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Volunteer Leadership Guide

FOR IC Representatives

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Who are the OCP Volunteer Leaders?

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OCP Leadership

Incubation Committee (IC) Representative

      • Individual must OCP Corporate Member (Silver/Gold/Platinum)
      • IC Chairs are appointed by the OCP Foundation/Board.
      • Elected positions held for 2 year term

Project Lead/Co-Leads (PL)

      • Individual must OCP Corporate Member (Silver/Gold/Platinum) or Contributing* Community member
      • Elected positions held for 2 year term

Sub-Project Leads (SPL)

  • Individual must belong to an OCP Corporate Member member, or OCP Individual member

Workstream Leads (WL) or Steering Committee Leads

  • Appointed positions for a single purpose work for a finite duration

Limitations :

  • No one person can hold more than one leadership position at any given point, regardless of membership level.

*Community Members are eligible for 1 PL position, providing they have made a valid contribution.

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Incubation Committee (IC)

The OCP IC Mission:

  • Identify industry problem sets
  • Drive the Solution Discovery Process
  • Crystalize and Define the Roadmap
  • Influence the OCP Board

IC Roles and Responsibilities

  • Together with other PLs, establish yearly goals for the Project Community (products, technologies, adoption)
  • Provide guidance and feedback to the incubated projects
  • Create/update project charters
  • Review contributions for technical completeness
  • Participate in IC Meetings & vote on new contributions
  • Current IC Leads can be found here: https://www.opencompute.org/about/ocp-incubation-committee

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Project Groups

Project Lead(s)/SubProject Lead Mission:

  • Responsible for the delivery of concepts and subsequent contributions.
  • Align all activity/contribution in the Project Community with the Project’s Charter.
  • Current PLs and SPLs can be found here: https://www.opencompute.org/about/project-leads

Project Lead/SubProject Lead Roles and Responsibilities

  • Establish yearly goals for the project (products, technologies, adoption)
  • Facilitate discussions, both online and in-person, in an open and transparent manner
  • Support the direction of the Foundation through the OCP mailing lists, monthly calls, OCP events and various other tools
  • Drive communication between the Project and the Foundation
  • Encourage and guide any new contributions through the OCP Contribution Process
  • Help adopters see the benefits of OCP Solutions and encourage knowledge share

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Project Groups

Workstream Lead Roles and Responsibilities

  • Single purpose includes: Specs (HW/SW), Documents (White Papers, Design Guidelines, Best Practices, etc), OCP recognized Product or Facility
  • Lead a small group of companies to collaborate on a single purpose
  • Understand each company’s contribution to the work product.
  • Host and maintain regular cadence of calls, keep meeting minutes, work with OCP on legal terms.
  • Provide updates on the Project Calls on progress
  • Work Product must culminate on a final contribution to be presented as a team before the IC for a vote/approval.

Steering Committee Roles and Responsibilities

  • For Software Projects primarily.
  • Collaborate with OCP Github code contributors, maintainers and committers
  • Make collective decisions on key features and attributes.
  • Host and maintain regular cadence of calls, keep meeting minutes, work with OCP on legal terms.
  • Provide updates on the Project Calls on progress
  • Add other key members to the Committee with the approval of the Foundation and Project Leadership

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Election Process

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Election Process

  • Nominations for PLs/SPLs or IC Reps can submitted via “Call for Nominations” Email
  • To vote for a PL/SPLs, all individuals must belong to an OCP Corporate Member. Anyone in the Community can vote.
  • To vote for an IC representative, all individuals must be an OCP Silver/Gold/Platinum Corporate Member and each representative from a Corporate Member company will get a select # of votes.
  • Voting Results are published via an Email to the entire OCP Community.

Project Leads/Sub-Project Leads

  • Term: 2 years
  • Runs Even Year, starting in August
  • Nominations take 2 weeks, voting takes 2 weeks. Some exceptions apply.

IC Representative

  • Term: 2 years
  • Runs Odd Year, starting in August
  • Nominations take 2 weeks, voting takes 2 weeks. Some exceptions apply.

