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In your notebook, respond to the questions:

  • What is your experience with podcasts? Do you know what a podcast is?
  • Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?

Today’s Warm Up!

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Game Plan


  • Weekly overview
  • Introduce Solutions/Take Action Page
  • Introduce Podcasting as new media form

Learning Goals

  • I can analyze the relationship between message and form to create meaning.
  • I can identify and explain podcasting as a new media genre.
  • I consider creating a podcast for my Solutions/Take Action page.

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What makes podcasting stand out

  • Creator & Listener form a bond over time unlike most artistic genres.
    • Possible to spend hundreds of hours listening to one person talk
      • More reliable than radio
  • Passionate voice
      • Serial

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Bare necessities

  • Audio quality
    • Sound mixing

  • Narrate with enthusiasm
    • “The audience is nothing more than a giant machine that agrees with you.”

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  • A conversation

with your clips

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Sound Design


Musical cues:


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Music: Momentum and depth


  • Audio B-Roll: Gives the feeling of a room without having to describe it.
    • Adds depth to a story
    • Gives context to the story teller
    • Overuse → distraction & uncomfortable listening
  • Soundscapes


  • Character theme music
    • Creates expectation
  • Maintains engagement,smoothes out transitions
  • Bookends
    • Closure
      • Emotional payoff

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Panel discussion

Longform Interview

Audio Essay:


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Podcasting structures

Journalism: Uses interviews and narration to navigate a subject or theme.Ex. Radiolab, This American Life, 99% Invisible

  • A variety of perspectives
    • Potentially distracts from your thesis
  • Ground it in 1 central story (Pathos)

Panel Discussion: Discussion of an issue with experts* Ex. Startalk, I Burn Everything, Harmontown (also codeswitch epidsode)

  • Could make promoting your thesis tricky
  • Prompt discussion around anecdotes (Pathos)

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Podcasting structures

Storytelling: One narrator shares an experience they had in relation to a subject or theme.

    • Ex. RISK!, The Moth, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History
  • Emotionally engaging
  • Tons of potential for sound design
  • Use narration/ interstitials to add
    • Statistics
    • Studies
    • Summaries

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Podcasting Structures

Long-Form Interview: A deep dive into a subject, typically interviewing only 1 person. Very few edits.

    • Ex. Joe Rogan Podcast, The Nerdist, That’s Deep Bro
  • Balancing EPL will depend on how qualified interviewee is
    • Mostly likely will need statistics etc.

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Podcasting Structures

Solo podcast: A direct conversation with the listener often aided by clips or articles.

    • Ex. My podcast, Monday Morning Podcast (Bill Burr), The Smartest Man in the World
  • Ethos & Pathos can be lost if you don’t have any personal experience with the subject
    • Focus on a central story

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  • Avoid recording phone calls
    • If you have to interview remotely use Skype.
  • Narrate with someone around
  • Script narration
  • Relisten at least once before submitting it
  • Record in as small a room as possible
  • Try not to exceed 5 voices in one episode
    • Unless you set it up ahead of time

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    • Free Music Archive.org
      • Attribution & Attribution-ShareAlike CC licenses
    • My podcast