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The Assemblage

RP FaceClaims

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Carly Burton

Sexuality: Heteroromantic

Job: Full-time Student

Special Characteristics: Afraid of the dark

Relationships: Mother Isabella Burton, father Jesse Burton, adoptive brother Reese

13 years


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Carly Burton

Carly is a nice and shy girl with a few friends. Her parents are really outgoing and expect her to be the same, but she was never able to properly talk to people. She hardly makes friends, but the ones she has, she won't ever fail. Carly often feels like a disappointment, with her classmates being so much smarter than her, as well as not understanding her parents’ sophisticated talks. She often has stupid short lasting crushes on people out of her league, and while trying to impress them, the most she does is embarass herself. She always finds role models in people older than her, and tries to be like them for a week, but then she just forgets about them. She's overall a confused person, not knowing what she wants in life. Most of her friends do, so she feels left out on that field.

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Carly Burton

Carly’s parents were very charismatic and almost everyone in town knew them. They had a big group of friends. Carly was always forced to get to know them, participate in their conversations, and be the cute daughter. She always found that very hard and never liked the meetings. She has an older adoptive brother, as her parents failed to conceive many times. They thought that they failed with her brother, so they tried making her life better, but Carly never saw it that way. Her parents weren't the best parents in the world and never knew how to raise her well, so her brother mostly did. He helped her with homework and at the meetings. They mostly talked by themselves, with others watching and adoring them. Her parents were like her teachers and her brother her mentor. Carly could never see how much her parents tried and how mu h they did for her.

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Isabella Burton

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Accountant

Special Characteristics: Phobia of dolls, bachelor degree

Relationships: Daughter Carly Burton, husband Jesse Burton, adoptive son Reese

40 years


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Isabella Burton

Personality Type: hh, Friendliness: Difficult to know, Honesty: Superficial, Assertiveness: Hesitant, Confidence / Ego: Humble, Agreeableness: Uncooperative, Manners: Vulgar, Discipline: Quick-tempered, Rebelliousness: Law-abiding, Emotional capacity: Thoughtless, Intelligence: Incompetent, Positivity: Nervous, Activeness / Lifestyle: Inactive

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Isabella Burton

Isabella Burton is a 36-year-old blogger who enjoys watching YouTube videos, bowling and hockey. She is entertaining and creative, but can also be very dull and a bit unstable. She is American. She has a degree in literature. She has a severe phobia of dolls, and is obsessed with cats. Physically, Isabella is in pretty good shape. She is tall with pale skin, black hair and brown eyes. She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. She was raised by her father, her mother having left when she was young. Isabella is happily married with two kids. She adopted the first one because she thought she couldn't have kids, but after some years, she got accidentally pregnant, but was very happy to have a biological kid.

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Reese Burton

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: High school student

Special Characteristics:

Relationships: Adoptive father Jesse, adoptive mother Isabella, adoptive sister Carly

16 years


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Reese Burton

Reese is a caring, but reserved boy. He doesn’t talk much, isn’t too confident, but is very protective over Carly. He gets flustered quite often and feels embarrassed for the smallest of things. He has a hard time asking for help, but when some else asks for his, he won't let 'em down. He never stands up for himself, only for others. He isn't one to gossip. He doesn’t show it, but he’s quite smart, and thorough with tasks, but struggles with being creative. Reese is usually the one to stop fights, and make amends. He is really patient, and a great mentor. Once you get close to Reese, you'll soon see how much he can do for people he loves.

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Reese Burton

Reese was adopted by the Burton family, and couldn’t be more thankful. His past was full of abuse, alcohol, and scars. His father was an alcoholic and used to take the anger of his wife leaving him, out on Reese. Because of this, he grew quiet and reserved. It got to the point where he wouldn’t speak at all, as he didn’t have it in him. After around 5 years after his mother leaving, he ran away and eventually got put in foster care, at 13. Just a couple of months later, he got adopted. At first, he didn’t spend any time with his family and stayed isolated, but then, he started getting closer with his sibling, Carly. That’s when he said his first word in 3 years. He grew more open, and slowly showed the personality he never knew he had. Over-protective, little bold at times, and caring. Only Carly knows about his past, and he’d like to keep it that way. Some days, he’ll have flashbacks to his worst nights, and that’ll mean he’d be up in his room isolated from the world.