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Post Election - �For The IC Representative

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Incubation Committee Role

Strategic Direction:

  • Identify key challenges that are facing the OCP Project community.
  • Make data-driven decisions on priorities for the community via periodic surveys/polls of the OCP Project Community members along with outreach to external partner organizations/adopters.
  • Drive the OCP Project community to define and develop desired integrated solutions.

Execution Focus:

  • Define direction of the project teams and in shaping projects (and contributions) within the OCP community via periodic review of charter, contribution pipeline, generation of new sub-projects and new technology demands from the community.
  • Focus the Project Community on specific, relevant problems and developing integrated solutions with the help of key adopters and Project Leads
  • Provide closer collaboration within the Project on adoption and also across other project communities to allow for complete and more integrated solutions.

Readout and Metrics Definition:

As a part of the new direction for OCP, the IC will take responsibility to define ways to measure OCP progress and to report on expectations regularly at Summits and Workshops.

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Expectations of the IC Representative:

Measured and Tracked Quarterly. All posted on the IC Wiki.

IC Attendance Expectations:

    • Sub-Project/Project Call Attendance - 75%
    • Leadership Sprint Attendance - 2 per year
    • IC Call Attendance - 90%
      • Strategy meetings - IC must attend at least 2 mtgs/qtr. a warning will be issued at the end of the quarter. If no improvement is seen for the subsequent quarter, an automatic re-election will be triggered. Please inform the Chairs of any excused absences. Delegation of such meetings must be approved prior.
    • Project Event Attendance - min 2 per year

IC Voting Expectations:

  • IC Votes - 90%, no more than 5% abstain. If voting falls below 75%, a warning will be issued at the end of the quarter. If no improvement is seen for the subsequent quarter, an automatic re-election will be triggered.

Project Engagement Expectations:

  • PL/IC  1:1 Meetings - 1X per quarter  (Meeting between PLs and IC 1:1 to discuss Project direction)
  • Cross Collaboration Opportunities - 1X per qtr  (IC to meet with other project groups to present their Project status and learn about possible collaboration)

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BackUp: Contributions

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Ways to Contribute to OCP



Tested Configs

White Papers

Case �Studies


Requirements Documents


Embedded SW


Design �Files

Product/ Facility �Recognition



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Member Contribution Requirements

Community Members

    • No Contribution Required
    • If they choose, they may make contributions
    • May seek OCP Accepted™ product recognition for their product contributions (based on an existing accepted Specification).


    • No Contribution Required
    • If they choose, they may make contributions
    • May seek  OCP Accepted™ or OCP Inspired™ product recognition for their product (based on an existing accepted specification).


    • Must make 1 contribution per year of membership*
    • May seek  OCP Accepted™ or OCP Inspired™ product recognition for their product (based on an existing accepted specification).


    • Must make 2 contributions per year of membership*
    • May seek  OCP Accepted™ or OCP Inspired™ product recognition for their product (based on an existing accepted specification)..

*Opt-Out option available for Contributions.

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OCP Contribution Credit Structure




Specification or

Design Package

1 Specification or 1 Design Package

•Each Spec and/or Design Package must meet 3 out of 4 OCP Tenets

•Each Spec must have one 1 identified supplier with readily available product within a reasonable amount of time (120 days).

•Each Design package must have one 1 identified supplier with readily available product within a reasonable amount of time (120 days) and the Supplier must apply for the OCP Product Recognition Program (OCP Accepted™ or OCP Inspired™ status and logo).

1 Credit

OCP Inspired™


5 OCP Inspired™ Product SKUs on the Marketplace.

•Must be based on an approved OCP Spec.

•Must meet 3 out of 4 OCP Tenets

•Each SKU must carry the OCP Inspired™ logo.

•Each SKU must be readily available within 120 days and be visible on Supplier’s website for purchase.

5 SKUs

= 1 Credit

OCP Accepted™


5 OCP Accepted ™ Product SKUs on the Marketplace.

•Must be based on an approved OCP Spec.

•Must meet 3 out of 4 OCP Tenets

•Each SKU must carry the OCP Accepted™ logo.

•Each SKU must be readily available within 120 days and be visible on Supplier’s website for purchase.

5 SKUs

= 1 Credit

OCP Ready™


1 OCP Ready Facility

•Facility must meet all the requirements in the OCP Ready™ Checklist and Colo Site Assessment in current term

•Assessment must be made annually to retain certification.

