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Absences & Make Up Work

Students are responsible for checking the daily homework calendar and their Google Classroom following an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to complete and submit make-up work within two days of his/her return, unless prior accommodations have been made with the teacher. (Exceptions will be made for students with extended absences.) However, assignments and assessments that have been previously announced while the student was in attendance must be completed by the original due date given or the day of return.

Late and Missing Work

Teachers will always notify students of a due date for work that is to be done outside of the classroom. If an assignment is not completed (to the teacher’s discretion) at the time of collection/submission, it will be considered a late grade. All late assignments will receive 70% credit of the earned score and are due within one week of the initial due date. A zero will be entered in the gradebook and the assignment will be marked “missing” until the assignment has been turned in.


Mrs. Curry: currym@msd19.org

Mrs. Leuty: leutya@msd19.org

Mr. McGovern: mcgovernj@msd19.org

Ms. Yates: yatesk@msd19.org

Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 1:20-3:35

Required Daily Materials

  • Quiet Work Space
  • Math Workbook
  • Charged Chromebook
  • Writing Utensil

Optional Daily Materials

  • Stylus
  • Mouse

Mrs. Curry

Mrs. Leuty

Mr. McGovern

Ms. Yates

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  • Most work assigned should be able to be completed independently without parental assistance, much like it would be done at school.
  • All students are expected to maintain a high level of integrity when working on assignments or assessments. Sharing answers with classmates is prohibited, unless stated otherwise.
  • Parents and students are expected to check Google Classroom and Skyward regularly and communicate any concerns they have with the teacher. At request, parents can receive daily or weekly notifications from Google Classroom regarding student work.

How to be Successful

  • Attempt all work and try to provide thoughtful answers. Submitting blank work or simply typing “I don’t know” is not acceptable answer. If needed, ask for help prior to submitting your work, as many assignments can only be done one time.
  • Turn in work even if it is only partially complete. Some credit can be given for incomplete work that is received, however, work that is not received at all will result in a zero.
  • Schedule a time to zoom one-on-one with your teacher during office hours if you need additional help or have questions!