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Maeve Blythe

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Demisexual

Job: Freelance Writer, Journalist

Special Characteristics: Scratching skin anxious disorder


21 years


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Maeve Blythe

Maeve is a quiet young woman with focus on her career. She has a hard time showing her emotions and is quite a serious person. You can hardly make a friends with her. She has quite some friends from childhood, but her best friend is her younger sister. She is loyal and never forgets a promise or oath. Not sure what her goal in life is, Maeve likes to try different things and see what suits her best. She has some interests, and a doctor’s degree in particle physics, but there's nothing she's found a huge interest in. She's a responsible person and usually thinks stuff through, sometimes causing her to loose good opportunities. Most of her time she's writing for money, but she writes for herself, too, to get her mind of things. She likes to talk about liteture and science, just like her parents.

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Maeve Blythe

Maeve grew up in a loving environment, with smart and ambitious parents who loved her. They taught her a lot about knowledge, finances and the world. She liked to brag about her parents’ awesome jobs at the laboratory. But they worked more and more, and Maeve became lonely. She wished for a little sister, and she got her when she was ten. Her parents were at home more, and Maeve loved those years. But once they suddenly worked a lot again, and she only saw them for a few hours. When Maeve reached 17, her parents completely vanished. They were so caught up in their jobs they only came home on weekends, and even that only for the night, until once they never returned. Maeve took care of her sister, passing her and their parents values onto her. She let her be herself and wasn't too controlling, but raised her to be smart and not spoiled. Maeve always loved her sister most in the world and would do anything for her.

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Aileen Blythe

Sexuality: Not known yet

Job: Primary school student

Special Characteristics:

Relationships: Sister Maeve Blythe

10 years


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Aileen Blythe

Aileen is a fun and loving girl, she is very kind and always sticks out to help others. She's a very adventurous kid and always likes exploring and learning new things. She loves animals and they love her. Her favorite person in the world is her older sister Maeve.

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Aileen Blythe

Aileen unlike her sister didn't grow up in the loving environment of her parents, since she was really young her parents were never there and she had only her older sister that took care of her until they fully disappeared and it was just the two of them. Aileen doesn't remember much of her parents, and the trauma of her parents leaving caused her to develop SAD (Separation anxiety disorder) and anxiety in general.

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Archie Colt

Sexuality: Homosexual

Job: High school student

Special Characteristics: Irrational fear of objects near his nose; terrified of losing someone else close to him, left handed.


16 years


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Archie Colt

He and his brother became very different people after they lost someone close to them at a young age. Archie is and oversharing mess who depends on everyone around him and cant take anything seriously. He laughs at the worst times and is incredibly spontaneous. Constantly doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, he's learnt not to care. He never stops talking and can't keep a straight face for anything. Never trust him with a secret, there's a 98% chance he'll forget it's secret and tell a complete stranger, if he remembers what you told him at all. Annoyingly, despite his messing around, chattering and just generally not paying attention, he still does well in school.

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Archie Colt

Archie grew up with his older brother Axel on the outskirts of town. He lost his other older sibling when he was young, and relied on his friends and the other people around him to help get him through. He and his brother aren't really close anymore, like they were as kids, but Archie misses that. He is sometimes suspicious of his older brother, but normally brushes it off and forgets about it.

He's had many hobbies over the years, but loses interest quickly, only really keeping up with gaming and programming, meaning he has a couple of things he's good at, and a lot of things he's kind of mediocre at. There is, however, a lot of things he thinks he's good at. You will often find him wailing into the abyss (trying to sing) or burning water (attempting to cook).