•Renewals for the same facility will be 0.5 credit

•Member must be a Colo SP.

1 credit

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OCP Contribution Credit Structure Cont’d




Embedded SW

-Initial Committers to a repository in either the OCP GitHub directory or an affiliate OCP Github directory (SONiC/ONIE/ONL etc)

- Member Companies that have contributed over 25% to a given repository within their current term.

Between 15-24% will receive 0.5 credit.

Anything less than 15% will be considered participation.

1 credit

Reference Architecture

A documented and tested solution comprising:

• Two or more unique tested configurations (see above)

• Two or more unique OCP Accepted™ Product SKUs.

> 50% content use of Orderable SKUs.

- The contributor must provide product test documentation, certification info, and configuration details about the reference architecture and warrants that the reference architecture works as documented.

- OCP shall be allowed to promote the contribution of reference architecture via the OCP Marketplace.

Case Dependent

(0.5-1 Credit per item)

Requirements Document

This document may demonstrate the following:

•best practices or

•recommended guidelines or

•create a framework for collaboration

•capture requirement/framework document for new projects/sub-projects

Such documents are written as collective documents by one or more companies and submitted to the IC for approval to allow for conformance and interoperability within the OCP environment.

Case Dependent

(0.25-1 Credit per item

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OCP Contribution Credit Structure Cont’d






A documented and tested configuration using an OCP Inspired™ or OCP Accepted™ Product and configured with additional hardware and operating system software and application software (specific use)

- Testing plan/results, configuration details must be provided.

- Contributor warrants tested configuration will work in defined use case and can provide support service

- Contributor responsible for accuracy of info

- OCP may promote the contribution of tested configurations via the OCP Marketplace.

10 tested configurations = 1 Credit

White Papers &

Case Studies

A white paper, case study, reference document explaining details of your use of OCP Solutions or Facilities within your infrastructure.

•The white paper or case study must demonstrate 2 or more OCP tenets and be accepted by the Foundation and IC committee along with the appropriate agreements.

•OCP shall be allowed to promote this on the OCP website or promotional materials.

Case Dependent

(0.25-1 Credit per item)

Educational Videos or

Quotable References or

OCP-centric Technology Seminars

Organized Plug-fests

Engineering Workshops

The Foundation may approve the following items with proper authorization and technical validation.

The below items must utilize of at least 2 OCP Tenets.

- Educational Videos for use of OCP Products or Reference Architectures

- Testimonials and quotable customer references for relevant OCP Products, Test Configurations and Reference Architecture

- Technology Seminars, when promoting the use of OCP Products, Test Configurations and Reference Architecture

- OCP shall be allowed to promote this on the OCP website or promotional materials.

Case Dependent

(0.5-1 Credit per item)

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Contribution Types and Associated Docs

Contribution Type

OCP Legal Requirements

OCP Foundation Submission Requirements

OCP Accepted™

OCP Inspired™

OCP Ready™



OCP Membership


Specification Doc.

Meets ¾ OCP Tenets

Completed Checklist

Must have identified 1 supplier that can build product.



Specs need to be open and intended for public consumption. Must have at least 1 identified supplier that will have sellable product in a reasonable amount of time (120 days).

Design Package

OCP Membership


OSI License if needed

Spec must be in the OCP Contribution DB

Complete Design Files on OCP GitHub

Completed Checklist

Orderable SKUs



Must be based on an approved OCP Spec.

If contributed to OCP, designs need to be open and intended for public consumption.

Embedded SW

Any OSI Approved License


Must be an OCP Software platform

Must be in the OCP GitHub directory or an OCP Github affiliate directory

Must be on an OCP Software platform.


OCP Membership


Certification Mark Agreement

SP Agreement if needed

Spec must be in the OCP Contribution DB.

Orderable SKUs

Completed Checklist

Provide Serviceability



Products must be submitted to the OCP Recognition Program (OCP Inspired™ or OCP Accepted™). Products must carry appropriate OCP Product logo to receive contribution credit and be visible on the Supplier’s website for purchase.


