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The Cold War

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The Yalta Conference article

Cold War - Ideology

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Cold War - Plans

United Nations - Established 1945 to promote �international cooperation

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The fate of Germany

Cold War - Ideology

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The Soviet World

Cold War - Ideology

Stalin is

  • Surrounded by Capitalist Democracies
  • Wants partial control of Turkish Straits and Mediteranean access

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Cold War - Containment

George F. Kennan - “Long Telegram” Feb 22,1946

Kennan said

  • Soviet expansion was based on internal issues
  • The Soviets saw the outside world as hostile


  • “long-term, patient, but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies”

Meanwhile, the Soviets

  • viewed US foreign policy as something reflecting the imperialist tendencies of capitalism

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Cold War - Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill -

Iron Curtain Speech, 1946

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Cold War - Containment

Truman Doctrine - Speech in 1947 - US should give support to countries threatened by Communism

Marshall Plan - US will give aid ($20B) to countries devastated by WWII (and prevent them from turning Communist)

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

What are the differences between communism and capitalism?

US and Soviet Union were allies in WWII - What happened?

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

What are the differences between communism and capitalism?

US and Soviet Union were allies in WWII - What happened?

After WWII, Europe was in ruins, and former colonial empires were crumbling. This set the scene for increased competition between the two emergent superpowers, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

The Soviet Red Army remained in Eastern Europe after the war, which led to the Soviet Bloc.

At the same time, the United States developed policies of containment – in particular, the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan

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Cold War - Geo-Politics


North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1949

Warsaw Pact - 1955


Both assured mutual assistance among member countries

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Berlin Blockade and Airlift


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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949)

  • United States
  • Belgium
  • Britain
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Luxemburg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • 1952: Greece & � Turkey
  • 1955: West Germany
  • 1983: Spain

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Warsaw Pact (1955)

  • U. S. S. R.
  • Albania
  • Bulgaria
  • Czechoslovakia
  • East Germany
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Rumania

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Cold War - Hot Spots

About the capitalist �states, it doesn't �depend on you �whether we �(Soviet Union) exist.�If you don't like us, �don't accept our �invitations, and don't�invite us to come �to see you. Whether �you like it our not, history is on our side. We will bury you. -- 1956

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Berlin Wall

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THE KOREAN WAR�1950-1953

Kim Il-Sung

Syngman Rhee

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*Korea was ruled by Japan from 1910 until the end of �World War II.

*In 1945 it was divided along the 38th parallel, with US forces occupying the South, and Soviet forces occupying the North.

*The North - communist government

*The South - democratic/capitalist state.

*The 38th parallel became a border between two countries.

CIA files

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*June, 1950, North Korea invades the South.

*The UN and the US come to the aid of South Korea.

*This is the 1st armed conflict of the Cold War.

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*UN forces push the North Koreans back across the 38th parallel.

*They are led by General Douglas MacArthur, the famous General from the Pacific campaign of WWII.

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MASH units were mobile hospitals that operated out of tents.

Injured people were flown to the tent hospitals by helicopter.

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*To help North Korea, The People’s Republic of China (PRC) entered the conflict and pushed the UN forces back.

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*July 27, 1953, the conflict came to an end.

*An armistice was signed and the 38th parallel was restored.

*It became a demilitarized zone (DMZ) between the two countries, 4 miles wide and 160 miles long. Today it is the most heavily armed border in the world.

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2018: Hope for the future of Korean Penninsula?

Kim Jong-Un (N.K.) & Moon Jae-In (S.K.) sign joint statement to have further talks, to end Korean War

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

Military-Industrial Complex

Ways the Cold War is fought:


Conventional Weapons

Atomic or Nuclear Weapons

Hard Power

Soft Power

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

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What new concerns did atomic weapons bring?

Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

Khrushchev v JFK

Reagan v Gorbachev

On no account to be used, because the enemy might retaliate

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Arms Race

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Cold War - Hot Spots

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Cold War - Hot Spots


  • Espionage [KGB vs. CIA]
  • Arms Race [nuclear escalation]
  • Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy] → “proxy wars”
  • Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

Western Democracies

GOAL“Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world.�[George Kennan]

Soviet Countries

GOAL → spread world-wide Communism

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Cold War - Hot Spots

Cold War Asia:

China: Revolution: 1949

Korean War: 1950-1953

Vietnam War: 1955-1975

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Cold War - Hot Spots

Suez Canal Crisis: 1956-1957

- Nasser (Egyptian President) nationalizes Canal

- Israel, France, Britain invade & bomb in retaliation

- UN condemns; demands ceasefire

- US & USSR together leverage economic and military power to convince withdrawl (we both want�to prevent a Middle-East War)

- Egypt reopens canal

- Britain & France are no longer #1 powers!

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Cold War - Hot Spots

Cuban Revolution

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Cold War - Hot Spots

Cuban Missile Crisis - 1962

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Cold War - Hot Spots

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

Who started the Cold War?

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Cold War - Geo-Politics

Who started the Cold War?

Who was primarily responsible for the start of the Cold War? What evidence do you have to support your claim?

Which of these documents do you believe is most trustworthy? Why?

Did anyone’s hypothesis change? How and why?

What other evidence would you need to strengthen your claim?