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Stretching Rubber Bands

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The Purpose of this project was to determine if a rubber band is more elastic when chilled or heated.


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If you heat up a rubber band, then it would stretch farther than at room temperature and if you were to cool it, then it would stretch less when subjected to the same weight.


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  • Rubber band
  • Tape
  • 2-liter bottle
  • Pencil
  • Hot water
  • Ice cubes
  • Thermometer
  • Ruler

  • 20 quarters
  • Paper clip
  • Scissors
  • Dish towel
  • Drill


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  • Cut top off of 2-Liter bottle
  • Cover top with Tape
  • Cut two holes near the top of bottle just big enough for a pencil
  • Stick Pencil halfway through
  • Loop rubber band around pencil
  • Roll up 20 quarters in tape
  • Attach Paper clip to Quarters and Rubber band
  • Fill bottle with water
  • Measure and record temperature and length for each rubber band

  • Pour 1/3 of the water out
  • Fill with ice cubes
  • Measure and record temperature and length for each rubber band
  • Pour out water
  • Fill with Hot water
  • Measure and record temperature and length for each rubber band


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Data Table:

Rubber Band Stretch Length (mm)

Temperature (F°)

Rubber Band 1

Rubber Band 2

Rubber Band 3













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Based on the data displayed in the graph, the hypothesis was not supported because the rubber bands stretched further in the cold water than the ambient or hot water. All three rubber bands stretched furthest in the 30 F° cold water compared to the other temperatures. All three rubber bands stretched the least in the 180 F° Hot water. Lastly the three rubber bands of similar shape, size , and color all reacted the same when subjected to the different temperatures in the experiment.


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Most materials contract when cold and expand when heated but rubber on the other hand is a unique polymer. Polymers actually expand when chilled and contract when heated. Polymers are made of long chains of monomers. When a long chain is cooled the monomer chain relaxes and allows it to stretch. When the monomer chain is heated the chain vibrates and make it contract, or stretch less. Polymers are used in almost all things manufactured, not just tires! Most consumer goods, building materials, and automotive parts, all use polymers in their construction to allow flexibility, strength, and durability.

Real World Connection