OCP Membership


Certification Mark Agreement

Colo SP Agreement

Must be based on OCP Colo Facility Guidelines

Completed Colo Site Assessment

Maintain Assessment thru term


Facility must be submitted to the OCP Facility Recognition Program and must carry OCP Ready™ logo to receive contribution credit and must be visible on Colo’s website.

R/As, White Papers, Case Studies, Metrics

OCP Membership


Spec/Design Package must be in the OCP Contribution DB

Must be based on OCP Products

Completed Checklist



R/As, white papers, case studies, metrics are very beneficial to our community. OCP Products must be part of the Product Recognition Program.

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BackUp: Contribution Process

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How to start a Spec/Design File/Reference Architecture Contribution?

  • Start the Process in our Contribution Portal
  • All Specs/Design Package contributions start with a legal document defining the scope of your Spec/ Design Package - Contribution License Agreement (CLA). Make sure that the scope is clearly defined in this document.
      • There are 2 types of CLAs accepted by OCP:
      • OWF-CLA - to sign the agreement click here
      • OCP-CLA - to sign the agreement click here
    • Have your Legal team review these and sign them.
  • If the CLA is complete, use the following OCP Specification Template and Design Package Guidelines to create your submission package.
  • If you want guidance from the OCP Project Community, please contact the respective Project Leads or OCP Foundation Staff. We will assist you in presenting your contribution to the community and collecting feedback.
  • If the Spec is complete, please present it to the respective Project Community. This creates awareness.
  • Ensure you have a supplier who can build your product within 120 days. An OCP Solution Provider is preferred.
  • Present your final Spec to the OCP Incubation Committee (IC).
  • Upon approval from the Incubation Committee, it will be published on the OCP Contribution Database

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How to recognize your Products as OCP?

  • If your product is based on an existing approved OCP Spec, you can get contribution credit
    • Fill out the Consolidated Checklist
    • Refer to an existing approved Spec
    • Provide us the Design Collateral and you can recognize the product as OCP Accepted™.
    • If you are a tiered member and you don’t want to provide the design collateral, you can recognize your product as OCP Inspired™.
    • Sign a Certification Mark Agreement for the respective logo and sell your OCP Solution on OCP Marketplace!
  • If you want to contribute your own spec, follow the steps on Slide 14 and get started. You can get up to 3 contribution credits instantly (1 for spec, 1 for design collateral, 1 for product recognition).
  • If you want to use the OCP Marketplace to showcase your OCP recognized products, become an OCP Solution Provider!

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OCP Inspired™ Product Recognition

  • Available to Silver/Gold/Platinum members
  • Design Package not required
  • Supported SKUs
  • Orderable by anyone

OCP Accepted™ Product Recognition:

  • Available to all members
  • Requires Design Package Contribution
  • Supported SKUs
  • Orderable by anyone

Product Recognition Process

* Specs, Design Package, and Products can come from same or different companies

Use an existing Spec to build your product or contribute your own Spec

NO IP Assignment

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Where to find current and future specs and design files on our website?

Approved Contributions: https://www.opencompute.org/contributions

Marketplace: OCP Accepted™, OCP Inspired™, and OCP Ready™ Solutions


Check Project Wiki Pages for Work in Progress

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Products that comply 100% with an OCP approved specification in OCP Contribution DB and the design files are open sourced and available.

Products that comply 100% with an OCP approved specification in OCP Contribution DB and are available from a Gold, Silver or Platinum member of OCP

Worldwide Delivery, Service, Support Network

OCP Product Recognition Program

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How to recognize your facility as OCP?

  • If your facility is ready to accept OCP Solutions, you can get contribution credit
    • Check to see if your facility meets the OCP Colo Facility Guidelines for OCP Racks.
    • Complete the OCP Ready Colo Site Assessment.
    • Provide us your Assessment and get IC Approval.
    • Sign a Certification Mark Agreement for the respective logo and market the site with the logo
    • All OCP Ready™ Facilities will be listed on the OCP Marketplace.
  • Each site is 1 Contribution credit and each renewal is 0.5 credit.

