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Content Strategy Template

Your Brand/Company - Year/Date

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Instructions for Using This Template

  • This template is intended to help you establish a basic content strategy that includes:
    • Your audience
    • Your business goals
    • Your content that will attract that audience to achieve your business goals
  • This template is designed to be simple, straightforward, and easy to edit. Add or remove sections as necessary.
  • Some slides include filler text for demonstration purposes. You can delete this text if desired.
  • As you publish content, you will learn what works, and what does not. Adjust your strategy accordingly.

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Table of Contents

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Our Audience

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Target Audience / Customer

Insert description of target audience:

Insert customer’s top problems / reasons they visit your website or choose to do business with you:

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Where Does Our Audience Spend Time Online?

Websites / Publications They Read/Watch:

Where They Spend Time Online:

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Our Goals

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Mission Statement

Why are we creating content?

Fill in this template:�[BRAND/COMPANY] creates content for [TARGET CUSTOMER] in order to [SOLVE CUSTOMER PROBLEM] and [ACHIEVE BUSINESS GOAL].

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Content Strategy Goals

List the goals you aim to achieve with content:

List the impacts these goals will have on your business:

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Our Content

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Website Pages (copy this slide for additional pages)

Page (page name or type)

Message (what each page should communicate)

Purpose (the goal or objective for each page)


About Us

Contact Us



Support Docs

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Blog Content

Types of Posts

Purpose (business goal or objective for type of post)

Sales Funnel Stage




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Social Media Content

Social Network

Types of Posts (ex: links, videos, photos, memes, etc.)

Purpose (the business goal or objective for each network)

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Email Content

Email Type

Business Goals

Sales Funnel Stage



Nurture Campaigns


Welcome Email

Post Purchase

Feature Announcements


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Publishing Cadence

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Channel + Cadence


Post / Publishing Frequency