and weight.

OOP vocabulary: (Lesson plan)

  • Class, Object
  • Attributes -> instance variables
  • Behaviors -> methods

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Class Definition (Unit 5)

What is the class definition for Animal?

public class Animal


private String name;


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Shared Document Coding Breakout

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Breakout Rooms with Shared Documents

  • Goals
    • Collaborate to gain insights
    • Provide space to work through challenges without teacher
    • Write code without compiling/running code
    • Give teacher insight to coding process
  • String Methods Lesson (CSAwesome 2.7)
  • Collaborative Problem Solving (firstHalf Challenge click here)
    • Breakout for ~10 minutes → use slide labeled for your room
    • Debrief as a class

If you’re using Google Meets instead of Zoom in your school, sign up for a Meets link here and leave Zoom computer audio.

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Breakout Room Tips

  • Mix it up: Parsons problems, POGIL
  • Make instructions clear before sending to breakout rooms!
  • Require a written record of their work in shared docs.
  • Assign roles (time keeper, facilitator, recorder, POGIL roles, driver/navigator, etc.)
  • Visit breakout rooms
  • Invite students to use Ask for Help
  • Tutorials: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams

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Pair Programming Breakouts


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Pair Programming Breakout on Repl.it

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How did Pair/Group Programming go?

Repl Benefits? Challenges?

Headphones might be necessary if in class.

Alternative: jdoodle.com also has audio chat. Runestone has pair programming support but not real-time (see slide at end)

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Fall Checklist - Before classes start:

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Online Engagement TakeAways

  • Be present: Establish a regular virtual presence to connect and engage students in your class.
  • Design for online: Design/use materials for synchronous online students and have in-class students use them too. Experiment and take it a day at a time.
  • Let students help: Design/use materials that are student-led like breakout rooms. Ask students to monitor chat, help one or more groups, etc.

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Thank you for your participation!

Much luck with the academic year!

Please put remaining questions in the Parking Lot and we will answer them in the same document after the webinar.

(Do File/Make a Copy or Add Shortcut to keep these slides)

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Q & A

Parking Lot

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Runestone: Quick Look at Student Progress

  • In a custom course, go to the Instructor’s Page (person icon)
  • Click on Chapter Progress

Click to drill down!

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Pair Programming on Runestone

  • In a Runestone custom course, turn pair programming on Instructor Page/Course Settings/
  • Partners should check at top of Active Code and type in the username of their partner (under user icon).
  • When 1 partner writes code and clicks on Save&Run, the other partner can refresh page and LoadHisto to see it.
  • Grader shows code that has been shared in comments.
  • John & Beryl will debug this challenge1-2 together

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Mobile CSP

Planning Online/Hybrid Teaching

Parking Lot Reminder

Video Recording of Mobile CSP session

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Teaching Mobile CSP Online/Hybrid

  • Curriculum Overview (spreadsheet)
    • Adjusting your schedule as needed

  • Online Sessions (Teach 1.8)
    • Hold open “office hours”
    • Plan synchronous classroom sessions
    • Use breakout rooms (pro account/license required)

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Teaching Mobile CSP Online/Hybrid Cont.

  • Individual work
    • Assign tutorials/videos to complete/watch
    • Assign the self-check questions

  • Collaborative Work
    • Use breakout rooms during synchronous sessions
    • Use collaborative docs/slides
    • Can assign some group work to be done asynchronously

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Monitoring Student Progress

  • Teacher Dashboard (course.mobilecsp.org/mobilecsp/teacher)
  • Maintain Portfolios
  • Use Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.

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Mobile CSP

Demos of Online Activities

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POGIL Activities

  • Synchronous - all students online at the same time
  • Asynchronous:
    • Student groups may meet synchronously on their own
    • Students complete work individually on their own schedule�

Note: will likely need to reduce number of questions in worksheets

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Adapting POGIL

  • Create shared documents:
  • Provide clear guidelines on time
  • Assign some of the early activities (lower Bloom’s, first interactions with the model) as pre-work
  • Be explicit about when groups need to check-in
  • Use formative assessments (e.g. quiz, poll) on key questions


  • students leave comments in docs/slides with their thinking
  • each student could use different colors for answering ?’s

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Mobile CSP

POGIL Breakouts

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POGIL Share out


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Pair Programming in App Inventor

  • Use breakout rooms
    • Visit the rooms while students are working
    • Tell students to use Ask for Help
  • Encourage one student in each pair to screen share
  • Use the remote control feature
  • Encourage switching of driver/navigation roles
    • Keep a timer and broadcast a message when to switch
  • At the end of the session, the screen sharer sends the aia file to their partner

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Assisting Students Remotely

  • Zoom Remote Control
  • While someone shares their screen, choose Request Remote Control
  • Helpful for pair programming and for teachers to remotely assist students with coding.
  • Help students with their programming
  • Allow students to remote control your screen during a class synchronous coding session.

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Mobile CSP

Pair Programming Breakouts

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Pair Programming

Share out

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Q & A

Parking Lot