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enFocus Phase 3 Re-Opening

April 30, 2021

Policy Overview

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Phase 3 for enFocus

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Policies for enFocus - Phase 3

Social Distancing/Protective Equipment

  • Maximum of 15 people at SB office
  • Maximum of 10 people at the Elkhart office

  • You can’t come in if the office is at capacity
  • If you need to pick something up, plan around off-hours/capacity of the office.

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Policies for enFocus - Phase 3

Social Distancing/Protective Equipment

  • A face mask will be required upon entry and any time you are moving about the office - Leaving to take a phone call outside, going to the restroom, etc.
  • When you are in a stationary spot and have a distance greater than six feet between you and your coworkers, you may remove your face mask.

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South Bend Office Layout - Lower Level


White Board

White Board



Lower Level capacity = 20

Anytime entering office, use sanitizer

Individual Workstation (Tableau/ HIPAA work)

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South Bend Office Layout - Mezzanine Level

Upper Level capacity = 7


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Elkhart Office Layout

White Board



ETHOS capacity = 10

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

Social Distancing/Protective Equipment

  • All staff can work from office and can sign up to come in through a Google Sheet monitored by LT/SYF member
    • We will hold some full team events in-person
    • Team members are not required to come into the office during Phase 3

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

Social Distancing/Protective Equipment

  • A weekly signup sheet will be sent out Mondays at 8 AM
  • You must sign up on the signup sheet even if we’re not close to capacity! (We need it for contact tracing, just in case)
  • Please don’t delete anyone from the list!
  • If you don’t hear from us, you’re good to come in!
  • If you have an extenuating circumstance (no internet, power outage) and the office is at capacity, message an LT member that you need to come in.
  • You may be asked to stay home if you are using the office for individual work and we are at capacity.

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

Social Distancing/Protective Equipment

  • Hand Sanitizer:
    • Will be available at the entrance of both offices and group space.
    • Team members are expected to use sanitizer upon every entry to the office. (Coming in for the day, coming back from the restroom, a phone call, etc.)
    • Team members are expected to use sanitizer before and after writing on whiteboards
  • Whiteboard markers:
    • We encourage you to use hand sanitizer before and after you utilize whiteboard markers.

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

Social Distancing/Protective Equipment

  • Kitchen/Microwave Areas:
    • Kitchen areas are re-opened. Hard surfaces in the kitchen area will be sanitized weekly (counters, coffee pot, microwave, etc)
    • Team members are expected to use sanitizer before and after using kitchen equipment.
  • Soft surfaces:
    • During Phase 3, soft surfaces, such as our couches and gray chairs, will be usable
  • Printers:
    • Minimize printing needs
    • Use hand sanitizer before and after touching the printers

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enFocus policy - Phase 3


  • Disinfection with bleach or Lysol wipe at end of each work day
    • LT member to wipe down high touch surfaces including
      • Door handles
      • Desks
      • Printers
      • Chairs
    • Team members to use their best judgment in sanitizing surfaces before/after use

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

Vaccination Status

All staff members are required to disclose their vaccination status to enFocus

  • Current staff have been provided a Google Form to disclose their status
  • Future staff will be sent a Google Form upon accepting employment at enFocus

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

COVID Exposure

If staff members are exposed to COVID-19:

  • The staff member must inform an LT member or
  • An LT member must inform the staff member

Upon exposure:

  • If asymptomatic, fully vaccinated employees will not have to self-isolate
  • Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated employees will refrain from all in-person work activities for 10 days from the exposure date (further details on Workforce Contact Tracing slide)

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals

Fully vaccinated individuals will be held to all the same standards - social distancing, masking, sanitizing, etc - except that they will not be required to self-isolate upon a COVID-19 exposure if asymptomatic.

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

COVID Testing

  • enFocus will require staff to be COVID tested when:
    • An individual exhibits symptoms lasting longer than 72 hours
  • While awaiting COVID results:
    • The individual will not be allowed into enFocus workspace and we recommend self-isolation
  • Employees must communicate the results of the test with enFocus
    • enFocus will protect your privacy. We are requiring these results to extend health protection to other employees who you may have been exposed to.
    • enFocus will not share your results broadly
    • When communicating to exposed team members, your name will not be used

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

COVID Negative Test

  • You may come to the office when you feel better!

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enFocus policy - Phase 3

COVID Positive Test

  • Take the time you need to feel better!!!
  • If you are well enough, you may work remotely
  • You may return to the office when:
    • 2 weeks have passed since the positive test result AND
    • You have not displayed symptoms for the last 72 hours

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enFocus policy - Phase 2

Workforce Contact Tracing

The Google Sheet can serve as documentation for workforce contact tracing should someone from the team become infected

enFocus will contact any team members exposed within the last 10 business days and ask them to work remotely for the following 10 business days, monitor their symptoms and temperature.

Exposed employees may return to work after 10 business days if they do not display any symptoms, including a lack of fever over 100F.

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  • These policies are in place beginning 5/1/2021