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Axel Colt

Sexuality: Demisexual

Job: High School Student

Special Characteristics: He has thanatophobia


17 years


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Axel Colt

Axel is a quiet teenager who spends most of his time alone in his room. He doesn’t have many mates, because he has a hard time socializing with others. However, he appreciates, those with whom he managed to make friends.Axel is very impulsive and often does first, then thinks. He usually fight because he does not like to solve problems verbally. He can not forgive either. If you hurt him once, do not believe that Axel will forget about that.The boy is one of the members of his girlfriend's gang, Tempest. She is the only person she trusts and, despite her shy nature, talks to her with great desire.Despite this, Axel is a very intelligent and poetically talented person. Unfortunately, he can not concentrate on learning, so he does not use his potential in one hundred percents.

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Axel Colt

Axel Colt is a young high school student who, together with his older brother and mother, lives outside of the city called Londor.Already as a child, he was brought up by his grandma because his mother had a very hard job and rarely spent time at home.Little Axel usually stayed in his room. He hardly played outside at all, because he had difficulty in establishing new friendships. Often, however, he spent time with his brothers. All three teased each other, but still they could count on each other.Unfortunately, his eldest brother Andrew died in an accident and this event shattered Axel’s world into million pieces.As a teenager, he fell into bad company. When he returned home from school, he locked himself in his room. He did not talk to his mother or brother unless they argued.In high school, he met Tempest, who became his friend and then... his girlfriend. She is the only person Axel truly trust.

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Maggie Howell

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Art teacher (school)

Special Characteristics: Educated in art and pedagogical studies


31 years


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Maggie Howell

Maggie is a good and caring person. Always kind and ready to help, that’s why she is perfect as a teacher, and most of her students really like and respect her. She is an exceptionally organized person, which in the case of having children is very important.In addition,she takes care of the house:she cooks,cleans,cares for the garden and helps her descendants with lessons. Maggie can do a hundred thousand things at once, but she is never overtired and will always find time for every extra thing.Maggie is a hopeless romantic who believes in destiny.She loves stories about love and dreams about meeting her fairy-tale prince.Despite the fact that she knows that for Christopher she is only a friend,after many years of living together,she fell in love with him. She hides this feeling from her husband because she is afraid that if she tells him, he will leave her.In addition,Maggie is a very patient,beloved and nice person who loves to spend time with her family.

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Maggie Howell

Maggie is an art teacher in one of the high schools in the town where she lives with her husband and two toddlers.During her childhood, she loved to play the game ”house” with other children. She usually was the mother of a happy and loving family. She felt perfect in that role as she really liked taking care of children.In addition, she spent her free time painting and drawing, and finally after a few years she gained a lot of practice, and her line became extremely natural and professional.As a teenager, she was not rebellious or angry with the world. On the contrary, she tried to financially support her mother, working as a babysitter or selling her paintings.At school, she did not focus on friendship or first loves, but on studying - in the future she wanted to become the owner of an art gallery, so she worked really hard to achieve that.However, after the last year in high school, she changed her plans and began to study pedagogy to become an art teacher. Shortly after, she met Christopher and became his wife. Maggie was his beard, because the man did not want to reveal being gay.Despite the fact that their relationship is based on a lie, they both support each other and are happy parents of two children.

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Robert “Robbie” Howell

Sexuality: Too young

Job: Preschool student

Special Characteristics:


2 years


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Robert “Robbie” Howell

Robbie is quite a shy toddler, who only hangs out with his family. He doesn't like meeting people and doesn't have any friends outside family, although his mum and dad encourage him to talk to more people. He likes playing and toddling around the house, observing his family members. He gets upset pretty quickly, and he doesn't bother to cry it out. He can be quite annoying with his moodiness, but his family got used to it and Robbie doesn't recognise it as a bad thing.

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Robert “Robbie” Howell


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Ethan King

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Psychotherapist

Special Characteristics: Good listener


34 years


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Ethan King

Ethan is a kind soul, helping others when he can. He’s an outdoorsy person, and loves to talk to people, and really get to know them. He loves his children more than life itself, and would do, without a doubt, absolutely anything to keep them safe. He believes in not all family is blood-related, considers most people his friend. He likes to spend time with his family, and overall is a preppy person, who can lift the mood of any situation. He’s a great listener, as well. Most people start blurting their lives out, as he has that kind of aura surrounding him. Ethan has his guard down, and that is his down-fall, as people could take advantage of his kindness. But, make no mistake - he can become the devil, if you’ve hurt him, or his family.