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Reference Architecture Contribution Process

  • Leverage ORDERABLE SKU information collected at time of contribution and distributed by Foundation.
  • Leverage TESTED CONFIG. information provided by and maintained by contributor.
  • Solution Providers or ODM’s validation any new TESTED CONFIGS.
      • Charges for validation is defined in support contract.
      • Solution Provider receives HOURS credit for contributing a new TESTED CONFIG.
  • Opportunity for additional contribution by SP (new TESTED Configs, new REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE)






Compute Nodes

FPGA Nodes

NW Switchgear

NW Aggregators

NAS Storage

DAS Storage



Step 3. Testing of Full HW & SW Stack



ADD new




STEP 1: Start with













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Reference Architecture Contribution Process

If you are submitting a reference architecture utilizing an OCP recognized product, you can earn up to 1 contribution credit.

●  Start the Process in our Contribution Portal.

●  Provide us with a documented and tested solution comprising:

  • Two or more unique tested configurations �Two or more unique OCP Accepted™ Product SKUs.
  • > 50% content use of Orderable SKUs.

●  You must also provide product test documentation, certification info, and configuration details about the reference architecture and warrant that the reference architecture works as documented.

● Submit the document to the Project Leads in the respective Project Community and get approval from the IC.

●  If you are an OCP Solution Provider, OCP will publish your Reference Architecture on the OCP Contribution Database

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Tested Configuration Contribution Process

If you are testing application software or system software on an OCP recognized product, you can earn up to 1 contribution credit.

  •  Start the Process in our Contribution Portal.
  • Provide us with your test plan/results and configuration details.
  • Submit your Tested Configuration to the Project Leads in the respective Project Community and get approval from the IC.
  • If you are an OCP Solution Provider, OCP will publish your tested configurations on the OCP Marketplace.

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Embedded Software Contribution Process

  • If you are contributing to an OCP Github or OCP Affiliated Github Directories, you can get contribution credit
    • Fill out the Software Consolidated Checklist
    • Tell us what your Github ID is and what company you are working with.
    • OCP will give 1 contribution credit to your company if you are the initial committer on a repository or if you are contributing more than 25% to an existing repository.
    • If you are contributing between 15-25%, you will earn 0.5 credits.
    • Let us know what you are doing!

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White Paper and Case Study Contributions

If you are using an OCP Solution in your infrastructure or want to share an experience with an OCP recognized product, you can earn up to 1 contribution credit.

  •  Start the Process in our Contribution Portal.
  • Utilize the OCP White Paper Guidelines and use the OCP White Paper Template for your submission.
  • Submit your white paper or case study to the Project Leads in the respective Project Community and get approval from the IC.
  • Upon approval, OCP will publish this on our Contribution Database.

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Requirements Document Contributions

If you are using an OCP Solution in your infrastructure and want to share best practices, to make some recommendations for easier adoption and/or to create a framework for collaboration, whether to improve existing processes in support of the OCP tenets of scale/growth/efficiency/openness via reference document. Such documents should be written as collective documents by one or more companies and submitted to the IC for approval to allow for conformance and interoperability within the OCP environment.

  • Start the Process in the Community by documenting such requirements.
  • Establish consensus that such requirements are relevant to the community
  • Use the Document Submission Template and initiate the process in our Contribution Portal.
  • Submit requirements document to the Project Leads in the respective Project Community and get approval from the IC.
  • Upon approval, OCP will publish this on our Contribution Database.

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OCP Marketplace is a comprehensive listing of the OCP Products and Facilities. If you are interesting in listing your products or facilities on the Marketplace, sign up to be an OCP Solution Provider.

OCP Marketplace

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Contribution Guidance for PLs/SPLs & ICR

  • Before a Proposal or Contribution is presented to the Project Community, the PL(s)/SPL(s) need to make sure that the Contributor has the following in place:
    • Contributor must be an OCP member and must have signed an valid OCP Membership Agreement (this protects the Foundation from an IP/Bylaws perspective).
    • Contributor must have signed a Contribution Licensing Agreement (this shows the Community which license is utilized for information sharing and how it can be used by the Community).
  • Proposal or Contribution should be presented to the Project Community on a Monthly Call or EW. The PL(s)/SPL(s) works with the Contributor to schedule time slot on agenda and informs the Community.
  • Proposal or Contribution must be presented via a document that details the market need for the Contribution, how it benefits the OCP Community and that it follows at least 3 OCP Tenets. IC and Community will provide feedback and direction. The PL/SPL uploads this to WIKI as a WIP (Work in Progress).
  • Proposal must include timeline and any other pertinent details that may be needed in order for the Community, PL/SPL(s) and ICs to vote on its inception into the Foundation.
  • If Proposal is accepted, a Contribution document must follow utilizing the OCP Spec template.
  • OCP uses the Contributor Portal to allow contributors to make submissions.

