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Azure Cloud Developer

Deploying the Neighborly App with Azure Functions

Dhruv Kinger

Udacity Mentor | SWE at Aplos Global Ltd

With Udacity >1 Year

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  • Project Summary�
  • Pain point #1- Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API�
  • Pain point #2 - Azure Functions Configuration

  • Pain point #3 - Azure Logic App Integration�
  • Q&A

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Project Summary

Neighborly is a Python Flask-powered web application that allows neighbors to post advertisements for services and products they can offer.

Skills Covered

  • Azure Portal Overview
  • Databases and Storage Containers Working
  • Deployment on Cloud Servers
  • Flask Application Working
  • Event Hubs and Logic App
  • Azure Function App

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Pain point #1

Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API

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Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API #1

Question for you Guys :- Say I am developing a small app (via xamarin.forms), and it will be required to access information held in an online server at any moment from the user's device. I can use Azure Cosmos Db or Azure Sql.

My Question is:

  • What is the difference between azure sql and azure cosmos databases?

  • Which is more suitable for a small scale app with limited finances?

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Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API #1

  • Set up a Cosmos DB Account.
  • Create a MongoDB Database in Cosmos DB Azure and two collections, one for advertisements and one for posts.
  • Copy the primary connection string.

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Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API #1 continued

Sample Screenshot of the output.Connection String is the key here for the connectivity.

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Pain point #2

Azure Functions Configuration

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Azure Functions Configuration #2

Question for you guys :-

  • How Azure Functions and Web API Differ ?
  • Can Azure Functions replace Web API?
  • Is it worth doing?

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Azure Functions Configuration #2 continued


  • If Web API is designed for microservices architecture then it’s good to go for migration to Azure Functions.

  • If Web API needs a significant amount of efforts for refactoring: Then it’s better to stay until it’s restructured and suitable for microservices architecture.

  • If Web API takes long for response then consider Azure Functions using empty instance in App Service Plan because it costs nothing more. Consumption Plan (or Dynamic Service Plan) would cost too much in this case.

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Azure Functions Configuration #2 continued

Code Level Modifications that need to be done.

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Azure Functions Configuration #2 continued

After Deployment it will look something like this.

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Pain point #3

Azure Logic App Integration

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Azure Logic App Integration #3

  • Microsoft Azure Logic Apps is an ideal solution for businesses looking to integrate all kinds of business software.
  • It charges based on consumption, which makes it a cost-effective solution.
  • It’s easy to use, requires little to no coding or maintenance, and connects with almost anything.
  • Logic Apps integration allows you and your employees to increase productivity and efficiency, helping your business grow and thrive.

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Azure Logic App Integration #3 continued

Here is a blog that I prepared on Social Media Sentimental analysis using Azure Logic Apps.

Your final output would look something like this.

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Additional Reference Links

Here is a Github repository maintained by me that contains the links of blogs I have written that might help students in this Cloud Developer Program.


Github repo of Knowledge questions


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