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Google Slides Tips & Tricks

Reference Guide:

Where to find things

*There is more than 1 way to find many of these tools, the ones shown are constantly visible

Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis

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Things most people know how to do:

  • Add another slide
  • Add a text box
  • Change font
  • Change size of font
  • bold/italicize/underline text
  • Adding a given Google theme
  • Add a name to the document

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Let’s go over the other tools

This part of the icon tool bar stays constant

This part of the icon tool bar changes based on what you are working on or what tool you are using.

This section opens for various formatting purposes.

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Constant part of the icon tool bar you might not use

Paint tool quickly allows you to copy the formatting of a textbox, shape, line and apply it to another.


quickly changes how you see your slide

Add image

Add a picture from a variety of sources click the down arrow for a selection of where to find the image from.

Add shape

Add a variety of shapes. Like a text box you can change the color and type in it.

Add line

Down arrow lets you choose a kind of line.

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Formatting icons seen with shapes, text boxes etc.

FIll color

Fills the shape witha color or lets it be translucent

Boarder color choose a color of the line that surrounds the shape/box. You will see the chosen color at the bottom

Boarder weight choose a thickness of the line that surrounds the shape/box

Boarder dash choose what the boarder will look like.

Can make your shape translucent

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Under File (tips/tricks)

Import slides- can import slides from other slides you have in your drive.

Publish to the web- lets the viewer only see the slideshow as if it was being presented.

Page setup- allows you to change the way the slideshow size.

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Under Edit (tips/tricks)

Paste without formatting- lets you paste text with without any formatting that was previously done. (resets to Ariel 14 usually)

Find and replace- let’s you find text anywhere in your slideshow as well as replace it if needed.

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Under View (tips/tricks)

Motion- opens up the slide transitions and object animations formatting menu on the right side.

Guides/Snap to- helps with placement of textboxes/shapes/images etc.

Show speaker notes- it show/hides the speaker notes at the bottom

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Under Insert (tips/tricks)

All the items you can insert

Word art- add text with image like traits (boarders/fills)

Special characters- has emojis, characters for other languages, shapes etc.

Animation- opens up the motion menu on the right.

Slide numbers- adds “page” numbers to the slides.

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Under Slide (tips/tricks)

Skip slide- when presenting, this slide will not show up.

Change Background- select a color or image for a background

Apply layout- change the layout without having to add a slide (if you write in your text box- it will not transfer to a new layout)

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Under Arrange -certain ones turn active based on what you select

Order- Lets you change the layering of shapes, textboxes etc.

Align- will align all the items selected to the slide

Distribute- will distribute on the items on the slide

Center on page- will center the item(s) to the slide

Rotate- allows you to flip the image to see a mirror image of it

Group/Ungroup- allows you to group items to move/copy them more seamlessly or create a unique image

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Under Tools (tips/tricks)

Explore- a way to search directly from your document.

Activity dashboard- see who has accessed the document and other access.

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Changing Fonts or How They Look


  • Select a text box and then select format (from the top) and then text or format options.
  • Drop Shadow and Reflection will add illusions to the text in the entire text box.

Adding new texts to your drive

  • Click on the text name as usual
  • Click on More fonts at top of list
  • Select grey ones from the left list
  • Select “OK”

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Rachel Lewis

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Please provide feedback for Rachel.

Rachel Lewis