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Contribution Guidance for PLs/SPLs & IC Cont’d

  • When Contribution Doc is in review, the PL/SPL will continue to track progress via the Contribution Portal.
  • Once the Contribution is in its final stage, a few more items need to be completed by the Contributor:
    • For Specs, White Papers, Ref Designs, Tested Configs, Testimonials, Case Studies, Products, Facility: Contributor must have signed a Copyright Licensing Agreement (this allows OCP to publish info to our ecosystem).
    • For Products/Facility: Certification Mark Agreement (this allows the release of the OCP Accepted™/OCP Inspired™/OCP Ready™ Logos for the Contribution and the Contributor can use this for their own marketing channels.)
    • For Marketplace: If the Contribution is to be sold via OCP’s channels, a Solution Provider/Colo Solution Provider Agreement needs to be signed (this enables OCP to market via the OCP Marketplace)
    • For Specs: If using the OWF CLA, the OWFa 1.0 Final Spec Agreement needs to be signed for the FINAL version of the SPEC to be released. If the OCP CLA is used, the Contributor must acknowledge the HW License in an email. .
  • Once the Portal requirements are COMPLETE and the FINAL version of the Contribution submitted, the PL/SPL will schedule a presentation to the IC Committee. The IC Rep for the Project must endorse the Contribution. The IC Committee meets monthly. This is a 10-15 minute presentation. The PL/SPL, IC Representative and the Contributor are required to attend. Here is the Guidance for the IC Presentation.
  • If there is feedback, the PL/SPL will insure that the Contributor meets the requirements. Once the requirements are met, the Contribution is ready for a VOTE. This will be a simple Google Form that will be sent to the IC Committee. The IC will not start the review/vote process until all of the above requirements are met.
  • The IC Committee votes and approves the Contribution. Upon approval, the Contribution will be published to the OCP Contributions Database. The appropriate Certification Mark is released for products to the Supplier if product/facility recognition is sought. If the Supplier had elected to be a Solution Provider, the Product/Facility will be visible in the OCP Marketplace.

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OCP Tenets


  • Platform Performance
  • Reduction of Infrastructure Cost
  • Power Conversion & Delivery
  • Cooling


  • Fast, Simple, Tool-less Maintenance
  • OCP Compliant Management Tools
  • Documentation


  • Open Source
  • Open Interfaces
  • OCP Compatible


  • Efficiency Gains
  • New Technology
  • Leverage/Empower Prior Contributions
  • Supply Chain

New OCP contributions must create meaningful positive impact within the OCP ecosystem. This can be attained by introducing efficiency gains, introducing new technologies and products that are valuable for scale out computing, creating a multiplier effect by building on top of already existing OCP solutions, and enabling a more robust supply chain by contributing alternative compatible solutions.

A key OCP tenet is efficient design. Aspects that can be considered include (but aren’t limited to) power delivery and conversion, thermal efficiency, platform performance (per-W for example), reducing overall infrastructure costs, reducing code weight, reducing latencies and more.

OCP contributions must be scalable. This means that the technology is designed with the right supporting features to allow for its maintenance in large scale deployments. This includes physical maintenance, remote management, upgradability, error reporting and appropriate documentation. Management tools should strive to adhere to the guideline provided by the OCP Hardware Management Project. Documentation should enable adopters towards a successful deployment, providing guidance on equipment installation, turn on and configuration, as well as physical and remote service.

OCP encourages as much open source contribution as possible, but understands that in certain cases 100% open source contriution may not be possible. Whether fully open source or not, a contribution should strive to comply with a set of already existing open interfaces, at the very least provide one. Providing a solution compatible with already existing OCP contributions is one way to implement existing (open) interfaces.

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