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Engagement Tips & Tricks

For ALL Learners

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Areas of Engagement




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Why those 3 areas?

This information is based off of the research of John Hattie and the Visible Learning Metax. We are only going to focus on Teaching Strategies, but make sure you take a look at the other Domains.

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Some examples:

  • Jigsaw Method
  • Immediacy
  • Cooperative & Social Learning

Some examples:

  • Flexible Discussions
  • Questioning
  • Self-directed learning

Some examples:

  • Alignment Map
  • Formative Feedback
  • Self Progress Checks

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What is it?


Students work in small groups to develop knowledge about a particular topic, and a way to teach it to others. These “expert” groups break up and create New “jigsaw” groups, each containing one “expert” student. The “expert” teaches the new group their researched topic.

  • Present a list of topics
  • Have students choose a group based on the topic
  • Within the group, students will come up with teaching materials and information to take with them
  • Move students from their “expert” group to form new groups to teach their topic

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Biographical jigsaw activity:

Using the Life and Works of Charles Dickens

  • Students choose group based upon Novel Names
  • Most Famous quotes from Novel
  • Important Characters in the novel

After research, they are re-organized into jigsaw groups to produce a presentation on Dickens’ life and work.

They are shared with the class and used as study materials for the unit exam.

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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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What is it?


Reduced social distance between faculty and student due to an increased awareness of approachability, caring, and competence.

  • Instructor Feedback
  • Instructor Interaction & Support
  • Email
  • Response time
  • Greetings
  • Agreement
  • Self-disclosure
  • Personal Photos
  • Humor/Human

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Instructional Immediacy Tips



5-Minute Videos

How it “feels” convos?

Targeted Motivation

Intentional Word Choices

  • Positive
  • Weekly (minimum)
  • Video/Pictures
  • Fun Fact
  • Weekly
  • Personal
  • Process not Content
  • Midterm
  • Week before finals
  • Our vs. The
  • We vs. You
  • Highlights vs. Feedback

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More tips...

Call to Action

Communication Timeline

Be Patient!!!

  • How does this course fit into the big picture?
  • Be Specific
  • How often and grading
  • With Your Students
  • With YOURSELF!

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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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  • Cooperative & Social Learning

What is it?


Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. Social learning emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others.

  • Establish clear group goals
  • Keep groups midsized
  • Establish flexible group norms
  • Build Trust and promote open communication
  • For larger tasks, create group roles
  • Create pre-test and post-test
  • Consider the process as part of assessment
  • Use new strategies
  • Allow groups to reduce anxiety
  • Establish group interactions

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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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—(Juliani 2020)

As humans, we each have specific sets of circumstances that allow us to learn best. This set of circumstances changes over time, and although it is fluid, a teacher does not have much control over what is going to allow a student to learn best that day –Unless we give choice"

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Choice Board

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Process for Developing a Choice Board

Select the Content/Unit

Decide the instructional resources/methods that can be used to deliver the content. From this list, students will pick 2-3 that they are interested in

Create an assessment that allows students to demonstrate what they learned




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Flexible Discussions

Encourage text, audio, or video in Discussions to extend the options for self-expression. Use this as an opportunity to discuss equal access and accessibility in order to ensure students don't accidentally exclude students with sensory disabilities.

Allow students to participate in live Chat during face-to-face sessions, so students can ask questions of each other.

End an active face-to-face class discussion by directing students to Canvas Discussions as a means of continuing the conversation. Start the next class session with a summary or highlights from the online discussion.

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Questioning Strategies

Create open Discussion boards and encourage students to post questions and respond to peer posts. Reward students who offer peer-to-peer responses and provide links. Gamify things by letting students "like" other students’ posts and give points to popular questions and answers.

Uncover students' background knowledge using low- or no-stakes Quizzes at the beginning of a Module. Include an Essay question that asks them to explain how

they will succeed in the coming lesson.

Teach students that answering questions is more effective than re-reading or reviewing, even though it's harder mental work. Model for students how they should ask their own questions. Ask questions in the middle of your content Pages, even if you don't collect responses.

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Self-Directed Learning

Use differentiated Assignments to provide just in time practice to students with individualized details as a way of scaffolding their learning

Use MasteryPaths to automatically release supplemental materials to students based on their performance on Quizzes or Assignments. These can be used at the beginning of a Module to diagnose background knowledge, or at the end to ensure mastery before students move on.

Encourage students to plan to spend more time on lessons or activities where they have less experience or lower background knowledge. Make some supplemental materials available to those students in Modules so they’re easy to find

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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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Canvas Tools






Announcement “likes”

Mastery Paths

Differentiated Assignments

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Deliberate improvement as part of learning;

Advancement toward learning goals




Formative Feedback

Alignment Map

Self-Progress Checks

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Alignment Map

The learner will:

  • Behavior
  • Conditions “How”
  • Degree “How well”

Enable learners to achieve stated learning objectives

Facilitate & Support learner interaction and engagement

Evaluate progress in achieving the stated objectives





Module Objective

Learning Materials



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But why?........

  • Ensure that each learning outcome is achievable and has proper learning materials and activities that build comprehension and ability.
  • Show clarity and transparency in purpose, process, and evaluation of learning.
    • Enable metacognition – control and regulation of one’s own learning
  • Prevent information overload and extraneous time spent on activities that don’t contribute to achievement of learning outcomes.
  • Determine assessments that accurately and fairly evaluate achievement of the learning outcome.

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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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Embed a Google Doc!

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Key points of Feedback........

  • Goal-Referenced
  • Tangible & Transparent
  • Actionable
  • User-friendly (Specific & Personalized)
  • Timely
  • Ongoing
  • Consistent

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Formative Feedback





Peer Reviews


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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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Other Feedback Options in Canvas

In Speedgrader,

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Annotations
  • Comments

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Student Progress Checks

See how participation can be related to performance

“What if” function to calculate grade

Use as a guide on “what to do next”

Plan out week by seeing all classes at once

Find knowledge gaps

New Analytics




Self-Check Quizzes

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But what does that look like in Canvas....

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How-to’s for Students

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20 Collaborative Learning Tips & Strategies for Teachers

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Thank You

To access this recording as well as all other webinar recordings, please visit the VCCS ED TECH page


Evaluation link

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik