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Artificial Intelligence Curriculum

Created by: Jui Khankari

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Icons + what they mean


Computer needed

Class Think + Share

Partner Turn + Talk

Independent Worksheet

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Day 1

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Video: What is Artificial Intelligence?

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Class Think

  • What problems can be solved using AI?
  • Raise your hands to share, now that you have watched the video.

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Eliza Chatbot

Raise your hand to suggest what we should say to Eliza!

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Raise your hand to suggest what we should say to Siri/Alexa/Cortana!

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Class Think

  • How is Siri/Cortana/Alexa different from Eliza?
  • Raise your hands to share

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Video: AI vs ML vs DL

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Turn and Talk

  • Using the class list, write down which problems can be solved using AI
    • What about ML?
    • What about DL?
  • Talk with your table about your decisions

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Day 2

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AI, ML, and DL

Self-driving cars

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AI, ML, and DL

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AI and ML

Spam filters

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Problems that can be solved using AI

On your worksheet, check off the ones that match the list we created on day 1.

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Predict the results of drug treatments (medicines)


Detect cancer: classify tumors as benign or malignant.


Diagnose diseases like: heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetic retinopathy, etc.


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Scheduling public transport

could prevent errors made by human drivers

Self-driving cars

to make it more efficient

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Chatbot-based learning support


Personalized + cheap AI tutoring

Personalized education that fits every student’s unique needs




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Energy & Wildlife Conservation

AI-controlled thermostats could turn on heating/cooling systems automatically only when needed, saving energy costs

Track animal movements to see which habitats animals most use and would be best to protect

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Predict future prices looking at past trends

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Identify spam emails

Recommend products (on e-commerce websites)

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Video: Types of AI/ML/DL Algorithms

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Class Activity

Post-it Note Four Corners

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Problems that AI can Solve (all on one slide)

Move to the area of the room that corresponds to the AI algorithm that can solve each problem.

  • Classify a tumor as benign or malignant (cancer vs no cancer)
  • Self-driving cars
  • Predict future prices using prior trends
  • Identify spam emails

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Day 3

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Class Activity: Points on a line

  • If I were to add another point, where would it go?

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Video: Linear Regression

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Stock Market Graph

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Turn and Talk

How can we use linear regression with stock market graphs?

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Activity: Human Neural Networks

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Step 1: Training

Silently notice details that are unique to each snake. You can write them down on your worksheet to help you remember.

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Venomous Coral Snake

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Non-venomous Red Milk Snake

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Non-venomous Red Milk Snake

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Venomous Coral Snake

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Venomous Coral Snake

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Venomous Coral Snake

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Non-venomous Red Milk Snake

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Non-venomous Red Milk Snake

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Step 2: Testing

Write down your guesses in the “Part 2 - Testing Guesses” section on your worksheet

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Ground-Truth (Answers)

  • Non-venomous milk snake
  • Venomous coral snake
  • Venomous coral snake
  • Non-venomous milk snake
  • Non-venomous milk snake
  • Venomous coral snake

Put a checkmark (✅) next to all of the ones you guessed correctly

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Step 3: Performance Metrics

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Calculate your accuracy

Accuracy = number correct (number with a ✅ next to them)

total number (6)

Write down your accuracy on your worksheet

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Video: Neural Networks

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Turn and Talk

  • How do our brains learn?
    • How did you learn to identify venomous snakes vs non-venomous snakes?
  • How do neural networks learn?
  • Compare neural networks to our brains

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Class Discussion

  • Are neural networks AI, ML, or DL?
  • Looking back at the problems list we created on day 1, what problems can be solved with neural networks?

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Activity: Neural Networks Exploration

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Step 1: Neural Networks Playground

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Tensorflow Playground

Go to this link: https://tinyurl.com/ainspireneuralnetworks

On your worksheet, record what happens when you change the following hyperparameters:

  • Epochs (how many times the model goes through the training data, how many times you repeat a set of flashcards)
  • Learning rate (how fast the model changes its weights and biases)
  • Number of hidden layers and number of neurons per hidden layer (how many total neurons the neural network has)

Hyperparameters: Values that the you, the researcher, control

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Class Discussion

  • What happened when:
    • Epochs increased?
    • Learning rate increased?
    • Number of hidden layers and neurons increased?

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Step 2: Create Your Own Neural Network

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Create your own neural network

  • Go to: https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com
  • Watch the introductory video
  • Turn and talk: how is Teachable Machine a neural network?

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Neural Network: Chihuahuas and Blueberry Muffins

Chihuahuas and blueberry muffins look very similar! Can we train a neural network to differentiate between them?

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Let’s Get Started!

  • Save 10 images of chihuahuas to your computer
  • Save 10 images of blueberry muffins to your computer
  • Click on “get started”
  • Click “image project”
  • Click on “standard image model”
  • In class 1, type “Chihuahuas”
  • In class 2, type “Blueberry muffins”
  • Upload your images of chihuahuas and blueberries to the proper classes
  • Click on “advanced models”
    • Change the number of epochs, learning rate, and batch size to your liking
  • Click on “train model”
  • In preview, change the input from “webcam” to “file”
    • Drag in images that you didn’t train on to test on

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Try to train your own neural networks

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Reflection Worksheet

Take a few minutes to reflect on your 3-day journey into artificial intelligence!

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Download the Worksheet Packet