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Ethan King

Ethan grew up in an open environment, and always learnt to share whatever he could spare. After all, not all were as lucky as him. He grew to quite a bit of bullying, due to his sexuality but never took it to heart. He had more important things to deal with. At first, he thought he’d be like his mom, sitting behind a desk, working with computers, but soon he found out what his father actually did. He was a Psychotherapist. He started learning more about his job, and found there was a way for him to talk to people, and help them. Especially the ones who needed it the most. His family moved around quite a bit, which made him pick up a couple of languages. His job was where he met his late-wife, Lili had a traumatic past, and Ethan helped find her way out of it. Unfortunately, she died while giving birth to Aurora. Because of this, Ethan fell into a put of sadness, but he never let this affect the way he treated everyone. Eventually, his sister helped him out if this, and they continue living normally.

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Ollie King

Sexuality: Heterosexual (questioning)

Job: Primary school student

Special Characteristics:


10 years


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Ollie King

Ollie is an energetic boy who loves to spend time in the company of his peers. Usually, he cycles with them or plays football because he loves sport.Ollie can be very picky. He hates fish and spicy flavors, and can not bear wearing elegant shirts or sweaters. When he does not like something, he can be very annoying. He expresses his dissatisfaction in a very dramatic way... sometimes he can even cry! Ollie, however, is very intelligent and has no problems with studying. He is teacher’s favorite, despite the fact that he bully other students, especially girls. He often tease them and he pulls their hair or insults his younger sister, which causes the approval of his male colleagues.Nevertheless, Ollie can be emotional and sensitive, but hides his true nature since his mother's death.

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Ollie King

Ollie is a 10 year old boy who lives with his sister and dad in the town of Londor.Ollie as a little boy loved spending time playing football with his dad or baking vanilla cookies with his mother.One could say that he was a happy and ordinary young boy.After the birth of his sister... the boy lost his mother. Since then he hates his sibling. He ignores Aurora and accuses her of each bad thing that happens to him. Together with his friends, they often make fun of her at school. The boy does not intend to understand that it was not really her fault.Now young Ollie starts to grow up.He also spends a lot of time with other boys from the neighborhood, going on trips to the forest and building a hut. He also loves to talk about girls. He often pulls them by the hair or lifts their skirts up. And sometimes they even steal their snacks from breakfast brunch, pencil cases and toys from backpacks.

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Aurora “Rora” King

Sexuality: Asexual

Job: Primary school student

Special Characteristics:


8 years


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Aurora “Rora” King

All her life, Aurora was taught to share, and forgive. She did forgive, but only others. Never herself. Rora is usually shy, reserved, but can be calming. She doubts all that she does, and lives according to others. She fakes being happy with smiles, and hugs. She could easily be seen as a bubbly, and fun person, but in reality, she's another 'guilty' person. She dislikes change. Soccer is something this youngster loves. Actually, one of the only things. She'd never let anyone hear her, but she's quite good at singing. Rora doesn't stand up for herself, only for others, and generally isn't a bold person.

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Aurora “Rora” King

Rora grew up with a loving dad, but was absolutely devastated that her mother died because of her. She blames herself still to this day, and envies children who have both their parents. Her life consists of her brother thinking Rora was the cause of his beloved mother's death, and of underestimating herself to the point where she can't do anything without doubting her ability. Her brother's hated towards her made everything worse. she wants her brother to get along with her, but Rora never had the courage to stand up-to him. The only thing she lets herself go is in sports, specifically soccer, and she gives the player's a run for their money.

