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Types of Drugs

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Definition: Otherwise known as ‘downers’, depressants act to slow or reduce the function of the brain and body. Mainly used as prescription medicines, they’ve also become popular as ‘illicits’ or mood-altering substances. They can cause anything from feelings of relaxation and mild contentment, to sedation and total blackout. Definitely don’t use them with alcohol – you can stop breathing!

Effects: These types of drugs slow you down. This can make you feel happy and relaxed. They can also make you have no shame, feel down, angry or jealous. These drugs can be dangerous and can cause unconsciousness, vomiting and death.

Examples: Sleeping pills, minor tranquillisers. Alcohol, benzos, tranquillisers, heroin and some painkillers are downers.

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Definition: Drugs that increase the body's state of arousal by increasing the activity of the brain. Psychoactive drugs that induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical functions or both.

Effects: Induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical functions or both.

  • Enhances the chemicals in the brain
  • Can induce feelings of euphoria
  • Increases blood pressure and heart rate, constrict blood vessels, increase blood sugar levels.

Examples: Caffeine, nicotine, speed and amphetamines.

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-a drug that causes hallucinations.�

Examples:�LSD-25 - Acid, Tabs, Trips

Magic Mushrooms

Mescaline- (peyote cactus)



hallucinations, Dilated (large) pupils,Rapid heart rate, Loss of appetite, nausea & vomiting,Cold chills, shivering & hot flushes DizzinessTremor Paranoia & confusion Insomnia & restless, disturbed sleepAcute panic (usually called a ‘Bad Trip’)Change in perception of sight, sound, touch, smell, taste and space. (i.e. a distorted sense of distance along with a disorientated sense of direction) Stomach cramps & pain Numbness of the mouth Emotional instability & Sudden Mood Changes Hallucinations Body numbness Violent / aggressive behaviour Feeling similar to having a severe hangover Psychosis tolerance

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Other PED’s or Prescriptions

Definition:Performance-enhancing drugs (also known as PED) are substances used by athletes to improve their performances. The term may also refer to drugs used by military personnel to enhance combat performance. Although the phrase performance-enhancing drugs is popularly used in reference to anabolic steroids or their precursors (hence the colloquial term "steroids"), world anti-doping organizations apply the term broadly”

Effects: Improved performance for athletes �or other professionals

Testosterone has two main effects on your body:

  • Anabolic effects promote muscle building.
  • Androgenic effects are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair �and a deeper voice.

Examples: Essendon football club (supplements), Shane Warne, Lance Armstrong (blood doping), Marion Jones