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Massachusetts Gender and

Sexuality Leadership Council

Safe Schools Program �for LGBTQ Students

The Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students is a joint initiative between the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth.

“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

Lilla Watson

December �Regional �Meeting �

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We totally have an “AGENDA”!

• Welcome & Introductions • 

• Group Agreements • 

• Intersectionality & Allyship • 

• Networking & Lunch • 

• Closing Circle • 

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Name, Pronouns, School


What’s your current favorite show to binge watch?

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  • Respect
  • School Rules Apply
  • Ouch, Oops, Sorry
  • What is Said Here, Stays Here. What is Learned Here, Leaves Here.
  • Right to Pass
  • Have a Good Time
  • Use the Power of Egress
  • One Mic One Diva
  • Take Space Make Space

Group Agreements

Since we will be discussing a variety of potentially sensitive topics, we should agree on some ground rules.

Remember: This is a living-document. We can always add to this during the day.

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IntersectionalitySmall Group Discussions & Recognizing Microaggressions

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What is Intersectionality?

  • Violence against people of color. �
  • Violence against women.

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Small Group Discussions

  • What are some of your intersecting identities?
  • How have they shaped the way you’ve grown and developed as an individual?
  • How do they provide you with unique perspectives on the world and how you see yourself within it?
  • How do they provide you with unique strengths or privileges?
  • How do they provide you with unique challenges or disadvantages?
  • ow do your unique experiences and perspectives help you relate to others, and create communities?

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Silent Reflection

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Pro Tip

Think about what you want to share with the people in your group. Be intentional and share safely. Do not share anything that makes you uncomfortable.




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Small Group Rotations: Discussions About Allyship

  • What is the history of this group’s struggle for equity?
  • What language has this group of people asked us to use in discussing who they are and what they need?
  • Where have I, perhaps unintentionally, negatively impacted someone in this community?
  • How can I make amends that acknowledge more than just my intent?
  • Where am I on my journey to living as an ally?
  • Where can I use my power to elevate the voices of this community?
  • Where do I hear and see bias in my own community?
  • What are some microaggressions people in this community might experience?
  • How can I disrupt these narratives or norms with the knowledge I have gained?

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Share your social media!!

Visit: http://www.jpwheeler.com/social

You will receive an email with all information that is submitted.

Please share only information you want shared with everyone here today.

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Please Share!

  • What are some of the things your GSA has been doing?
  • What have been some of your greatest successes?
  • What would you recommend that other schools do or try?

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Closing Circle

Names & Pronouns� Select One Question to Answer

What is one

thing you

learned today?

Is there anyone

in the room you’d like to thank or appreciate?

What was the hardest thing you had to do today?

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Massachusetts Gender and

Sexuality Leadership Council

Safe Schools Program �for LGBTQ Students

The Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students is a joint initiative between the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth.

“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

Lilla Watson