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Savannah King

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Interior Designer

Special Characteristics: Bachelor Science in Public Health

Relationships: Brother Ethan, nephew Ollie, niece Aurora

27 years


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Savannah King

Savannah is a helpful woman who loves kids. She's always there for her family and would take the first flight if they needed comfort. Building a family was always one of her biggest wishes, but she lost all faith in it a while ago. She isn't determined and gives up very quickly, however, her close ones always bring up her motivation. Although she tries to be, she's far from outgoing. It's really hard for her to meet new people, but she quickly makes friends, wanting to please everyone. Her comfort zone is very thin and she'd never cross it, not even for a huge amount of money. But, if by jumping off a cliff, she'd get true love, she wouldn't hesitate for a moment. Her world revolves around her family, but she's starting to like her job more and more. It lets her express herself and that's what she likes, while sometimes she gets limited with what she can do and she always hated it. Although she thinks her character isn't very likeable, she doesn't lie to people or pretends to be someone different. She'd much rather taste a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

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Savannah King

Savannah was strictly raised by her parents. They wanted her to be polite and obey, and that's what she always did. Always the good girl anywhere she went, it was hard for her to make friends. Most people started disliking her in her school years, her being the definition of a rule follower. But without distractions she could focus on her school work which was the most important to her. When her younger brother reached school, Savannah always helped him the best she could. Her family was always her priority, everywhere and everytime. Eventually, Savannah graduated from high school and started looking for further education. She moved to America to finish the Bachelor Science in Public Health, where she met her first boyfriend. First few weeks were amazing, it made her college experience much better. The couple got hired as conservationists together and Savannah couldn't imagine a better life. But when she went to visit her parents for a month, everything turned around. She returned home and saw her boyfriend cheating, before saying a word she took her belongings and ran away, taking the first plane. Fortunately, it flew to where her brother lived, and until she got her own apartment she lived with him. She got a job as an interior designer, needing a change from her old life. She lived alone and close to her brother, visiting his family often. She felt like a part of it, like a third parent instead of the boring aunt. Her parents still lived far, but she videocalled them every so often to keep them updated on her dull life. When her sister in law died, Savannah was immediately there for her brother, supporting him unconditionally. She took the role of mother that she always wanted and moved in. She customised her schedule to be at home when Ethan couldn't be and she felt like she finally had children she always wanted.

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Elliot Sears

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Social Worker (Nursing home)

Special Characteristics: Educated in architectural studies


36 years


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Elliot Sears

Elliot Sears, despite the fact that he inherited his mother's beauty, unfortunately has character from his father. He is very unorganized and a bit lazy.Elliot can not be a strict father. He pampers his children and always has time to read them a fairy tale or play with them. He is very caring and always know how to bring a smile on his children’s faces, but he is not suitable for work at home. He can not cook a nutritious dinner or take care of the garden. Elliot also has a problem remembering meetings and always forgets to write something important in the calendar.The man is very sociable and often gets into talks with other parents, praising his offsprings with the most sophisticated superlatives. He is also very funny and often tells jokes, through which even the saddest person can smile.After losing his wife, he became very shy towards women and always blushes when he is talking to one. Besides, he is a terrible at flirting, but he can be romantic... sometimes. Anyway, Elliot does not want to date, because she still hopes Amanda will come back to him.

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Elliot Sears

Elliot Sears is the father of two children with whom he lives in a small family home. Together with his wife Amanda, they has been living in separation since she left for another man.Elliot never had a full family. His parents divorced when he was a child. The boy lived with his mother - a born businesswoman who, despite the huge amount of work, was also able to deal with the house in an impeccable way. On weekends he came to dad, complete opposite of his ex-wife, unorganized man, who couldn’t find a good job. Little Elliot always wanted his parents to come back to each other... but his dream never came true.When he finished studying architecture and was looking for a job, he met Amanda - a medical student. He fell in love with her at first sight and after a few dates he asked her not only to marry him, but also to stay with him in a small town.They have together two beautiful children: a girl and a boy. For several years, their relationship began to fall apart. Elliot stopped understanding Amanda's dreams and also he could not find a job. In the end, it led to the affair of his wife and another man. Elliot, despite the fact that he still loves Amanda, decided that they should live in separation. And so it happened. Now Elliot works as a social worker at the nursing home, however, he did not give up his architectural dreams. In addition, he still loves his wife and hopes that she will come back to him and children someday.

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Maya Sears

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Middle School Student

Special Characteristics:


13 years


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Maya Sears

Maya is very curious with everything, sometimes she'll be reading books on her bed or listening to music over and over at night to get over her parents divorce. Maya has been quiet, and hasn't talked to really anyone for a while, due to her parent's divorce. Sometimes she asks why it happened, and she gets no reply.

