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Elementary CTL

February 19, 2019

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Love is in the air…

But so is the flu.

Wash your hands!

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Let’s Talk!

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  • Digital Learning Day, February 28th
  • Badge Awards
  • Google Summit
  • TCEA Share
  • CTL Survey

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Final Meeting Date for 2019: March 27th � 1:00-4:00 Room 208

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Digital Learning Day

Digital Learning Day is Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tweet Pictures of Classroom Technology Projects to:� @LubbockISD @LubbockDL #DLDay

Check out the 2 for 1 Badge Special this week only. Click here to see the badge challenges.

Submissions can be made beginning Sunday, Feb. 24th

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Google Summit

Summit $249�Pre-Summit $199

Register Now

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Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

We like to play games

And give prizes too!

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TCEA Sharing

Kori McNeal - Smith Elementary

Kayla Davis - Waters Elementary

Jessica Brown - Evans Middle School

Lindsey Sobehrad - Hardwick Elementary

Lauren Hickman

Candace Tickle

Slides Link

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Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

We like to play games

And give prizes too!

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CTL Survey

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Planning for next time!

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Turn Around:

  • Digital Learning Day
  • Badges
  • Google Summit
  • TCEA resources*