Maya's a little funny there and there, but sometimes she takes somethings to seriously. Maya hasn't really had a punishment in weeks, so she's not very taught much.

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Maya Sears

Maya lived with her father, and her little brother. Maya never really felt like a family never, usually on TV Maya would see a perfect family, though Maya always knew it could never be like that. Maya has heard from her mother from time to time, but not a lot Maya likes not having a mother figure sometimes, but if she needs to talk to her mother she will. She shares some of her mothers looks, like her green eyes, and blonde hair, which she never gets to see never again. Elliot usually says she looks just like Amanda.

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Malachi Cox

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: High School Student

Special Characteristics:


16 years


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Malachi Cox

Malachi can come off as a bit of a bad boy because he can have a temper and be a bit standoffish but when you actually get to know him he is extremely smart and kind hearted. He only acts rather rough because he has a hard time opening up and feels worthless often. Though that does not mean he can’t be the bad boy he comes off as because at times he is especially if you mess with those he cares about. Malachi tends to be a bit distant at times and push people away. He is the worst with this if his father recently lost his temper on him.

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Malachi Cox

Malachi is the oldest of the Cox siblings. He is very protective over his siblings especially when it comes to things involving their father. He knows first hand the things his father is capable of and the extent at which his anger can reach. He has been abused by his father for years now and has managed to hide it from almost everyone with piles of lies. Malachi struggles to feel excepted because his father has made him feel worthless but siblings are something that always grounds him and and gives him moments of peace.

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Katelyn Cox

Sexuality: Heterosexual (questioning pansexual)

Job: High School student

Special Characteristics:


16 years


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Katelyn Cox

Kat is the sweetest most innocent teenage girl you could probably meet. She is as sweet as honey and always willing to help people. She can be very naive and will do whatever someone asks of her, especially when its her parents, her dad especially. Do to her sweet, gullible nature, she can be manipulated quite easily. Even manipulated into doing something wrong.

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Katelyn Cox

Katelyn was born with a twin brother, with her being the youngest, before gaining a younger brother when she was 9 years old. Growing up she was always as sweet as could be, and always did her best to stay on her father’s good side as much as possible. She cares deeply about both her siblings, and wants her whole family to just be happy.

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Tempest Derby

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: High School Student

Special Characteristics: She is scared of losing people she loves


16 years


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Tempest Derby

Tempest Derby as a child was a good girl who loved spending time with her family. However, after her mother's death she changed. She stopped talking to her father, and she does not pay attention to his new girlfriend.Tempest is practically absent in the house. Although, she is also very talkative, if she does not like something she can tell it to someone right in the face, which leads to numerous family quarrels.Tempest loves risk and dangerous adventures. She says that "fun first, then safety." She is a great leader and treats everyone from her gang equally. With regard to them, she can be friendly, unless someone pisses her off... because then she becomes ruthless and even dangerous.Tempest loves sports and playing on the guitar. She wants to set up her own rock band in the future. Besides, she's not the type of loner. She must surround herself with other people because she loves to be the center of attention... which often her gets into trouble.

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Tempest Derby

Tempest Derby is a high school student in Londor. Together with her father and his new girlfriend, she lives in a small family home in the city center.When she was a child, she was a very sweet girl who wore pink puffy dresses and played with dolls. She spent most of her time outside riding her bike and building sand castles. Her parents always had time for her and they were happy to play with her with plush toys or play board games. Basically, they were a cliché happy and loving family. Until her mother died. That situation changed her world completely. Tempest in high school found a group of kids who also lost someone important or just do not have friends and are lonely. The girl decided to set up a gang and create a new family for such students. Despite the fact that it was a noble goal, this group doesn’t do legal or nice things. Quite the reverse: they steal, drink alcohol or torment the so-called "rich kids".After the death of her mother, her father found a new love - a divorced woman with two small children. Tempest hates her and her step siblings. That's why she hardly stays at home at all - Tempest usually hangs around the bars with her friends to forget about this complicated family situation.

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Name Surname



Special Characteristics:




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Name Surname
